One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Splarv.6180


The second weapon slot of engineer was removed to enforce use weapon kits. Weapon kits now is a skill. But will be better make weapon kits and device kits as virtual equip items showed only on equip panel and give engineer second weapon slot. Thus will be much more convinient and fun. Engineer will can mix, for instance, pistolets and a rifle at low levels, the mixture gun and flamethrower at high level, improve them with sigil, use sigil “of swap weapons” and even mix for instance one handed weapons pistolet and grenade. Grenade obviosly must be one handed weapon with separated skill for right and left hand. Even med kit may be one handed virtual “weapon” with bandage skill for right hand and mixture for left.

But may be main reason of this is I want to switch between the elixir gun and the flamethrottle by the ` key without using convention weapon at all.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Sporadicus.1028


This looks like it was translated with Google. I’ll try to make it look better.

Splarv said:

“The second weapon slot of the engineer was removed to force players to use weapon kits. This is why a weapon kits are selectable skills. To make weapon kits better, engineers should have a second swappable virtual weapon slot devoted only to engineer kits. This will add more fun and convenience. Engineers can mix various forms of kits and class weapons (for example pistols and rifle at low levels, elixir gun and Flamethrower at high levels), improve them with sigils and benefit from the “on swap” sigils as well, and even mix weapons like pistol and grenades (which grenade is obviously a one-handed weapon). Even medkits could be one handed “virtual” weapon with bandage for right and elixir for left.

This may be because I want to be able to switch between the Elixir Gun and the Flamethrower by using the ` key without using the conventional weapon at all. "

I’m not trying to make him seem like an idiot. Just trying to be friendly and help others out.

Malkin Rawl – Charr Engineer, Tarnished Coast
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


The second weapon slot of engineer was removed to enforce use weapon kits.

I got this far then had to stop. You have proof of this? Your making assumptions, then basing an entire concept on said assumptions.

We are the only class that has a ranged weapon that can be used in combination with a shield.

I see no logic in assuming they are trying to force anyone to use kits. As I see it, they simply thought it more balanced to not allow weapon swapping after seeing how many option we had if or when we used kits.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Anymras.5729


I wish I could equip a secondary weapon – even if the secondary weapon was just one of my Weapon kits. Then I might actually use kits to begin with, instead of going “Well, I can either get a lackluster ability to repair my turrets and do some other melee stuff, various types of long-range attack when my current methods work just fine, or I can just get another turret…Yeah, I’ll take the turret.” So, y’know. I kinda like this idea. It reminds me of one I had, but mine was probably overcomplicated.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


And why would you just read the first line of a thread then feel like you have a right to comment?

Why? Because the Op is making a claim based on pure assumption, and attempting to state it as a fact.

My point is that he is saying we do not have a weapons swap in spite of kits. I am suggesting the opposite. As well, I believe the fact that we can use a ranged pistol and a shield in combination together could possibly play a part in that decision as well.

Not to mention, if you try to read past that, it is worded confusingly and some what difficult to comprehend in detail.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


You should really stop trying to tell me what I am saying and just take what I say at face value.

As well, you should grow up and stop berating me because the OP made a difficult post to comprehend.

Also, feel free to send me some money to buy me a game and toss in some gems cash while your at it. Because until you pay for the game for me, you will not tell me how to play, and your certainly not going to tell me what my opinion is allowed to be and what conversations I can participate in.

I disagree with him and will post on it all I like, if that hurts your feelings, well tough crackers pal.

Let me simplify it for you. Some classes have options via weapons swap, some attunements, some because of utility kit options and unique ranged weapon with shield options.

Stop being such a forum Nazi. If you dislike what I had to say, put me on ignore or report it.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


How is this:
“I want to play engineer, but I don’t want to have kits and I want more weapon options and weapon swap possible.”

different from this:
“I want to play my guardian. I don’t need more weapon options or swaps, just give me my kits.”

Sorry for being captain obvious: go play another class. TQ!

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


How is this. Engineers do not have weapons swaps, so either adjust and stop complaining or play another class.

We have no need to rebuild the entire class to suit two complainers and hose the rest of us.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


Sry to OP for making this an arguement thread…

Good idea…I dont know about dual wielding nades but it would look cool.

I think fixing the weapon swap sigils for kits is a must and you should retain your stats when you switch.

It would also be nice to have the secondary weapon slot unlock when you dont have a kit equiped so now matter how you want to play you can have a secondary option!

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Strifer.3507


How is this. Engineers do not have weapons swaps, so either adjust and stop complaining or play another class.

We have no need to rebuild the entire class to suit two complainers and hose the rest of us.

heh heh look at you all mad…good job standing up for your rights. I stand corrected you have the right to tell everyone about how stupid their ideas are so the forum is just theads with screenshots.

And its really you complaining in his thread.

And its seems like you cant deal with the fact that some people dont like how your favorite class is.

AND in your own post you say not to tell you how to play the game and then you end it by telling people to go play another class!

power/rifle build
condition/pistol build
elixir build
survival/turret build
survival/utility build
power/toolbelt build

And many more experimental builds

No one is telling you how to play an Engineer. Engineer class don’t force you to one type of play style. The class don’t need an overhaul of mechanics to suit YOUR play style.

But if you’d like weapon swapping and/or more weapon options, you can always roll a ranger or warrior if straightforward range dps favors you. No one’s stopping you from rerolling another class that fits your playstyle more. “Engineer” is just a word. Its not a playstyle. You can always replace the “Engineer” word with “ranger” or “warrior” or “thief” or “mesmer” or “necromancer” or “guardian” which suits your play style.

TL;DR: Go play other class. TQ!

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


^ thanx for the input,

I have decided I will not overhaul the class. I was going to implement all the changes in this post by the next patch but you guys coming to this thread and explaining how I was so wrong has changed my mind and now I have decided that this will be the first MMO in history that no changes will ever be made to the game mechanics.

Also forums will stictly be for bug reporting, PvP pwn videos and writing sweet love poems about the first game to ever get it completely right.

(which of those builds do weapon swap sigils work on? just curious cuz thts the one I will use!)

(edited by CriSPeH.8512)

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I like my no cooldown kits that allows me to have 5 different weapon sets. Don’t take that away from me because you don’t enjoy it. Engineer was balanced around no weapon swapping because of our kits and it’s something really unique to our profession that no other profession can say they have. Elementalist come close to it, but with a cooldown on their Attunements, they fall a bit short of that goal.

Edit: Kits are going to be able to be boosted with Sigils, ArenaNet is working on it so be a bit patient. Oh, and I’m paraphrasing but I remember something along the lines of two handed weapons being able to equip two sigils, so our Rifle usage will increase as well.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: CriSPeH.8512


I like my no cooldown kits that allows me to have 5 different weapon sets. Don’t take that away from me because you don’t enjoy it. Engineer was balanced around no weapon swapping because of our kits and it’s something really unique to our profession that no other profession can say they have. Elementalist come close to it, but with a cooldown on their Attunements, they fall a bit short of that goal.

Edit: Kits are going to be able to be boosted with Sigils, ArenaNet is working on it so be a bit patient. Oh, and I’m paraphrasing but I remember something along the lines of two handed weapons being able to equip two sigils, so our Rifle usage will increase as well.

I totally agree with you I dont want to lose my kit 1 sec CD, I really dont want kits changed at all except to be coehesive with stats and sigils, which would is awesome if they are working on it.

I only want a secondary weapon when I decide I want to play without kits, I love kits but playing all gadgets or a mixture of turrets and elixirs can be fun and it would be nice if I could have a secondary weapon so i can still take advantage of things like the weapon swap sigil. Even if sigils work with kits on swap sigils will still be useless to the people who dont use them.

Its just my opinion, I will keep playing my engineer and have fun regardless.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I like my no cooldown kits that allows me to have 5 different weapon sets. Don’t take that away from me because you don’t enjoy it. Engineer was balanced around no weapon swapping because of our kits and it’s something really unique to our profession that no other profession can say they have. Elementalist come close to it, but with a cooldown on their Attunements, they fall a bit short of that goal.

Edit: Kits are going to be able to be boosted with Sigils, ArenaNet is working on it so be a bit patient. Oh, and I’m paraphrasing but I remember something along the lines of two handed weapons being able to equip two sigils, so our Rifle usage will increase as well.

I totally agree with you I dont want to lose my kit 1 sec CD, I really dont want kits changed at all except to be coehesive with stats and sigils, which would is awesome if they are working on it.

I only want a secondary weapon when I decide I want to play without kits, I love kits but playing all gadgets or a mixture of turrets and elixirs can be fun and it would be nice if I could have a secondary weapon so i can still take advantage of things like the weapon swap sigil. Even if sigils work with kits on swap sigils will still be useless to the people who dont use them.

Its just my opinion, I will keep playing my engineer and have fun regardless.

I respect that but I wouldn’t hold my breathe. The coding to take a Utility skill and make it a fully function weapon must be pretty daunting by itself. So I even if ArenaNet thought this was on their to-do list, I would expect it in at least a half a year due to the large bug list we currently have.

And yes, ArenaNet did mention a while that they are making Kits work with Sigils. But, with barely anything to go on, we can rely that it will come Soon.

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Magic Night.1308

Magic Night.1308

This looks like it was translated with Google. I’ll try to make it look better.

Splarv said:

“The second weapon slot of the engineer was removed to force players to use weapon kits. This is why a weapon kits are selectable skills. To make weapon kits better, engineers should have a second swappable virtual weapon slot devoted only to engineer kits. This will add more fun and convenience. Engineers can mix various forms of kits and class weapons (for example pistols and rifle at low levels, elixir gun and Flamethrower at high levels), improve them with sigils and benefit from the “on swap” sigils as well, and even mix weapons like pistol and grenades (which grenade is obviously a one-handed weapon). Even medkits could be one handed “virtual” weapon with bandage for right and elixir for left.

This may be because I want to be able to switch between the Elixir Gun and the Flamethrower by using the ` key without using the conventional weapon at all. "

I’m not trying to make him seem like an idiot. Just trying to be friendly and help others out.

Thanks for for the explanation, honestly I was really confused at first what the OP was saying, lol, no offensed intended Splarv

One more idea how to implement weapon kits.

in Engineer

Posted by: Westley.4716


This looks like it was translated with Google. I’ll try to make it look better.

Splarv said:

“The second weapon slot of the engineer was removed to force players to use weapon kits. This is why a weapon kits are selectable skills. To make weapon kits better, engineers should have a second swappable virtual weapon slot devoted only to engineer kits. This will add more fun and convenience. Engineers can mix various forms of kits and class weapons (for example pistols and rifle at low levels, elixir gun and Flamethrower at high levels), improve them with sigils and benefit from the “on swap” sigils as well, and even mix weapons like pistol and grenades (which grenade is obviously a one-handed weapon). Even medkits could be one handed “virtual” weapon with bandage for right and elixir for left.

This may be because I want to be able to switch between the Elixir Gun and the Flamethrower by using the ` key without using the conventional weapon at all. "

I’m not trying to make him seem like an idiot. Just trying to be friendly and help others out.

I’m merely browsing these forums to see if other classes suffer from the same perils as my main, an Elementalist. I was taken aback by the time you took to straighten out the OPs message as English obviously wasn’t his first language. Huge props and respect to you for this. Just wanted to say thanks.