1) You ruined the only sustained damage method engineers had access to, that could even compare to warriors (Anets long-loved baby that shall never be harmed).
2) You justify this ruination with almost self-degrading posts talking about how ‘awesome’ it will be using something like a Sigil of Air with a flamethrower. Really? Last I checked, those internal cooldowns of 10 seconds kind of prohibit such abuse. Even if you’re triggering them faster, it’ll likely take 1-2 more seconds for another class to proc it at worst.
3) You toss salt in the wounds by putting damage on flash grenade and poison grenade. Initially I was like ‘well this isn’t so b-’ then I looked at the damage numbers. Really? I think box of nails does more damage than flash grenade.
The good thing to come from this patch:
Change to Shrapnel trait. I was honestly expecting (after this series of kicks to the metaphorical groin) you to have nerfed Shrapnels bleed duration, but you didn’t, so I thank you for that.
Wanna fix this? Make the nerf to the auto-attack’s damage between 5-10% damage. 5% for force, and 5% for accuracy (I know that’s not how it works but shh). 30% makes it seem like we’re getting our weapon’s stats applied to kits. You didn’t even bother improving other kits (golly gee my flamethrower is doing 1600 damage over 2.25 seconds on dummies!? My grenade kit was doing > 1k per auto on dummies pre-patch).
PS: If people start saying condition damage on engineer is a viable sustained DPS method, please go to another thread – there are plenty where the math is run, and it’s proven that condition engineer is like running a healing support ranger. I’ll admit the shrapnel grenade does make condition damage engineer far more appealing (75% of your condition damage applied on each proc of shrapnel!), but that was before this patch. Now I just feel like vomiting since our DPS is now comparable to a rangers (no offense – it’s just the depressing truth).