Non Nade damage build?
you gotta run nades post mortar nerf
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Not really. There is a wide range of possibilities : from hgh based build to s/d or bomb based builds . I am not saying they are the best, but for spvp they are really really viable and good. For example i am having a lot of fun with this build i paste. You will say it has not damage …. try to stack up might and then, when fighting go on try to switch to mortar and see when you have > 12 stack of might or more… it is quite strong.
Also you have 2 blast ( eg and mortar toolbet ) and a lot of field. It is not the best build probably but i can ensure you it is really really viable .. and it has no nades or bombs . Before patch there was none really viable build without nades and bombs … except berserker s/d .;2Z-ku0o5-Q-x0;9;4jkl;0058157136;4U-1;3CoF2CoF22x
Basic SD power builds don’t use nades if made barrage wasnt bugged right now you’d prob dish out more raw damage with rifle turret, toolkit and mines/utility goggles when traited to SD.
Basic SD power builds don’t use nades
if made barrage wasnt bugged right now you’d prob dish out more raw damage with rifle turret, toolkit and mines/utility goggles when traited to SD.
Even when it’s fixed. I know S/d isnt bad, but when barrage is fixed, it wont change the damage that s/d does vs the Others.
Mortar is still good (fields are awesome tbh) and bomb kits is strong as well. I still got runes of strength + HGH on engie that works really nice.
For a change I don’t play with nades now (except underwater since often you get 4(!) grenades).
Other builds like SD and bombs are fun but Nades are still far and away our best Kit, aka our best skill.
Sadly this patch didnt change a whole lot for Engineer, we are still stuck taking nades if we want to play optimally.
Mortar is still good (fields are awesome tbh) and bomb kits is strong as well. I still got runes of strength + HGH on engie that works really nice.
For a change I don’t play with nades now (except underwater since often you get 4(!) grenades).
Still skeptical on bombs. They dont help well on ranged opponents. I dont think they do well to burst down either. For example if a War comes ins for burst or a thief. The damage it does to them wouldnt make them stop their burst. Ive seen alot of people take the damage not even thinking of healing because they thought I’d die.( I had my AED+EMR so they were pretty salty afterwards) but you get my point right? Is there a certain way bombs should be handled?
bombs in a condi build can be strong too. I played a lot with teldo build with bomb and toolkit, ( also koroshi in wvw have a similar build ) . It is only a matter to get used to timing of bombs in my opinion
bombs in a condi build can be strong too. I played a lot with teldo build with bomb and toolkit, ( also koroshi in wvw have a similar build ) . It is only a matter to get used to timing of bombs in my opinion
Makes sense. I’ll give bombs a try in a condi build.
Also would like to note that i prefer to play a bunker role in pvp, but it seems harder and harder with each balance patch.
yes becouse now it is more a dps oriented game …
You can use flamethrower / bombs / elixier gun, but you will be weaker. Nades are essential for vuln stacking and F?, #2, #4 and #5 deal massive damage. It’s a waste to not take this powerful kit, but yea – you “can” play without it.
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