Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


With situations like this going on, I can’t help but wonder if they may they are finally going to consider letting us hide those things.

They serve no purpose beyond aesthetics (I mean honestly: if you can’t determine whether an engineer is running flamethrower or grenade kit without it, a backpack isn’t going to help you), so I see no reason why we shouldn’t be given the ability to hide if they get in the way.

They clip with many armors, look hideous with some of my favorite sets, and we see at least one of these “Please let us hide kit backpacks” threads once a week.

I plead with you Arenanet- have mercy on our poor, unloved souls! For those of us who do not like a big bulky backpack… give us the ability to hide them! I don’t care if you put a big neon sign over my nameplate stating which kit I’m using, or a buff icon to do the same… just let me get rid of that hideous thing ruining my armor set when I try to run kits!

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: NickDollahZ.5348


Bomb kit and Tool kit has the same backpack ironically enough. As much as I am annoyed by the kit backpacks. There is more pressing issues with the Engineer. More creative ques would be welcome though.

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: PWNcakesAndROFLs.8263


It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.

We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.

As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


It’s something we’re absolutely aware of and want to address in the future, one of my main characters is an engineer so I feel ya on this one. My poor quaggan backpack is visible like 2% of the time I play as I kit swap, never mind my weapon skins.

We’re currently focusing our engineering (programmers, not guys with net guns) resources that could work on solutions to issues like kits/skins on major systems that address issues higher priority and wider reaching like lag in large battles, LFG, custom arenas, spectator mode and so on but this issue is absolutely on our radar.

As always, please post your ideas of what you’d like to see solution wise, we love to see the fun ideas y’all come up with too!

Yaaaaaaaaaay! That makes me a happy engineer. =D

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: Aleksander.2965


That comment is a nice read and is good to hear that they are looking into it.

Here are two threads with suggestions and ideas concerning the matter.

It’d be nice if you could give your support to these threads, even if it is only a little bump!

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: Super Riceman.8702

Super Riceman.8702

“Insanity is putting a back pack on an engineer and expecting a different result”
“Nearly all engi’s can withstand adversity, but if you want to test an engi’s character, give him power to hide his kit”
“You must be the change you want to see in backpacks”
“A backpack covered cannot stand”

There is only one god and its name is nerf. There is only one thing we say to nerf, not today

Ode to the unsightly kit backpacks...

in Engineer

Posted by: Halcyon.7352


I know it’s a bug, but I’ve come to… actually appreciate the fact that back slot items clip through kit backpacks.

When I have my Mad Memories book on, the flames give the appearance that my FT kit is on fire. (As hazardous as that may seem).

And with the new Karka Sclerite piece, my kits have tentacles emerging from them.

Almost seems like a form of ghetto customization. Still, a way to actually have some measure of control over this would be ideal.

Tarnished Coast Engineer and… general alt-o-holic.

For the toast!