Overview of recent changes?
Been following this for a time now, haven’t been any improvements and in fact they’ve been nerfing every solid build every time there’s a major patch.
The next one on the chopping block will most likely be the FT HGH, just a matter of time. I personally would recommend not bothering until someone over there decides to take this class and the testing of these classes seriously. They need a PTR that’s the only valid way of testing in this genre and until they do that we’ll continue to have this backpedaling.
I’ve been waiting not only for them to actually fix this class so it doesn’t take me 30 hits to kill something but also so I don’t have to switch to a new build with every patch because it costs gold to change everything out. I sure hope someone’s listening over there. My husband logged in tonight and the world looked absolutely dead. Not sure where everyone was but our server had like 1 person in it for the 1 hour he was running around in zones.
I remember november. Really good month, until the fated grenade-nerf/elixir-gun fix came rolling out.
So far, changes to the engineer include
-Moderate turret buffs: They were good but not as much as most asked for, although they are useable now in normal builds, just not so great on their own.
-HgH now gives two stacks of might per elixir drunk (not thrown): Seemed pretty minor, changed the engi meta.
-Moderate flamethrower buffs: Flamethrower is alright now. Look up Naks builds.
-Minor bug fixes: Pretty much across the board. Although we still have very terrible bugs like the asura elixir s camera bug
About the engineer meta. Look up might stacking HgH builds or Maskaganda video. Coupled with might or boon duration runes engineers can become the new d/d eles.
EDIT: oh oh, also. Someone found out how to burst people down (like a thief) with the engineer and created the infamous 100-nades build. It upset everyone so much that it eventually got removed from the game. It was very controversial, and quite frankly looked like an exploit (although it may have not been). It still got old kit refinement removed.
(edited by JohnDied.3476)
a quite important fix/buff that have been is that:
Weapon stats now work on our Kits
Sigils now work on our Kits
Prybar now gives 5 stacks of confusion for 5 seconds, instead of 3 for 3 seconds, making it one of the best skills we have!
Also to cut it short, Power builds for Engineer’s is still a bit lack luster beside Grenade builds, and few FT builds that people get to work, but our condition damage builds have never been stronger, we are the supreme condition damage dealer both in sPvP and WvW at the given time! We have insane accres to all the damage conditions, so it get’s pretty silly from time to time :P
Edit: Also we still have a insane high amount of negativity on our Engineer forums, so you will need to get used to that
WvW Roaming movies!
Is static discharge build 7still up to date? Or did Arena Net nerf it as well?
Static discharge hasn’t been nerfed. It probably won’t ever be seeing as how it hasn’t been yet. It’s funny because someone necro’d a five month old thread about static discharge and engies (back then) were going on about how it would be nerfed right away. This was before found out that it has its own drawbacks.
Edit: Also we still have a insane high amount of negativity on our Engineer forums, so you will need to get used to that
Self fulfilling prophecies mate