Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


Yesterday I change my build. I am level 80 running mostly noble gear with power, precision and magic find. My build now is a pistol/shield and turrets,

0 explosives
30 firearms
30 inventions
10 alchemy
0 tool

I tried it out in Frostgorge Sound (level 80 area)and took on 8 wolfs and a veteran at ounce (this was not intended) And I survived and won and I did not drop my supply kit. So I took on other multiple mobs and found I could take on 3-5 on at one time. Certain mobs like wolfs I could talk 6+. I was amazed during my hour long test I only was downed twice and died once. I was really surprised.

My next test this weekend is to take this build into WWW. My hypothesis is that it will not fair as well. But that is why I am an Engineer to experiment and see what work for me.

edit: added the level 80 text

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


So your just no figuring out what the rest of us shield advocates have been posting since beta. There are a great any threads of this type of discussion already out there.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


I would suggest adding 10 in tools to get the trait that fires a bouncing electric bolt every time you use a toolbelt skill. (no cooldown) Its great for multi targets.

It works great with the rifle turret’s toolbelt skill seeing as it has such a short cooldown.

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: Nepocrates.3642


So your just no figuring out what the rest of us shield advocates have been posting since beta. There are a great any threads of this type of discussion already out there.

I am an engineer, we have to discover the wheel for ourselves you know

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I would suggest adding 10 in tools to get the trait that fires a bouncing electric bolt every time you use a toolbelt skill. (no cooldown) Its great for multi targets.

It works great with the rifle turret’s toolbelt skill seeing as it has such a short cooldown.

It depends really. It is an absolute waste in my opinion, if he is a condition heavy build. I would much rather have speedy kits for 100% swiftness, or kit refinement over a weak AoE in this case. There are so many useful traits in that last line though, it is really up to the players personal preference.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: Kardiamond.6952


I’ m using the pistol and shield weapon with an unusuable build.

I got
10 bomb,
30 firearm,
30 tools.

I focused low cd toolbelt skill to mainly damage with electric bolt.

I know I know, this build is best suited for the rifle. I was using the rifle before, and it was good. But I just missed my shield so much. Man I love to reflect attack on people with Skill 4, and the stun of 5.

I just love the shield for pvp, rifle is good but it lack defensive tool again ranged oponent.

The sad thing is, that build mostly use power and crit damage, and the gun/shield is more about condition damage.

My gear right now is kitten, only have some exotic. But I get half power, half condition with some thoughtness. Will see how it will turn out.

I did some spvp to test it, and I win most 1 v 1 I did. If you can time right the shield reflection, it just ownage. Must have in pvp.

Didn’t do a lot of PVE, so I’m happy to see it really effective.

The only sad thing is, My pistol is a lot better then my shield (Exotic vs unique). So when I equip my shield, I actually lose damage. I might be newb, but it seems that the game do the average between the gun and the shield for the final damage?

Rotthen (Necro) / Zhyx (Engineer) /Inglorious Beasterd (Ranger)
Server : Anvil Rock (Since Release!) [SOLO]

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: Esrever.8613


shield is good.

Until you realize you can take mobs down with frenzy and grenades in 10 seconds…

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

Pistol/Shield Muliple mobs

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Frenzy+grenades is good, until you realize you die in one hit every time.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.