[PVP] build any comment is welcome

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I am playing with this build (i don’t think i am the first using it) and i’d like to think what you think.
It is a rifle based build with a good survivability. I played power condi for a lot but it has really low direct damage, then i tried decap engi , bunker but all had low dps. SD build is good but squishy for pvp. I tried hgh build but for having might from elixirs i had to consume them instead i prefer to use it for survive. The idea is to take reduction of elixir and remove condition from elixir for use elixir B and elixir S . I have stealth and stability and it is much more simple to play than classic 2/3 kit builds becose you have to use less keys. For surv you use elixir S: Big problems are thief for which usually i put on bomb and spam bombs and dodge and move around . It is Berz with dolyak for a little more tanky.
If you want to try and comment it i am pleasured


[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Dolyak is Bad. Look for Hgh builds if you like elixirs. The damage is awesome but a thief is always hard for power engis. Ostricheggs twitch channel shows some good builds. Take his power grenade build and change grenades with bombs. You will see how much stronger it is

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: FreekPalmer.2839


Dolyak is Bad. Look for Hgh builds if you like elixirs. The damage is awesome but a thief is always hard for power engis. Ostricheggs twitch channel shows some good builds. Take his power grenade build and change grenades with bombs. You will see how much stronger it is

This is wrong. Dolyak isn’t bad if played well. You can also try melandru runes. They work very well.

I don’t understand when people claim thief is hard counter. My PTV PvP build (linked in my signature) works against all classes even the full zerker thief builds.

Don’t just try and use elixirs, try other builds. Thumper Turret is the king vs Thief and any burst class. I have more issues with a condi based necro.

the only way you will kill a thief is to surprise burst them before the stealth away. but killing in PvP doesn’t mean a win. The game type is all about holding a point and if you don’t die, you hold the point. Everything will have to leave or call for help. So it becomes who will hold out before they bring in help.

The answer is almost always going to be you.
Check my signature

Zipp Tinker
For my latest Videos and Builds

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


all the build you suggested are based on pistol shield ( i played it a lot ) and it seems to me that they have not great damage , i was trying something for “bursting” people with a good survability

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


all the build you suggested are based on pistol shield ( i played it a lot ) and it seems to me that they have not great damage , i was trying something for “bursting” people with a good survability

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: ellesee.8297



this is what i use for a power build when i pvp. you can set up nice combos with tool kit. magnet > prybar > overcharged shot > throw wrench > net shot > grenade barrage can 100-0 a lot of zerker amulet classes and will put the hurt out on other classes. but yeah you have might stacking, lots of cc, and huge burst potential with good defensive abilities from tool kit and elixir s.

#1 Engi NA and world first rank 80!
#1 Frandliest person NA!

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: FreekPalmer.2839


You cant have both. Doesn’t work that way. If you can burst people they will kill you just as easily.
its the balance of the game. If you want something like that try thief but any decent bunker will beat you everyday of the week.
pistol shield can be replaced by the rifle easily. But again you wont do amazing damage.

try the build first, the damage is suprising. You’ll catch a few people off guard

Zipp Tinker
For my latest Videos and Builds

[PVP] build any comment is welcome

in Engineer

Posted by: XerreX.7196


i strongly recommend checking out the build collection on my twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/xerrex

i mainly play power rifle in pvp tho cuz its so much fun : 3