New to engineer

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Revolutionen.5693


Hi guys. For an entire year I’ve only played thief in PvP, but with the new meta and the amount of rage I’m recieving I feel like trying something different. I looked though all the classes and I thought engineer seemed like the most fun one.

I checked out metabattle and found two builds; Celestial hammer and Marauder hammer, which one would be easiest for beginners? Does anyone know any good guides or videos about any of the builds?

Thanks in advance

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: ulchanar.4309


I’m also new to the class and found this guide yesterday:

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t link the video I watched yesteray and can’t find it now, have to check my browser at home later.

EDIT2: Here it is:

(edited by ulchanar.4309)

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Smacker.6329


Wolfineer is the place to go!

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: basz.6129


Mara hammer 4 lyfe

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


marauder and cele are pretty much the same build. cele wont kill things easily but also will be harder to kill.

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