P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: Goloith.6349


Like the titles says, what are most P/P Engineers using, Coated Bullets or Elixir B?….or which one of the two do you view better (if you use both).

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


Like the titles says, what are most P/P Engineers using, Coated Bullets or Elixir B?….or which one of the two do you view better (if you use both).

I have just made a new build using P/P so i can’t say a lot.

I run exlixir B as a utility skill and i dont think a trait drinking another one would be too usefull, i am now running 0-30-0-30-10 for HGH and using toolkits and elixer B will get u several stacks of might for a long time.

Now for coated bullets, after playing around 10 tourneys i think this trait is too important to replace. Not only does it get rid of my problem that mesmer clones/pets/minions block projectiles but proper positioning near nodes can put conditions on every target on the node.

This is ofcourse in PvP, for PvE i can’t tell u anything.

TL;DR = coated bullets for PvP.

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: kokocabana.8153


I’m confused. One is a trait and the other is a skill. I can and do use both. I’ve started trying out elixir C and S for WvW.

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: DDog.4350


I’m confused. One is a trait and the other is a skill. I can and do use both. I’ve started trying out elixir C and S for WvW.

I thought he was talking about hidden flask, but as this is a minor trait it is so easy to use both tho. i think hidden flask is a waste if u use it as a utility skill tho.

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: Goloith.6349


It has a Hidden Flask has a 90 second cooldown so that’s why I’m wondering if it’s still a good idea to have the potion as well. I’m not running HGH either. My blowtorch already stacks a 12 second burn with my 100% duration build so I’m wondering if it’s really necessary to have the other burn.

i7 920 OC 4.2Ghz, 2x 6970s in Eyefinity mode
Davidah (Guardian) Goloith (Engineer)
Achuni (Mesmer) Doreanora (Thief)

P/P Coated Bullets or Elixir B

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


hidden flask,together with B, is a great way of making those 4 boons pretty much permanent or at the very least have double the uptime. it’s probably the best minor trait in the game. ofc, it all depends on how much you invested into alchemy.
coated bullets is very helpful in some situations and useless in others, I’d probably drop that one if I had to make a choice, I struggled with that decision alot of times :p

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