Pistol/shield builds?
30 firearm(+range, -CD, pistol shot pierce) and 10 tools(speedy kit) is a must….
Others are up to you~~
The chain lightning build from the other thread is probably the most obvious choice. 10/30/0/20/10 or 10/30/0/10/20 being the two most obvious choices. If you run that build between your shield block and your toolkit block and your pistol 3 and your near-100% uptime vigor you can tank damage quite effectively.
Usually i’d go with chain lightning (if i like a chalenge and fun) or turret build (simpler) for pistol/shield.
Although honestly the buff to toolkit 4 sorta makes shield less attractive for a chain lightning build than it otherwise would be.
Thanks for the help guys, I think I came up with a build I like, here’s a link to it: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mVMzM9Mz0orTCMMrTCM0xa0xVobcMcR . If ya’ll can, i’d like to know if its worth changing some traits around to get reinforced shield and if i took anything thats gonna suck, lol. (i usually play pve, but i might play pvp from time to time)
Why Metal Plating if you have 0 Turrents in your skils?
Sure, Supply Crate gives you turrents, but using a trait slot just for that?
If you want to use turrents, I’d go 20 in Inventions and 20 in Tools. This way you can get Reinforced Shield and use Turrents instead of Gadgets, so you won’t be missing the Speedy Gadgets trait that’ll go.
EDIT: Ok, there’s Healing Turrent that I missed. Anyway, I don’t like focusing on 2 cooldown reduction skil types, since you can’t have the most out of them. It just feels somewhat wasted. So either try to focus on Turrents or on Gadgets. That’d be my advice anyway.
(edited by Vekthor.8914)
This is my pistol shield build. It’s very nice even more so since the update as more single target ranged mobs. It slices through people in wvw just spec for precision and condition damange. If you want to be glass cannon go power, precision, condition damage and watch high burns and bleeds. You must be mobile or you will get squished.
I’m mainly wondering if reinforced shield is a good enough perk for me to rework my build somewhat for it. I took metal coating for my heal turret cuz i didnt know what else to choose for that slot honestly. is there another heal skill that would be a better choice for this build? thanks in advance for any answers
@ seaboy
Im curious. How well do turrets perform underwater? Can they really fire in any direction(ie directly below) with no blind spots?
I use this build and extremely successfully at that.
I use jewelry with cond dmg and vitality. My armor is condition damage/precision/toughness. Runes are condition/toughness (undead I think)
I like the speedy kits for 100% up time swiftness obviously.
I like kit refinement for the super elixir X2, box of nails X2 (sometimes I swap tool kit in for confusion, box of nails, extra block, and pull).
I use BoB for CC more then anything, the damage is just a great bonus in my eyes. I do us the static shot and concussion bomb in tandem to keep a lot of confusion up, it is one of my favorite damaging conditions.
Rocket boots are great for the burn from the tool belt skill, side benefits over other stun breakers. The side benefits I love about it is that it gets me a range of 900 away from my enemy, and best of all, it does AoE damage upon use. On occasion though, I will swap out for elixir R for revive/stun breaker combo.
Explosive shot is great AoE damage when used properly
Poison dart volley can keep poison up on a single target 100% of the time.
Static shot is spectacular for tagging mobs, AoE confusion, AoE blind.
Magnetic shield is spectacular to make ranged enemies pay for it, the reflect is great. Magnetic inversion, AoE knock down, whats not to like.
Static shield, great defense for attacks with counter stun and block, Throw shield, great ranged damage X2, interrupt, and stun.
I use pistol/shield on my tanky/support build, mostly because the great utility of the shield (stun, double daze, reflect, aoe knock back, blast finisher to combo into aoe heal/stealth…)
Engi shield is just amazing. Much better than warrior and guardian imo.
Would a 0/20/20/0/30 build work, using heal turret, tool kit, rocket boots, and utility goggles, and hair trigger, precise sights, static discharge, speedy gadgets, power wrench, metal plating, and reinforced shields as my traits? I moved 10 out of firearms to get reinforced shield, is that a bad call/is ere something better to do?
This is my build right now. Lots of haste, on my armor i have superior of the ogre the summon dog helps distract alot.
when haste on my weapon is on cooldown i use the skill Elixir U I use the #2 ability for the first haste and the charr ability hidden pistol toolbelt when i use the U. I am traited for electrical shocks when i use toolbelt abilities. I use the immobilized traits in Orr because they do those pull backs etc. And while traveling on foot, I switch out my electrical ability to get the speed boost when kit is equiped for traveling and spam healing kit. The chill rune helps slow enemies at range, and I sometimes switch out goggles for bombs depending on the enemies.
works out well.
I don’t use grenades or bombs like most Engi’s. Condition damage and survivability. People whack at me while my psycho teammates tear them to shreds.
It’s [NERF] or nothing!
^ same trait allocation, same strategy.
(and almost same account name! magical.)
Ring of Fire
Would a 0/20/20/0/30 build work, using heal turret, tool kit, rocket boots, and utility goggles, and hair trigger, precise sights, static discharge, speedy gadgets, power wrench, metal plating, and reinforced shields as my traits? I moved 10 out of firearms to get reinforced shield, is that a bad call/is ere something better to do?
If you are running pistols, I myself consider Coated Bullets to be mandatory.
I was using a pistol build around level 60 and when I got that trait killing mobs became so much easier I was astonished. When your shots pierce an unlimited amount of opponents, destroying small, packed groups of enemies is so quick it’s not even fair.
So yeah, if you are running pistols, I’d say 30 in Precision is a must.
Thanks, I think I’ll take ten out of tools then. Would removing static discharge be a horrible idea? I’ve heard some high praises of it.
Why do people use any other skill calculators besides http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ the rest are just garbage, or the links don’t work!
Why do people use any other skill calculators besides http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ the rest are just garbage, or the links don’t work!
I found that gw2skill.net was the only skill calculator that always shows bad link on this forum. And not as handy as the others.
Thanks, I think I’ll take ten out of tools then. Would removing static discharge be a horrible idea? I’ve heard some high praises of it.
This depends on your skill set…For me, it wont do any good as my toolbelt skill were Mending(healing kit), Regen(Elixir Gun), Stability/Cloak(Elixir S) and Revive(Elixir R). None of them were frequently used: healing only activate when needed to, the last two has very long CD. Hence it would be a waste for me to get this trait with this skill set. If you like this trait, I suggest you bring something like Elixir H(20sec) or Rifle Turret(10sec).
(edited by Krisstina.7238)
Thanks, I think I’ll take ten out of tools then. Would removing static discharge be a horrible idea? I’ve heard some high praises of it.
Static Discharge brings a lot of damage if used correctly. I’d keep it. If you aren’t liking it, keep in mind you can change yor traits at any time, and even resseting everything isn’t expensive at all.
Why do people use any other skill calculators besides http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/ the rest are just garbage, or the links don’t work!
I myself love Guildhead since I always used Wowhead. It never gave me any troubles.
Thanks all, I think for now I’m gonna remove static discharge, since the only toolkit move that can fully utilize it I have is throw wrench, so that makes it seems like speedy gadgets is a good way to go, since rocket boots and goggles have long cooldowns. I do have the rocket boots tool skill, but that seems more situation based than the wrench. This seem like an alright idea?
(edited by PmLinkman.7580)
I rarely use a shield, though I always have one on hand. I can’t get past the long reload times on the shield. Is there something I should trait for to speed those up? Just seems like a waste of 2 tabs with those cooldowns?
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
I run a tanky healer support setup that utilises p/s in combination with healing bombs. The blast finisher provided by the shield skills as well as a ranged interrupt synergyses very well, but the build requires a lot of really fast kit switching and combos to be effective.
Hi all,
I’ve been running the same pistol/shield build (link below) for the past 6 weeks or so. The recent buff to the tool kit made the build even better.
The reasons that i use this build over other options are the following:
> Pistol shield is the most complete weapon available. It offers a strong mix of power based damage, condition damage (poison, confusion, burn and bleed), and control abilities (projectile reflect, knockback, daze, block). This mix is important for pvp because the variety of abilities allows you to react to your opponent, and forces your opponent to interact with you on a variety of different axes.
>Static Discharge provides a high amount of ranged AoE damage at the cost of one trait. To maximize this trait, however, you need to equip low-CD ranged attacks on your toolbelt. The options are limited here, but the two best are hip-shot (tool belt of rifle turret) and throw wrench (tool belt of tool kit). I want to recognize that tool belt abilities that do not target a player will trigger static discharge, but that discharge will often fizzle into the ground rather than travel to your target (e.g. throw elixir). Notable exclusion of rocket kick (tool belt of rocket boots) because the range on this ability is too short for most situations (i dont want to be in melee range) so it often misses. i recognize how bad the rifle turret actually is, so it may look like a wasted utility slot. In practice, however, the 7.75s cooldown on hip shot (with traits) allows for sustained static discharge, which really holds this build together.
>The tool kit offers excellent survivability skills. box of nails is great for kiting, gear shield is a long immunity to soak burst, and magnet pull is great utility.
>Elixir gun (with kit refinement) offers, 3 regen boons (toolbelt and 2 ground effect regens), 2 aoe condition removal skills (Super Elixir, one on swap and one on 5), 2 light combo fields for further condition removal, and excellent mobility skills (acid bomb for running away and Elixir F for chasing)
> Bandage Self (tool belt of Medkit) provides good healing on a 15.5s cooldown (traited) and resets at 25% health thanks to Inertial Converter (15point Tools Trait), which adds more survivability to the build.
80 Norn Engineer, Midnight Gaming [MN]
Henge of Denravi
(edited by Effex.3049)
Usually i’d go with chain lightning (if i like a chalenge and fun) or turret build (simpler) for pistol/shield.
thats what i want a pistol/shield turret build. any ideas for traits and skills