Nonexistant Tools minor trait
Welcome to what is currently the stagnant world of Engineer/Scrapper. You’ll notice a similar effect when you attempt to fight that isn’t an NPC without the Alchemy line and HGH.
Anyway… going to keep bringing this back up for the entire week before every patch.
The current trait is 15% recharge on tool belt skills, this trait alone as a minor.
Every other class mechanic CDR is a grandmaster minor+the original 5(25) trait AS WELL.
The toolbeltskill recharge under 25% health was nice, It would be great if they brought it back, maybe put it in place of “Optimized activation” or “Excessive Energy” because those minors are pretty useless imo.
Thief only has a 15% CDR on steal so its normal that they get an additional damage bonus but mesmer gets a 15% CRD on 5 shatter skills + confusion duration increase and eles get an extra 10% boon duration. Guardian get 15% CDR on 3 virtues + 1% damage increase for every boon. Ranger 20% CDR on pet swap + a damage bonus. Our minor doesn’t seem half bad especially when compared to that of the thief.
Our “Excessive Energy” (10% damage increase when full endurance bar) minor on the other hand is really weak when compared to warriors “Stick And Move” (10% damage increase when non full endurance bar).
(edited by santenal.1054)
Thought I would throw this out there again since I don’t see any other way this would ever be brought up..
Since the June 2015 patch Engis middle tools minor is literally nothing…
If you take tools you are choosing to have five traits instead of six.
So there used to be a minor trait in the middle of tools 3(15). That would recharge all tool belt skills under 25% on a 90 sec ICD, just like the inventions one for healing skills.
but what about the trait in its place?
The current trait is 15% recharge on tool belt skills, this trait alone as a minor.
Every other class mechanic traitline has CDR as a grandmaster minor+the original 5(25) trait AS WELL.
The trait to recharge the tool belt skills 15% faster is the minor stat on that traitline before they removed major and minor stats from traitlines and completely reworked the trait system.
Remember like you used to get extra ferocity and tool belt recharge from Tools up to 15% if you spent full points into it or power and expertise (condi duration) from Explosives line. Every class had a class mechanic stat on their core class mechanic traitline. This has never changed.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
So there used to be a minor trait in the middle of tools 3(15). That would recharge all tool belt skills under 25% on a 90 sec ICD, just like the inventions one for healing skills.
but what about the trait in its place?The current trait is 15% recharge on tool belt skills, this trait alone as a minor.
Every other class mechanic traitline has CDR as a grandmaster minor+the original 5(25) trait AS WELL.
I remember when that used to be a trait!!
It was really fun with static discharge.
Wait so tools has 1 less trait then the other classes mechanic traitlines?
Thats messed up.
If the amount of effects per traitline were even on each class.
It could be really good for balance between core/elite spec
Wait so tools has 1 less trait then the other classes mechanic traitlines?
Even tho it got nerfed recently (well, made more reliable and useful in my personal opinion), kinetic battery is our 2nd class mechanic trait. And in its current state, it has awesome synergy with scrapper. No idea how well it’ll interact with holosmith.