New to engineer

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Bunmaster.9734


Up until recently i have used my engineer as a mule, but it proved to be rather fun after playing around a bit with her.

My question is, how viable is FT for dungeons? Can it pull it’s own weight Dps-wise? I don’t plan to get very serious with my engineer, but also don’t want to kitten a group too much (probably going 10/30/0/30/0 and zerker).

And my 2nd question is, Sigils with effects on weapon swapping. Do they work when i swap between let’s say P/P and Kit? Or only from Kit to Kit?

New to engineer

in Engineer

Posted by: Acarius.3052


FT is meh DPS wise, and bringing it into a dungeon might no be the best choice because of its relatively short range. It tends to miss a lot too. Grenades can do a lot more damage especially if you have incendiary powder to add burning or precise sights to add vulnerability. Also, grenades have a longer range to allow you to stay out of danger.

Sigils’ effects work whenever you swap, so from both p/p to kit, and kit to kit.