Non-grenade PvE builds
I use Static Discharge. My only boons are Vigor and Swiftness. It gets the job done quite efficiently. You could also try zerker bombs. Bombs are pretty bad, though, in my experience given the delay between a player dropping one and it actually exploding. However, they can be pretty fun despite their slow “swing speed” if you will.
Lately i had fun with Coated Bullets. It always gets better the more enemies come at you, and clustering them together with your movement and Glue Shot for maximum efficiency is pretty good fun in my book, as the challange changes with the terrain and the enemies abilities. On my utilities and healing i have some elixirs with the trait line pumped to 20 and given them faster recharge and condition removal, and lastly either flamethrower or elixir gun for at least one alternative kit for cooldowns on the pistols (or against pesky projectile reflection)
C’mon, seriously.
There have to be some out there. Spamming Grenade 1 is giving me carpal tunnel and I just don’t find it fun.
Show me the love.
There are quite a few builds out there, but most are tailored to the individual. Just pick and choose there mate.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you want something more complex try this: (copy/paste my post from other topic)
Ive tried something what was mentioned by one guy in another topic as “kit juggle” and its much more powerful then HGH grenades (probably 50% better damage output), harder to master and incredibly fun.
Build is something like this:
Berserk gear, Sigil of Battle and 2x Altruism runes (+ trait) keeps about 10 stack of might all the time. Rest of runes are moderate you can use Divinity, Ruby orbs or something like that. will keep other 15 stacks is you fight with normal mobs:-P this will be better on tougher mobs
You can use Elixir Gun (Acid Bomb) instead Tool Kit but I prefer this because of 2 high damage skills and Throw Wrench work better with Static Discharge. Basicly idea is swaping between highest damage AoE skills with low cooldown and make efective rotation from them.
Rotation is something like this:
Swap on Medkit (and use stimulant if on cooldown) ? Barrage ? Throw Wrench ? Incediary Ammo (these three first also for SD) ? Blunderbuss ? Jumpshot (on place) ? Shrapnel Grenade ? Freeze Grenade ? Flame Blast ? Prybar.
Now half of skills are on about 20s cd so till Barrage recharge rotate: Blunderbuss ? Shrapnell ? Flame Blast.
This build needs lots of practice but result damage output is insane:-)
Tekkit’s Workshop
This build helped me a lot while leveling and it really rocks at level 80:
Right now, I’m using a hybrid gadget/turret condition build that focuses on Burning everything that isn’t immune to Burning, and Static Discharge+Mines on everything ever.
Most things crumple from Napalm (and Static Discharge)→Rocket Kick(and Static Discharge)→Blowtorch, and the Mines are a great spike/boon remover. Thumper turret can always be switched in instead of Rocket Boots, but part of the charm of this build is low cooldowns all around.
That must be a build really fun to play
It’s pretty fun, though the Rocket Boots really don’t see a lot of use except for comic relief.
Don’t ignore the strength of the Flamethrower. Traiting out for FT you also get boosts for EG so running a FT/EG setup with Zerker gear (I throw in a couple pieces of Rampager) and 6x Altruism runes nets you easy stacks of might, and might/fury spreading to your party by swapping in & out of MedKit every 10 secs. Or take the HT with P/S and you can drop the turret, overcharge it, shield blast it, detonate it for 2x aoe healing + regen & condition removal. Not to mention EG’s #5. This setup gives you a lot of utility and group support, all the while allowing you to dps at medium range so your HT/Altruism hits all your party. All this without carpal tunnel or elixir spamming.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
(edited by Seras.5702)
This build helped me a lot while leveling and it really rocks at level 80:
How is your survivability in dungeons going full Zerker with only 10 points in Alchemy? Also, you said this which raised an eyebrow:
- You won’t have great condition removers but your range from the monsters will compensate.
Isn’t the Rifle best used at close range?
OP: I use the Flamethrower and Elixir Gun. Try them out.
…Isn’t the Rifle best used at close range?…
I find the rifle is best used as a control weapon. Its autoattack lets you sit back for a long range option and netshot lets you keep that range. Otherwise, swap back to your kit. Rifle deals more damage at closer range yes, but you’ll deal more damage in your kits. It’s how I’ve always felt most effective: rifle for control, pistol for conditions, back to kit for majority of your time. That’s obviously a very rudimentry explanation but you get the idea.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
I got a fun Bomb build. 30/20/0/0/20. Traits are III, VII, and X in Explosives. II and V in Firearms. III and whatever else you fancy in Tools
Berserker armor with Cavalier Jewelery, 2 Superior runes of Altruism and the rest is Ruby Orbs.
Berserker Rifle and Major Sigil of Battle. Utilities are Medkit, Bomb Kit, Mine, Utility Goggles and of course Supply Crate.
You start battle with Netshot and an Auto-Attack from your Rifle, switching to Medkit to hit 5 for Fury, along with Utility Goggles and Analyze. You got 8 might, 20 seconds of Fury and the foe has 15 vulnerability at this point.
Switch to Bomb Kit drop Mine Field, Fire Bomb and Big Ol’ Bomb, switching back to Rifle you hit Jump Shot, detonate Mine Field in mid air, and Big Ol’ Bomb goes off not long after you land. Then you pretty much use Bomb Kit from there switching to Medkit for Might/Fury occassionally and Rifle for some more Vulnerability.
I do about 3K-3.5K per Bomb auto-attack, Mine Field can do upwards of 8-12K depending on how many hit/crit