"Permanent" drones
from what was datamined it sounds like Drone’s can’t be destroyed nor harmed.
However, to balance these invincible Drones they use a Fuel system so Drones can only remain active as long there is enough fuel.
Looks like Scrapper may be a resource management system type profession being fuel as the Scrapper’s resource.
from what was datamined […]
from what was datamined […]
from what was datamined it sounds like Drone’s can’t be destroyed nor harmed.
However, to balance these invincible Drones they use a Fuel system so Drones can only remain active as long there is enough fuel.
Looks like Scrapper may be a resource management system type profession being fuel as the Scrapper’s resource.
You remember how they balanced Invincible Spirit Weapons? By removing the “Invincible”.
You remember how they balanced Invincible Spirit Weapons? By removing the “Invincible”.
That is why they have a Fuel System.
Fuel limits how long the drones can be used which serve as their HP.
While they can’t be destroyed they have a limited amount of time to remain active.
So … i guess we will find out how to fuel them or do we know that already?
You remember how they balanced Invincible Spirit Weapons? By removing the “Invincible”.
That is why they have a Fuel System.
Fuel limits how long the drones can be used which serve as their HP.
While they can’t be destroyed they have a limited amount of time to remain active.
But how will this new resource apply to the class as a new general mechanic since the drone utilities arent required. So what else is fuel used for than?
welp looks like the drones wont be permanent because they run on fuel. No fuel no drones, and I’m assuming fuel recharges with attacks. Personally I want the drones to be always following us, but it completely makes sense for the drones to have fuel I guess………maybe if many ppl request it after beta drones will follow permanently and with ability to stow/explode/poof them?
It’s kinda dumb but the only reason why I want permanent drones is because I RP, and I would love it if my Asura engie had several drone companions.
(edited by eduardo.1436)
Why do you think fuel is not just a fancy way of saying timed duration? They last for XX seconds and then poof. Cool down, resummon; sounds like pretty standard stuff.
You remember how they balanced Invincible Spirit Weapons? By removing the “Invincible”.
That is why they have a Fuel System.
Fuel limits how long the drones can be used which serve as their HP.
While they can’t be destroyed they have a limited amount of time to remain active.
Like the 20s Duration on Spirit Weapons, they are not different. Face it, if they make Drones invulnerable at Launch, they will soon lose that Feature and get a health bar like the Spirit Weapons.
Pure speculation at this point but it’s also possible they’re basically the inverse of the Facets that the Herald has where they provide a passive buff at all times (like a signet) and have what amounts to an upkeep effect (which is similar to the active Facet/signet effects) which depletes the fuel resource while it’s active.
I assume if this is the case they’d be invulnerable while not active (and will probably hover around you providing their passive effect) but when they’re in the active state they’d be immune to damage but susceptible to soft CC effects like slow/chill/immob to give them some counterplay. This would also be why they can have boons like swiftness and superspeed applied to them as it’ll make their active effects more efficient.
Ok………….forget me saying the RP thing! These guys need to be permanent or they will be turrets 2.0!
Let’s ignore the fact of what the drones will be. Would you guys like if the drones followed you permanently with the option to stow/destroy them? (I would
) or who here prefers if the drones poofed/exploded after a certain amount of time? I have an open mind cuz lets face it: if you are in LA with uhhhh 4 drones 24/7 people will find it annoying. Thoughts?
No. I don’t want passive, mindless drones. I want the drones to be something that are specifically activated for a specific purpose with a cooldown that requires planning to utilize.
If drones are something that you strategically use for a specific type of utility, then it’s brilliant. This looks to be the case, such as with the function gyro, which will allow you to CC/dps/etc. one target while send your drone to rez a friend or stomp an enemy.
If drones are just some glorified buff with a robot skin that you summon whenever you want for something like extra damage, then it’s a really dull mechanic that just adds to passive gameplay.
I think one of the effect was giving your drones stab so they at least can be cc in one way or another.
“When a function gyro is activated, you and the function gyro gain stability.”
And the gyro not getting stealth so at the very least the gyro change effects and maybe there is a way to stop them from changing. This dose not mean they will have hp but maybe there a way to stop them though hard cc. So gyro maybe more of task effects a pet that dose a task but the task can be stopped by other players less of a pet but more of an pAoE that has an ai and some means of being stopped.
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA
Ehh, I think it would be pretty cool to have them up all the time. Maybe Anet can make a back piece thats a couple (hopefully not limited to just one) of them hovering. Though maybe scaled down?
Please give us a keyring…
drones wont be permanent because we will basically get a shadow refuge while moving drone and that alone could break any balancing if it was permanent
There was already stated that drones will be limited by something named “fuel”. So they aren’t permanent.
The real question is: can you Moa a gyro?
The real question is: can you Moa a gyro?
By way of fairness all gyros should instantly explode when the Engi gets Moa’d.
The real question is: can you Moa a gyro?
By way of fairness all gyros should instantly explode when the Engi gets Moa’d.
Sooooo…. spike damage inc? XD
Hopefully they don’t explode. They are machines, not unholy creatures resurrected by magic. If I would be a dead corpse, I wouldn’t follow a moa too. ^^
Jk, but I really don’t think they will get destroyed by that, because turrets don’t get destroyed too.
The real question is: can you Moa a gyro?
By way of fairness all gyros should instantly explode when the Engi gets Moa’d.
Sooooo…. spike damage inc? XD
Hopefully they don’t explode. They are machines, not unholy creatures resurrected by magic. If I would be a dead corpse, I wouldn’t follow a moa too. ^^
Jk, but I really don’t think they will get destroyed by that, because turrets don’t get destroyed too.
Which is pretty kitten unfair if you ask me…why is it only our Necro minions die by that? One skill to counter an entire playstyle is BS. But back to topic.
Drones will have that fuel system, so they won’t be permanent (except maybe the interaction drone), and I wish you people that they are indestructable otherwise. Affected by CC but indestructable.
The real question is: can you Moa a gyro?
By way of fairness all gyros should instantly explode when the Engi gets Moa’d.
Sooooo…. spike damage inc? XD
Hopefully they don’t explode. They are machines, not unholy creatures resurrected by magic. If I would be a dead corpse, I wouldn’t follow a moa too. ^^
Jk, but I really don’t think they will get destroyed by that, because turrets don’t get destroyed too.
Which is pretty kitten unfair if you ask me…why is it only our Necro minions die by that? One skill to counter an entire playstyle is BS. But back to topic.
Drones will have that fuel system, so they won’t be permanent (except maybe the interaction drone), and I wish you people that they are indestructable otherwise. Affected by CC but indestructable.
Hopes got crushed. Engineer is now the only profession with 2 ai skill categories, which will get destroyed easily. ^^