Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: TwiceDead.1963


Just a discussion thread.

I’m wondering what the community thinks about dual-wielding pistols, and your opinion of dual-pistols being viable on their own (no utilities or kits). If not, why aren’t they viable? If they are, what makes you think so?

My cent:

I think they are viable, although I feel like their explosive shot could be buffed a little on power… OR have the explosion cast bleed on every target affected and not just the target you’re aiming at. . I love dual-pistols and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Well, maybe a shield.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Visionary.5681



Its definately viable.

When i use p/p its always an elixir based build with then either rocket boots or ft to allow me to maintain a permaburn.

Rocketboots are a nice stunbreak and gap maker, with an awsome burn attack although sadly melee.

Flamethrower gives you the knockback to stop stomps and the ranged burn application.

Then i use Elixir B, Elixir S and Crate.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Esrever.8613


I find the 2 pistol offhand skills not useful enough. Much better to go with shield and pistol imo.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Having sPvPed to hell and back on my engineer, I have to say that I prefer P/P far beyond P/S and Rifle. That + an elixir build (with the landmine thrown in) has never let me down in sPvP or the PvE that I’ve done. Stack condition damage and you will love it.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Curring.9752


Definitely viable, I used to be P/P but then I tried the shield and it is by far better for my play style. I don’t use any kits either, well when I was P/P I didn’t. I do agree that explosion shot needs an AoE condi, either a lesser bleed, lets say 1 second or a Burn, then I think it’d be perfectly balanced. But most definitely viable.

In the greater blob of things, there is only the zerg.
Kittens, Kittens everywhere!

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: MysticoN.5068


thinking of makeing a P/P build my self on engi. Need an “ranged” alt from my guardian.

What build would you guys recomend for a newbie engi?

Been playing abit whit a calc and whanted to try this:


What do you think about this build?

MysticoN – 80 Necro
Draci – 80 Guardian ( on hold)
-Far Silverpeak-

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: AlphaDuck.7592


OH pistol pretty weak imo. The blowtorch is a decent skill but just doesnt fit with the other 4 skills, it wants you to be close to the opponent but all the other skills are about being far. Although its pretty similar to the rifle #4 skill, rifle just synergizes with it a lot better because you have jump shot to close the gap, then blunderbuss for damage, and following up with overcharge shot to put the distance back. The glue shot is ok, but it’s really not any better than just “ok”. All in all OH pistol is decent at best, which makes it hard to take it over the shield. I would say engineers shield is one of the best if not the best offhand in the game. Dont think there are any 2 skills in the game that give you so much versatality as a projectile reflect, a block, a stun, a blast finisher, a projectile finisher, a knockback, and a daze that hits twice.

I guess my problem with OH pistol isnt that its bad so much as shield is just so good.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Don’t get me wrong, I love the shield. It is what I use, because for my play style, I personally love the utility of it.

At my condition damage that is at least 1600 burning damage, AoE, at closer range, every 15 seconds. At least in zones in which I am 80.

Not sure how you see that as weak, but to each there own.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: AlphaDuck.7592


I never said the damage is weak. It’s the fact that you have to run up in melee range to use it that makes it weak. Although if its only doing 1600 burning damage then ya that is pretty weak. I would expect it to do at least twice that amount if you went for a condition spec.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Rastel.9157


I’m using P/P aswell. Its mainly because i like the look of two guns, and i hate the look of a gun and a shield.

In terms of dmg I dont know to much, but I’m gonna play P/P regardless, I can only pray that it is viable.

Concerning the blowtourch skill from the OH pistol: There are several occations where close range is unavoidable anyways, so I realy like that skill and i use it alot.

For trait i think i will go 10/30/10/20/0

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Shimond.2478


Dual pistols is pretty good with a condition setup I’m finding. Also the trait that makes bullets pierce is a must for events/large groups provided you know where to stand and how to aim (get them in a line, target the furthest mob just like you do rifle).

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiser with Age.3714

Wiser with Age.3714

As a below 20th PvE character, I would have to say that P/P is not a viable set by itself. I’m constantly dealing with fights involving 2+ mobs and the many single target moves on the Pistol just aren’t helping. In order to adapt to this, I’m using an AoE weapon kit to supplement my P/P use.

With my limited SP, I’m currently enjoying the Grenade Kit (using a Condition / Precision spec). I could also see a lot of viability with the Flamethrower if I was running a different +Stat spec (such as Power / Precision). However the blast radius of the Bomb Kit feels too small to me. A part of me is curious to see what the Elixer Gun could do in my character build. We’ll have to see about that once I gain some more SP.

We are Test Group F. (Don’t ask about what happened to the previous Test Groups.)

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


p/p single target? what? p/p is almost entirely aoe. with coated bullets it is entirely aoe.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Orissa.1872


Second pistol scales really well with main hand abilities. Blowtorch requieres almost melee range to be the most effective. First goes Dart Volley, it’s the most effective at short range, like 500-600, every dart is hitting the enemy. Then you can use Static Shot to prevent you from being hit (and deal confusion dmg), then Blowtorch and dodge backwards, eventually leaving Glue Shot

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Aristio.2784


I don’t like Glue Shot. It’s just too weak of a crowd control ability for me to use over Shield. Sure, Blowtorch is a great ability, but it’s not worth loosing Magnetic Shield over.

Glue Shot needs to be buffed in order for me to use Pistol/Pistol. At least make it a 1 second immobilize with a 3-5 second cripple.

p/p single target? what? p/p is almost entirely aoe. with coated bullets it is entirely aoe.

Also, I wouldn’t call Pistol/Pistol AoE anymore than I would call Rifle AoE. It’s a multi-target positional trait. Not truly AoE, but can still hit multiple enemies.

(edited by Aristio.2784)

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I don’t like Glue Shot. It’s just too weak of a crowd control ability for me to use over Shield. Sure, Blowtorch is a great ability, but it’s not worth loosing Magnetic Shield over.

Glue Shot needs to be buffed in order for me to use Pistol/Pistol. At least make it a 1 second immobilize with a 3-5 second cripple.

p/p single target? what? p/p is almost entirely aoe. with coated bullets it is entirely aoe.

Also, I wouldn’t call Pistol/Pistol AoE anymore than I would call Rifle AoE. It’s a multi-target positional trait. Not truly AoE, but can still hit multiple enemies.

Why wouldn’t you call it entirely AoE? I have coated bullets and let me tell ya, it does not matter what you call it, is is extremely AoE. Everything pistols have at that point is at minimum a frontal come AoE. #1 has multiple splash effects. #2 and #4 are the true definition of frontal cone AoEs,……#3 literally bounces between targets and %5 is a GTAoE.

Just have to point all of that at, because your comments can be very misleading o players new to the game or the class. They are al by definition AoE abilities, so why you would want to convince players that they are not AoE is beyond my understanding.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


P/P is viable but it’s extremely unskilled and just for people who don’t want to try when they play.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Jordan, that is the kind of uninformed misinformation that causes issues with new players when they read it.

Two thumbs up from the troll critics though.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927


P/P unskillful?

Try staying alive without shield! or when fighting mesmers!

It can be quite skill intensive!

That and I don’t believe in toughness! It’s all or nothing!

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Krab.9315


Most of the time I’m running a P/P builds for PvE and PvP. II but all four builds I’m messing with at the end of this post. I was using P/S, but honestly when I’m playing PvE it is me and my girlfriend and she likes to yell across the house when I use the shield knock back screwing up her rotation.

I find the P/P elixir build gives plenty of movement, survivability, and get out of jail traits. And it’s nice leaving that little landmine when you drop the glue and dodge backwards. So no P/P is not an unskilled build and it world of run.

for PvE I have been using
P/P w/ elixir H,B,U,C

P/P w/ elixir H,B,U, flame thrower

For PvP I use these two
P/P w/ elixir H.B.U.S

P/P kit build

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


No it’s not skill intensive. You are using 5 keys

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Karast.1927



1-5 for pistol skills.

another 3 for elixirs

another 5 for FT

4 tool belt

+ the elite.

18 in all!

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Jordan.6157


“I’m wondering what the community thinks about dual-wielding pistols, and your opinion of dual-pistols being viable on their own (no utilities or kits).”

1-5 for pistol skills.
another 3 for elixirs
another 5 for FT
4 tool belt
+ the elite.
18 in all!”

He said no utility. So 5 skills for main set. Not skill intensive.

Pistol/Pistol, viable on it's own?

in Engineer

Posted by: Calcifire.1864


“I’m wondering what the community thinks about dual-wielding pistols, and your opinion of dual-pistols being viable on their own (no utilities or kits).”

1-5 for pistol skills.
another 3 for elixirs
another 5 for FT
4 tool belt
+ the elite.
18 in all!”

He said no utility. So 5 skills for main set. Not skill intensive.

you realise that by skill he meant “skill as a player” not slot skills?

if you did realize thatg, then by your same argument, nothing is skill based if you aren’t allowed to use weapon/kit/attunement swaps, elites, or utilities

more buttons != more skill intensive, think of it this way, which takes more skill using only the 1-5 skills? a P/P engi, or a D/D thief?

(edited by Calcifire.1864)