Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


My new one ,as promised:

This one also features a few duo fights against superior numbers, aside from the usual 1vX. You might also see more mistakes than usual in those, it happens with all the chaos (trying to stay alive, target calling, teamspeak chatter, etc)…. also trying to adjust to the new stuff.
I hope it’s still entertaining to watch!

All footage was recorded since tuesday.


gear :


as a bonus, here’s direct download links to my gema blocked videos for those who asked (or those who want the original higher quality ones):

I will remove these shortly (1-2 weeks from now) since I need the space.


Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Eremus.4506


Uuuhhh, thank you so much for the download versions. Can’t wait for it to finish. And thanks for putting all the work in it


Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


It bugs me to no end that you don’t pick up loot bags in battle. That said, it’s great to see your amazing work using another build which looks like a lot of fun. I think the key to your success here is your skill in survival. My guess is the averge person would probably have survivability issues with this build.

In your preview post a week or two ago you mentioned moving around traits to get Formula 409. Your build calculator doesn’t have it. Did you decide to just go without a condition cleanser for now, or is the build link out-of-date?

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


sorry, I didnt update the traits in the second link. Yes, I am using 409 instead of potent elixirs now.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


You might rewatch the vids, Eviator. Maskaganda is always sauntering back across his loot bags and picking them up. He just does it without breaking stride so it’s easy to miss. (That said I’m posting before I’ve watched this movie so I’m definitely speaking out of turn.) Ok. I take it back.

I run this build and survivability is NOT an issue (well not for me. The other side does have problems.) It is an attrition build and works best when folks don’t decide to try to form a human pyramid on you. 1v1 I have problems with the thieves that can tie up a 5 man and there are some mesmers out there that eventually we get tired of trying to kill each other. Everything else is warm buttery toast.

Mmm toast.

It bugs me to no end that you don’t pick up loot bags in battle. That said, it’s great to see your amazing work using another build which looks like a lot of fun. I think the key to your success here is your skill in survival. My guess is the averge person would probably have survivability issues with this build.

In your preview post a week or two ago you mentioned moving around traits to get Formula 409. Your build calculator doesn’t have it. Did you decide to just go without a condition cleanser for now, or is the build link out-of-date?

(edited by Lanny.6987)

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Been doing keep acquire/defense lately and in those situations Self-Regulating Defense is quite nice (with C instead of Toolkit during defense.) You might be surprised how many times pounding on a gate you don’t pay attention to your HP until suddenly you are tiny (-ier since I play an Asura to begin with).

sorry, I didnt update the traits in the second link. Yes, I am using 409 instead of potent elixirs now.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


about the loot bags, I don’t know why I don’t pick some of them up; I guess that between all the keypresses and stuff to keep track of, my brain just prioritizes other stuff over looting.

about the defensive part of this build: I like to think it’s pretty solid, there’s no lack of invulnerability, no lack of condition removal, plenty of swiftness/vigor/protection.
I had a recording of me fighting 2 decent condition thieves at the same time for 8 minutes, I downed them half a dozen times but I could never get the stomp, I think that speaks for itself regarding survivability.

Also, on those 2 larger fights at the end I was running with my guardian buddy (The Tekno Viking) and he has been described as a beast, he helps alot keeping me alive. I found this with my thief when duoing with him: if you force most players to disengage from you often enough (using S, gear block, stealth, cripple, etc or with the thief just perma stealth), they will focus on the slow moving -unkillable- hulk and leave you alone.

@lanny, I see self regulating defense working, but I usually stay away from automatic actions (not boons) if I can. it’s a personal thing, I just don’t like having something happen that can interrupt what I’m doing.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Siofra Crumble.2098

Siofra Crumble.2098

I love those fights where a mini commander zerg hits a camp and you are severely outnumbered. But you’ve got one thing going for you, the element of surprise.
Such chaos and havoc. It’s all about keeping momentum at that point and aiming for the commander.
You can literally see all the enemy players starting to panic the moment their self proclaimed leader goes down.

Glorious Masky, Glorious.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Awesome video Maskaganda!! I loved the parts with The Teokno Vinking, he for sure could soak a heavy beating like a bause! Lòoked like they for some reason often focused him? Gues it’s cause his a big kitten norn? Anyway! solid gameplay as allways, and the Prybar for sure give your damage an extra beating!

Tbh, I’m still waiting on a nerf on that thing, I don’t think it can go on as this, it’s simply a to strong tool in WvW for Engineers, so either they nerf Prybar, or nerf Confusion in general in WvW (which probaly is the best! But let’s enjoy it while it lat hehe!

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Cube.1758


i want to see the build but it says server is paused.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I changed the link Cube, should be fine now.
Thanks amadeus and siofra.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Well there’s only really four viable items to slot there. Self-Regulating Defense, Protection Injection, Potent Elixers, and 409. PE can be swapped out thanks to the Runes.

Of the remaining I would think on paper that PI was the strongest. Ideally you never get to 25% hp for S-RD to kick in and (at least in my experience) I don’t have tosses/drinks waiting around to clear conditions with 409. However, I’ve run PI and I can’t recommend it. 1vSmall you aren’t getting banged around enough to get a lot of use. There is a Ranger/Ranger/Thief group I see occasionally that I’ve learned to leave well enough alone. The rangers bang you around so you can’t move and the thief goes to town. I found the same issue taking on 2x Rifle/SD/Net Turret Engis that worked as a team and I never got off the floor before they put me on it again. So not enough gain against small groups and against constant CC and/or a zerg the protection you get doesn’t really keep you alive much longer.

So 409 vs S-RD. I think it’s an either-or thing on playstyle but my abhorrence of thieves and the feeling I don’t get as much use of 409 as I could because of HGH and wanting the bufs to give me the edge means S-RD is what I run with. Note that S-RD, Toolkit, and S up is 9(!!) seconds that nobody can touch you. For roaming that’s almost always overkill. For the keep attack/defend that I’ve been doing lately it means I can be popping someone from the wall, charge when they get too close, drop and S-spike them in the middle of their zerg, and still get back into the keep. It’s a small and perhaps cheap pleasure but I do enjoy it.

about the loot bags, I don’t know why I don’t pick some of them up; I guess that between all the keypresses and stuff to keep track of, my brain just prioritizes other stuff over looting.

about the defensive part of this build: I like to think it’s pretty solid, there’s no lack of invulnerability, no lack of condition removal, plenty of swiftness/vigor/protection.
I had a recording of me fighting 2 decent condition thieves at the same time for 8 minutes, I downed them half a dozen times but I could never get the stomp, I think that speaks for itself regarding survivability.

Also, on those 2 larger fights at the end I was running with my guardian buddy (The Tekno Viking) and he has been described as a beast, he helps alot keeping me alive. I found this with my thief when duoing with him: if you force most players to disengage from you often enough (using S, gear block, stealth, cripple, etc or with the thief just perma stealth), they will focus on the slow moving -unkillable- hulk and leave you alone.

@lanny, I see self regulating defense working, but I usually stay away from automatic actions (not boons) if I can. it’s a personal thing, I just don’t like having something happen that can interrupt what I’m doing.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Iddiozzia.3489


I still liked more the solo part than the 2 man one, but it’s due to personal taste, it was still pretty good.
I think this build is much more entertaining to see than the previous one, also provides a way higher skill cap to be mastered so it gives more chances to really outplay the enemy and get masterpiece clips.
Keep it up.

P.S. lol @ the static discharge engineer in the first clip.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: AryasRevenge.3175


Heya ive got a question for you maska, how can you reach F8 and above keyboard buttons while fighting?

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I still liked more the solo part than the 2 man one, but it’s due to personal taste, it was still pretty good.

Well, some prefered the solo part, others prefered the group part, at least it was a chance for me to show something else and that this build still works in a group.
The group fights are at the limit of what I can record on this pc but we’ve pulled off way better fights than this, I just can’t record them and mantain decent enough framerate to play, I wish I could.

Heya ive got a question for you maska, how can you reach F8 and above keyboard buttons while fighting?

I have extremely long alien-like finger appendages. :p
I’m kidding, skill 6-0 are bound to mouse buttons and those mouse buttons are acting as key strokes.
The reason for this -not that you may care but I’ll tell it anyway :p- is that I used to play lineage 2 some years ago. back then you couldn’t rebind your keys , f1-12 was all you had; a way to go around the limitations was to use mouse software to rebind some mouse buttons to f keys. I still use the same software and the same profile so it survived to this day :p
-it’s also a good way to make your increase/decrease dpi buttons do something more useful-

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: AryasRevenge.3175


i use mouse buttons aswell, one for weapon kit and the other for elixir, i cant even use f1/f4 always mix them and end getting in the way while fighting.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: MeanMug.2630


Mask….I am new to the Engi forum but not to the Engi. He is 80 and I shelved him to concentrate on my Necro that I use for an organized zerg busting guild group.

I took this build out for a spin and really like the potential. I am mostly spec’d P/P with Rabid gear throughout. I am having success as it is and want to tweak my setup to squeeze as much as i can out of it.

In looking through your gear/upgrade choices, I have a few questions:

-It seems that you will mix in a P/V/C piece every so often, is this random or is there a “minimum number” of these pieces you recommend?

-Why is power relevant? It seems the only thing you are getting is improved Pry Bar numbers but nothing else you are doing scales with power. It seems Rabid (Prec/Tou/CD) would be better all around..?

-Your upgrades (armor) seem to concentrate on boon duration….since confusion is a condition, and seems to be the main damage source, why not go for condition duration (same for food [rare pizza for example])?

-Finally, I think this build has some real potential to step into my necro’s current role but I can’t seem to find a way to get the same stacks of confusion in an AE manner. I know bomb 3 does AE confustion but I am not sure that is a big enough radius or as many/long of stacks. Am I overlooking something that could make this viable?

Thanks in advance!!!

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@MeanMug, the Pistol/Pistol skills all gain a lot from Power aswell actually, Blowtorch can be quite the nuke (seen his do 3-4k crits), and poison volley and stastic shot can dish out a good amount of power damage aswell! That’s why this kind of build gain the most out of might stacks, because it benift from both the condition damage and power damage! This means you will have an opening “power” damage when you prybar or blowtorch, followed up by the condition damage, and in that way will put pressure on the enemy from two ways!

Also about 40% Critical chance is more then fine in this kind og builds, mostly cause in combat they will have fury up 100% of the time and that’s a 60% crit chance!

Boon duration runes are taken over condition duration in this kind of build because all your defense come from your boons, and a lot of bonus damage aswell, so you want it up as much as you can (Swiftness, Protection, Regen ect. He will often in combat have 1 min of regen going ect.) but also the Fury and might you wanna give the most uptime you can! So it’s simply because you throw out so many boons that you want a longer duration on it

The bomb kit skill 3 gives 5 confusion stacks in an AoE for 5 seconds, so that’s the same as the Prybar! You can make a build with that instead of toolit, but you would have to move 10 point from inventions or firearms into Explosives for the larger explosive radius! Hope that answears your questions

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Mask….I am new to the Engi forum but not to the Engi. He is 80 and I shelved him to concentrate on my Necro that I use for an organized zerg busting guild group.

I took this build out for a spin and really like the potential. I am mostly spec’d P/P with Rabid gear throughout. I am having success as it is and want to tweak my setup to squeeze as much as i can out of it.

In looking through your gear/upgrade choices, I have a few questions:

-It seems that you will mix in a P/V/C piece every so often, is this random or is there a “minimum number” of these pieces you recommend?

-Why is power relevant? It seems the only thing you are getting is improved Pry Bar numbers but nothing else you are doing scales with power. It seems Rabid (Prec/Tou/CD) would be better all around..?

-Your upgrades (armor) seem to concentrate on boon duration….since confusion is a condition, and seems to be the main damage source, why not go for condition duration (same for food [rare pizza for example])?

-Finally, I think this build has some real potential to step into my necro’s current role but I can’t seem to find a way to get the same stacks of confusion in an AE manner. I know bomb 3 does AE confustion but I am not sure that is a big enough radius or as many/long of stacks. Am I overlooking something that could make this viable?

Thanks in advance!!!

amadeus pretty much answered it all but I’ll explain my take on things

-I go for some specifc stat tresholds, believe it or not the stat I ignore most in this process is condition damage. I aim for 35-40% crit. 1500 power, 1350 toughness, 22k hp and all the cd I can get while keeping around this values. I have gone higher and lower for most of this stats and I found a balance that works for me. it might not be optimal to everyone.

-pistol #1, 2 and 4 scale decently with power. Having your pistol 1 critting for 400-700 (and dont forget it’s aoe) is more worth it to me than improving your condition ticks for 5-10 points of damage. Also, it let’s you double dip into the damage pool, even high condition removal classes like a guardian will have trouble aginst you. As an example, I dueled a tanky guardian on my (condition) necro yesterday: I got destroyed, I could barely scratch him, he had the upper hand the whole fight. Then I fought him on my engie and won 3 out of 3 times, even with his permanent condition removal.
the exception to this is, imo, if you go full out condition duration, that would make it worth it to put all your eggs in one basket and ignore power.

-this is an elixir heavy build, boons are always there. I realized (someone pointed out to me actually) some elementalists and some guardians use this build setup and I applied the same principle to the engineer because we can do it just as well or better than them. besides, each boon is a 1% direct damage boost. this build will still work if you go condition duration/damage of course, it’s better in some situations, worse in others.

-look for amadeus movies regarding bombkit. remember static shot is an aoe skill too, it works even better if it bounces.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: MeanMug.2630


You guys are amazing. Thanks for taking the time to explain…….makes sense.

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


I’m not seeing Rune of the Monk anymore. Is it discontinued? What about Runes of Altruism x4 + Water x2?

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


I’m not seeing Rune of the Monk anymore. Is it discontinued? What about Runes of Altruism x4 + Water x2?

it’s not discontinued, you just can’t buy them with gold at the trading post, only with tokens/drops from Ascalonian catacombs.

x4 altruism should work, no need to explain the obvious pros and cons I guess :p

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Eviator.9746


Ah ha! Thanks for that. I just now ran around with a cheap version (rares and masterworks with cheap runes/sigils) and man is it fun! Having to learn to juggle a whole different set of skills, but even mediocre play seems to be getting results. I think every time I managed to land the prybar, the bad guy fell shortly after.

Sheldor the Eidetic (Group Engi) | Shorty McShinkicker (Solo Engi) |Turanga (Solo Mes)
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime

(edited by Eviator.9746)

Paradigm SHIFT - a wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Forsaker.9213


THX for build man , i am testing it on PvP and its quite good