Normalizing Toss Elixir H

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Susulemon.3204



Right now most of the toss elixir skills have an outcome you can fully expect, which I think was a really good direction to take, so what do you guys think about having that for elixir H as well?

Right now you either gain Protection for 5 seconds, or Regen or Vigor for 10 seconds

I was thinking, to be both balanced and useful, protection duration shouldn’t be compromised since it can easily be useless if it’s too short and you don’t get hit during that time. But on the other hand, regeneration and vigor both will more likely to benefit you regardless of duration since it’s less passive than protection.

And since elixir builds don’t usually have the capacity to pick up invigorating speed, Vigor it probably more desirable than Regen

So the skill can then turn into something like:

“On toss, gain 4 seconds of Vigor (reduced duration from 10 to balance the skill), and with a chance of gaining 4 seconds of protection OR 8 seconds of regen”

To me it seems like a nice idea because you get more reliable gameplay, and with the overall duration reduction on the boons as the trade off it seems fair, what do you guys think?

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Chaba.5410


I’ve had a similar thought after trying some elixir and grenades build, but I’d rather see regen as the standard boon since it is a heal skill and the regen provides at least some protection if you toss grenades into a retal-buffed group. IDK.

Chaba Tangnu
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Admiral Zombie.8624

Admiral Zombie.8624

I wouldn’t mind seeing the boons on the normal skill normalized. Popping the heal in the middle of a battle and getting swiftness is always such a letdown compared to if I get protection. Unless you’re running an HGH build, I think most people go with either the turret or the kit anyways. It would be nice if it just gave all of the boons rather than a single random one. Although that may be a little strong, it is the weakest of the heals without HGH and/or 409 traits, although the kit has the advantage of being “use a heal skill” when swapping to it, and the turret creates a waterfield and provides the biggest flat heal when properly chained if I remember correctly. Once you include 409 and HGH it is slightly comparable, but just barely behind healing kit IMO since the 15point trait of recharge toolbelt skills.

The toss function can be just as bad, although at that point I’m usually relying on it for the 409 or HGH functions. It would still be nice if both the base and the toss skills were normalized.

If some kind of normalization were to occur, I would like to see it occur for toss elixir B as well. At least that main skill is consistent unlike Elixir H.

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Susulemon.3204


@Admiral Zombie

They did in a sense normalize elixir B, because you know you will always get stability, which is quite a big boost already!

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Writetyper.1985


Toss elixir H and toss elixir B are fine. They ARE normailzed. They will always give you a defensive boon for elixir H or a defensive boon for elixir B. I find it difficult to believe you will notice the effect that these have in a fight, especially considering the short durations on all of them.

Mortryde/Cold/Thugmentalist Bara
really bad engineer

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


the best thing would be always have protection on elixir H and always have vigor on toss H while giving another boon randomly. the problem is, if the devs follow the same logic of toss b, they will increase the cooldown, which can hurt alot.

Now since we’re on the subject of normalizing, what about the toss radius? right now H is 240 while B and S are 180. That doesn’t seem to follow any logic.

Furthermore, supporting allies is extremely hard when you have to toss stuff at a friendly moving target (which you can’t immobilize, cripple or chill to hit easier!). I find myself saying on TS alot of times “don’t move, giving you stability/stealth” which is absurd in a pvp/wvw enviroment.

Unless ofc, tossed elixirs were never meant as a full support thing, which then again could also justify changing the way they are delivered. something like elixir gun toolbelt would be preferable, to me at least.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Normalizing Toss Elixir H

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1867


Yeah they really either need to put the most group useful skill on the utility slot and the put the more self beneficial or the lesser beneficial of that elixir on the tool belt skill. or they could simply make both the utility and the tool belt skill just work in an AoE off of you and drop the ground targeting altogether……Personally I would love to ditch the ground targeting on tool belt skills as a whole.

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