PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


I am curious if anyone has actually crunched the numbers and found out which kit pumps out more DPS, including both of their respective tool kit abilities. Big ole Bomb can hit for over 15k, while grenade barrage can hit extremely hard as well. I am trying to decide which to run, but before going out there and testing was curious if anyone had already done the testing to find out which is more optimal for PVE, mainly boss killing, dungeon runs etc.,

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: Viparix.8476


It depends if you go condition damage or power build. One of them was stronger for one and the other for, well… the other. But I can’t remember which one it was, sorry ’bout that!

Get rid of those kitten Hobosacks!

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


PvE = Power, so Power o.O

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


I think it will depend primarily on the group setup you run and whether or not you are comfortable in melee range in zerker gear. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/PvE-Dungeon-Speedrun-Zerk-Build/first#post2605725 this build puts out fantastic damage, it’s only realy weak area is condi removal and lack of perma vigor. I suppose you could drop 10 out of firearms (dropping precise sights) to add into elixirs for vigor on demand without losing too much in terms of damage potential (slightly less vuln stacking for more dodges). If you have a warrior with a banner or ranger with spotter or both you will hardly notice the loss in crit chance from losing the 100 precision. Personally I much prefer the bomb build over the grenades, a lot of grenade damage is tied up into conditions and kitten having to spam pressing 1 hurts my fingers just thinking about it. Grenades with hgh does do really good damage as well, though I find having to stop dpsing to build might to be a bit of a pain in the kitten. I know many people will swear by grenades being the better choice for damage potential and maybe it is, but roz’s build definitely is not lacking in the damage department by any stretch of the imagination, though it really does need a melee focused group to truly shine.

(edited by ShadowPuppet.3746)

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


I think it will depend primarily on the group setup you run and whether or not you are comfortable in melee range in zerker gear. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/PvE-Dungeon-Speedrun-Zerk-Build/first#post2605725 this build puts out fantastic damage, it’s only realy weak area is condi removal and lack of perma vigor. I suppose you could drop 10 out of firearms (dropping precise sights) to add into elixirs for vigor on demand without losing too much in terms of damage potential (slightly less vuln stacking for more dodges). If you have a warrior with a banner or ranger with spotter or both you will hardly notice the loss in crit chance from losing the 100 precision. Personally I much prefer the bomb build over the grenades, a lot of grenade damage is tied up into conditions and kitten having to spam pressing 1 hurts my fingers just thinking about it. Grenades with hgh does do really good damage as well, though I find having to stop dpsing to build might to be a bit of a pain in the kitten. I know many people will swear by grenades being the better choice for damage potential and maybe it is, but roz’s build definitely is not lacking in the damage department by any stretch of the imagination, though it really does need a melee focused group to truly shine.

I was looking at running something like this. I would run a primary rifle build, I would have a variety of weapons with different sigils, bloodlust for stacking up initially, and a night sigil for certain dungeons, when not running that, maybe either a fire sigil, or force sigil.


Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: AsmallChicken.9634


A thing to keep in mind is that Nades stack vuln 3x as fast (and keep it on) compared to Bombs so the overall group dps might increase more from Nades.

PVE Build: Bomb kit or Grenade?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShadowPuppet.3746


I think it will depend primarily on the group setup you run and whether or not you are comfortable in melee range in zerker gear. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/professions/engineer/PvE-Dungeon-Speedrun-Zerk-Build/first#post2605725 this build puts out fantastic damage, it’s only realy weak area is condi removal and lack of perma vigor. I suppose you could drop 10 out of firearms (dropping precise sights) to add into elixirs for vigor on demand without losing too much in terms of damage potential (slightly less vuln stacking for more dodges). If you have a warrior with a banner or ranger with spotter or both you will hardly notice the loss in crit chance from losing the 100 precision. Personally I much prefer the bomb build over the grenades, a lot of grenade damage is tied up into conditions and kitten having to spam pressing 1 hurts my fingers just thinking about it. Grenades with hgh does do really good damage as well, though I find having to stop dpsing to build might to be a bit of a pain in the kitten. I know many people will swear by grenades being the better choice for damage potential and maybe it is, but roz’s build definitely is not lacking in the damage department by any stretch of the imagination, though it really does need a melee focused group to truly shine.

I was looking at running something like this. I would run a primary rifle build, I would have a variety of weapons with different sigils, bloodlust for stacking up initially, and a night sigil for certain dungeons, when not running that, maybe either a fire sigil, or force sigil.


A quick note about incendiary powder A.) it’s single target, and B.) if you have anyone else in the group applying burning it becomes almost useless (guardians apply frequent burning…every 5th attack without their virtue even being activated). Also by primary rifle I assume you just mean to open with blunderbuss and jumpshot then switching into nade? As far as fire sigil goes, if it didn’t have a icd and a skill coefficient of 1.0 I would say it’s worth using, but engi is definitely not lacking in the aoe department, I feel like night and force are the better options getting the guaranteed always on damage increase, and of course a weapon for stacking sigils as you said (I actually have 4 rifles, 1 night, 1 force, 1 bloodlust, and 1 perception). I generally use perception stacks when soloing and bloodlust when grouping since the group I run with provides plenty of fury and group damage buffs like what I mentioned in my other post (warrior banner, spotter/frost).