New to engi ;o

New to engi ;o

in Engineer

Posted by: Banzie.5248


So i’ve got about 4 other level 80s, Thief, Guardian, Ranger and Warrior. Guardian being my most player, geared, and favorite so far. But I gave engi a swing a while back and found it really fun, but switch back over to guardian cause I believed their survivability and usefulness was a lot better in WvW.

However I want to start up an engi again, I run with a Razer Naga Gaming mouse so I have all my Side skills set up on that. And the standard 1-5 on the weapon skills. Just wondering what some of your guys advice for a newer engi player would be once I hit 80. A good general build and set up for weapons, armor and skills

Thanks in advance!

Isle Of Janthir

New to engi ;o

in Engineer

Posted by: Sagramor.7395


If you can make it work with justifiable trait/utility/gear/weapon choices it’s viable. That’s the beauty of the Engineer.

New to engi ;o

in Engineer

Posted by: Sitkaz.5463


Try everything. All the kits, all the weapons, all the skills. Then when you have favourites, try them all again anyway. I’ve gone from “I’ll never use turrets” to full turret engineer, then “I’ll never use kits” to full kits, then “wth are rocket boots even for, this is stupid” to rocket boots always on my skill bar… Engineers are all about experimentation and adaptability. Try it all until you find what fits!