Please complain responsibly (from a dev pov)
So, that’s what not to do, what SHOULD you do?
First up: math, math and MORE math. Prove your point. Show that X > Y, show it in as many ways as you can. This is doubly true for new issues after a patch. If all you have to go on is a vague sense of how X and Y relate, do not expect (much less demand) a dev response. Bluntly, your post isn’t ready yet. Still make the post! let others who are better at math than you tinker with it and find the proof you need, but don’t expect a dev response at that point.
Second, justify your emotions, don’t just state them. If you are angry, say “I’m angry, and here are the 13 reasons why:…” posts littered with “kitten this” and “kitten that” will be of radically less use than ones that impartially list the reasoning behind their complaint.
Third: Just because you don’t have a red post in your thread doesn’t mean that it hasn’t been read. As I said above, very few devs are even allowed to post on the live forums, but we are all allowed (and often required) to read it. At my old job, some devs were required to spend no less than two hours a day reading the forums. They couldn’t post, but must read it every day. Hundreds of posts, maybe thousands were “getting dev attention” that never saw an official response. Please, don’t demand a dev post to ease your worries… if it’s well written it will get read.
Lastly, be patient. You are a player, you can’t set development priorities. Some fixes will get a higher ranking than others. Sometimes this is due to how vital they are to the game (exploits, blocked missions etc) and other times because of how easy they actually are to fix (“I have 30min to kill, I can fix bug A, but B will take me 4 hours… A it is”). This is set by management more times than the devs. As a dev, we always want our games to be flawless, we want every single feature to be the best it possibly can be and we don’t mind taking the time to do it all… but business is business and eventually someone has to say “This is the deadline, if it can’t be done by X date it is going to be cut/pushed back.” If you want X feature to be fixed, you need to show why X feature needs to be fixed before the other ones. Again, with math or other justifications. “Because I want it”, while an ok justification, isn’t nearly as good at convincing management that it needs to be a priority as hard math.
So please, complain responsibly and we will all have a better chance at getting our voices heard, our voices respected, and our complaints addressed.
Thank you.
First of all, there are NO easy fixes. Anything that was an easy fix was fixed months ago. What looks easy for you, and what looks easy for a dev are radically different. Case in Point: Scope (+10% crit when standing still). I’ve seen a LOT of flak from players that this is “an easy fix”. Yes, adding 10% crit is easy, but depending on how their tech works the “when standing still” part may not. There is client/server issues, synch issues, data logging issues, and likely a half dozen others that I don’t know about because I’m not an ANet dev. My point is, saying “X is an easy fix!” will only get your post ignored.
Yes. This is the one that kills me the most. Posters claiming something is an easy fix, when they are absolutely 100% ignorant to the actually trouble shooting and problem solving issue related to that.
Interesting read 4 when i make my mega engi feedback thread.
Interesting read 4 when i make my mega engi feedback thread.
that would be redundant considering the size of the one that exists.
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.
Great read, one of the more valuable piece of post on the forum so far. I honestly feel there should be a template on how complaints should be written just so it can be reviewed in a systematic manner.
Good post and good advice.
Thanks for sharing your dev experience and frame of reference.
This is nice and good but Arenanet and devs should know this is a business. They are already suppose to forecast and know the needs of the customer then place resources accordingly. Not doing so results in angry lash outs like we’ve been seeing. People in this forum have been leaving plenty of feedback in a nice manner so it’s not really a surprise that they are a little upset after nothing they care about was dealt with.
Jon Peters says, “There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this.” Now does that sound like enough people to make significant changes for every patch? I don’t think you need to go to Harvard to figure this one out.
Didn’t read the post.
Argument by namecalling.
No rational person… ?
Hey, I fancy myself a rational person and you know what? I think OP’s post has more information density than you can mentally handle.
Even a total narcissist who’s uninterested in the part that suggests that the changes HE WANTS, RIGHT NOW might be slightly harder than he expects might find profit in the part where OP explains how facts might work better than righteous raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaage in getting attention from the devs.
Want to write this on few other sub forums too? Maybe the one that starts with R.
Just wanted to say this is a great post. As someone who had been very irritated at the unintelligible complaining plaguing the forum(like most MMO forums), can only imagine how annoying it must be for devs. Typing something out rationally HAS to go a long way
Great post, but Arenanet is a company, a company wants to make money.
Saying: “any fix is not an easy fix” is not an excuse.
I can’t say to my boss: “but boss it’s such a annoying job, i don’t want to do it”
There are still some big issues in the game.
I never said it was an excuse, I said it was reality. If a fix, ANY fix, was a 1 min data change, I can 100% guarantee it was done, ages ago, likely 5 min after it was first reported.
Please re-read the part on devs wanting their product to be perfect. We NEVER want to see a buggy product go in front of players. “Annoying” and “I don’t want to do it” never enters a devs mind. We take great pride in our work, but, there are deadlines. I’ve never once heard of any dev saying that they just didn’t want to fix a bug, hell I’ve seen dozens try and squeeze a few extra days/hours/even minutes out of a pressuring manager just to get one more bug fix into the patch before it goes live. I’ve also seen managers trying to wiggle CEOs to get more time…
Simply put, patches have schedules, and they are set pretty harshly weeks or even months before they are even announced. This patch date,was likely decided on pre-launch. Asking for another week or more to put a bug fix in simply wasn’t going to happen.
Yes, there are pretty big issues left in the game. And they know it. They also know, far better than any of us, what the priority is on those fixes. Priority is based on how critical the bug is (exploit, blocker, critical balance issue etc) and how quickly it can be fixed. An short change that has a lower impact may get bumped up a patch or two because there is just enough time to get it done before the deadline even if there is a more pressing issue (pressing to management, not pressing to players). If I have one hour before the deadline, I’m going to pick one of the one-hour bugs to cram one more fix in before lock… rather than picking one of the 5-6 day bugs that will have no impact until the next patch cycle.
Our job, as players, isn’t to tell them their bug priority. We can’t, we don’t have enough information on how long it would take to fix. Our job is to put forward, as cleanly and clearly, how we found bugs, how to reproduce those bugs, and how those bugs affect our gameplay WITH MATH. Not swears, not table-flipping rage-quits… math. If you post emotional laden hate, the post becomes unusable in a bug report, the devs who are reading the posts (and they are) can’t forward it on to their management, and it generally gets us absolutely nowhere.
I’m not trying to excuse their bugs, or their fix priority. I can’t, I don’t have enough information to do so. What I’m trying to do is give other players the guidelines needed to get their complaints in front of the eyes that they need to be in front of for changes to happen.
(edited by Imperatora.7654)
Ok, I see fair your point, but you miss something, most of the complaints are not for the nerf itself (I don’t see too much nerf, but well I wasn’t grenader user), are for the fact that they “touch” something that wasn’t prioritary, by that I mean:
We are without stats on kits since beta, a lot of times we talk here in a lot of post about that and we NEVER got a word from the devs about that, not even a single mention on patch notes like “we’re working on it”. That’s an example, there’s more of course, like broken traits, useless skills, but that’s not the point.
The point is that most of the complaints are motivated for that silence from the devs about important questions, I see a lot of times a devs posting in another forum answering a question about a patch change, or mechanic but in our forums I only see the devs posting for closing posts, thats not fair, they’re not fair with us, thats the important matter for me.
I know that they want they creation to be perfect, yeah, but at least they can have a words with us, isn it?, something like: “Hi fellow engineers we hear you, we are working on that, on that, and on that, but isnt an easy fix so its going to take time”, instead of that we get fixes on minor things, “ey 30 points of fixes”, yeah most of it were secundary or completely useless, and the important things are still out of the equation without a word from the devs.
Constructive criticism or suggestions has shown to have no effect on ANet’s design direction.
I hope to hell the company you work for is better than ArenaNet.
Here’s some constructive criticism ArenaNet:
Communicate with your players, we are stakeholders too.
Do not give expectations than shatter them.
Get your priorities straight. Adding progression and seasonal content over fixing the broken kitten in your game is all sorts of asinine.
How the hell this company came in charge of delivering a AAA title is beyond me.
Constructive criticism or suggestions has shown to have no effect on ANet’s design direction.
I hope to hell the company you work for is better than ArenaNet.
Here’s some constructive criticism ArenaNet:
Communicate with your players, we are stakeholders too.
Do not give expectations than shatter them.
Get your priorities straight. Adding progression and seasonal content over fixing the broken kitten in your game is all sorts of asinine.
How the hell this company came in charge of delivering a AAA title is beyond me.
This is good example how not to do complaints, 0 content only immature raging, exaggerations and insults.
(edited by Cato.3547)
Constructive criticism or suggestions has shown to have no effect on ANet’s design direction.
I hope to hell the company you work for is better than ArenaNet.
Here’s some constructive criticism ArenaNet:
Communicate with your players, we are stakeholders too.
Do not give expectations than shatter them.
Get your priorities straight. Adding progression and seasonal content over fixing the broken kitten in your game is all sorts of asinine.
How the hell this company came in charge of delivering a AAA title is beyond me.
This is good example how not to do complaints, 0 content only immature raging, exaggerations and insults.
Do tell which points were exaggerations?
Wowzers thousands of posts and angry ones to boot, and all about the changes in this last patch.
Some people just dont articulate there thoughts in typed chat in a graceful manner, because they are angry and upset, means all of us are wrong and your right!
Gee i never heard this one befor huh? Its not rocket science to figure out that this patch was BAD, and your customers DONT LIKE IT, for the most part.
So sorry that we dont word things properly to fit your special idea of speech and idea sharing , but hey who are we anyhow? Just the customer that spends alot of our offtime hanging out with your product.
Thanks for pointing out our wrong doings and forgive us for our inept attempt at relating to your godly ideas of criteria and how we should speak.
We shall attempt to do better and leave you to yourself made thoughts of grandeur and holiness. Better yet, we can just find a new game.
May I say… Thank you for this post. I have found… many many times, from both sides of the table… that anger and swearing and name calling get you no where. Personally, in my job, people who yell at me and call me names just get booted out the door. I don’t want to help them. I have no desire whatsoever at all to make their life easier. Now, if someone comes to me with a legit concern, not abusive to myself personally, I am more likely to want to help them.
I am not a developer. I tend to break tech more than anything else. I couldn’t hope to tell what is a quick fix and what isn’t. Do I want to see things better? YOU BET. But unless I knew how they did what they do, I can’t complain much. I appreciate this game and am enjoying it. I will continue enjoying it more when they fix all the things that need to be fixed. Til then, I can appreciate all the hard work that HAS gone into this game.
Hi. I’m also a software engineer who’s worked on products that real customers use, and so I’m going to complain “responsibly” by saying that ANet gets no free lunch here.
- That a trait has been broken so long is absurd. The idea that server sync prevents a fairly powerful trait from working is definitely plausible but… why not just change the trait. Part of knowing how to ship a good product is limiting your feature set to what can be delivered. ANet is not doing a good job of this. Simply provide a different trait that can be implemented. Is scope really so pivotal to the engineer design that it cannot be replaced? The pvp community certainly doesn’t think so!
- While sometimes kids go way off the deep end in their complaints, the lack of other more direct feedback mechanisms means that the only way that people feel like they can be heard is to shout loudly and often. ANet has basically asked for this response by not at least offering token feedback mechanisms in game.
- Dev quotes can and should be used against them. Each of us, as software engineers or coders or whatever you call yourself, is not somehow exempt from the day-to-day rules of communication that govern everyone else. If you say something, you’ve said it and people will listen. If you say something foolish, you may later be required to admit you were wrong. It is the sign of a healthy mind to be able to do this.
Hi. I’m also a software engineer who’s worked on products that real customers use, and so I’m going to complain “responsibly” by saying that ANet gets no free lunch here.
- That a trait has been broken so long is absurd. The idea that server sync prevents a fairly powerful trait from working is definitely plausible but… why not just change the trait. Part of knowing how to ship a good product is limiting your feature set to what can be delivered. ANet is not doing a good job of this. Simply provide a different trait that can be implemented. Is scope really so pivotal to the engineer design that it cannot be replaced? The pvp community certainly doesn’t think so!
- While sometimes kids go way off the deep end in their complaints, the lack of other more direct feedback mechanisms means that the only way that people feel like they can be heard is to shout loudly and often. ANet has basically asked for this response by not at least offering token feedback mechanisms in game.
- Dev quotes can and should be used against them. Each of us, as software engineers or coders or whatever you call yourself, is not somehow exempt from the day-to-day rules of communication that govern everyone else. If you say something, you’ve said it and people will listen. If you say something foolish, you may later be required to admit you were wrong. It is the sign of a healthy mind to be able to do this.
I’m glad your able to state things so clearly and responsibly.
I on the other hand have great trouble doing that when im angry and upset, as do most of the people here.
Good job and nice right up.
Lastly, and most importantly, DO NOT use dev quotes against them. This may sound odd, but we hate that. The reason why 99% of devs not only do not want to post on live forums, but are actually banned from doing so by management, is because players utterly FAIL to grasp what is actually being said. Ascended gear is a perfect example. The quote that keeps being brought up says that the best gear wont be the kind you spend 1000s of hours grinding for… and it isn’t, it’s the kind you spend maybe 10h on, if that. The quote says exactly what they meant, but it has been blown so far out of context that players assumed it meant that there would NEVER be any gear advancement. Just don’t do this… you will get more dev comments that way.
This…so much this.
I’m not a programmer/developer or anything of the sort…but I do understand quite a bit about argumentative rhetoric. I’ve written posts about exactly this, how trying to throw posts in their faces just makes them less likely to post because, at a certain point, no definitive, or even slightly definitive statement becomes safe, and therefore, we lose whatever transparency we might have had access to before. It drives me nutty every time I see a response that neither clearly understands the initial statement, and the possible connotations of it, but uses it to throw an anthem of “Lies!” at the developers. I can’t think of any better way to get them to communicate with us less.
I just wish people would pay attention to posts like this, it would make it so much better around here in general.
- Dev quotes can and should be used against them. Each of us, as software engineers or coders or whatever you call yourself, is not somehow exempt from the day-to-day rules of communication that govern everyone else. If you say something, you’ve said it and people will listen. If you say something foolish, you may later be required to admit you were wrong. It is the sign of a healthy mind to be able to do this.
To a certain degree I agree with this, but the way in which they have been used recently has been somewhat absurd. I totally think we should question when they seem to be going off path, asking perhaps why they seem to be straying from it and asking for clarification. But I also think that reading something in a very particular way (and admittedly, this has been done a lot in relation to ascended gear) and then claiming that the developers lied to them is reliant on a false reading. But, instead of this being thoughtfully argued, so many posts become chants that, quite frankly, really aren’t constructive.
This is nice and good but Arenanet and devs should know this is a business. They are already suppose to forecast and know the needs of the customer then place resources accordingly. Not doing so results in angry lash outs like we’ve been seeing. People in this forum have been leaving plenty of feedback in a nice manner so it’s not really a surprise that they are a little upset after nothing they care about was dealt with.
I disagree. Every trait and ability could work 100% as intended and this forums would still be full of rage post. That is evident by all the rage post we already have on the engineer skills that work properly and well. yet get daily rages to change them.
I mean folks make rage treads every day, going ballistic about the way a abilities grapics looks.
Great post, but Arenanet is a company, a company wants to make money.
Saying: “any fix is not an easy fix” is not an excuse.
I can’t say to my boss: “but boss it’s such a annoying job, i don’t want to do it”
There are still some big issues in the game.
What evidence do you have to support implying that they do not want to fix issues?
This mentality you bring is a large portion of the issue. Twisting his comments informing folks of the time consumption fixes take to the “but boss it’s such a annoying job, i don’t want to do it” that you threw out there are not even resembling the same mentality.
Ok, I see fair your point, but you miss something, most of the complaints are not for the nerf itself (I don’t see too much nerf, but well I wasn’t grenader user), are for the fact that they “touch” something that wasn’t prioritary.
Yeah, I got to generally agree here. What it appears they chose to focus on is disheartening.
Constructive criticism or suggestions has shown to have no effect on ANet’s design direction.
This is good example how not to do complaints, 0 content only immature raging, exaggerations and insults.
Do tell which points were exaggerations?
They changed alot of things based on feedback. That is evident in how they changed Halloween item drop rates. We could go through tons of changes and shoe you how many were changed based on feedback. Not sure that would help anyone who rage post about something as insignificant as the hipshot animation.
Besides that. Many fail to realize that they get opposing “Constructive criticism or suggestions”……..Whose “suggestions” do they take? Doesn’t matter, because the other side will rage about it.
- Dev quotes can and should be used against them. Each of us, as software engineers or coders or whatever you call yourself, is not somehow exempt from the day-to-day rules of communication that govern everyone else. If you say something, you’ve said it and people will listen. If you say something foolish, you may later be required to admit you were wrong. It is the sign of a healthy mind to be able to do this.
This is exactly why most devs are BANNED from posting on the forums for live games. Admitting I was wrong was not the issue, the issue was that management was so utterly terrified of players taking what I had said out of context that they require any and all posts to be run past senior management before being put online.
If you want more dev comments, make us less scared to do so. The more you throw quotes back at us, the more management is going to lock us out of talking to you, and the fewer dev posts you will see.
Rage!! yeah alot of people rage about alot of dumb things and thats the truth, BUT
that doesnt negate the facts of ALL the people that rage. You have to admit some of there rage is legit and has a good reason.
If you cannot admit that then your just blind and refuse to see anything as broken. It would be more of the same < Move along, nothing to see here no problems just keep moving people >>
I play WvW ALOT, in fact since i finshed my story line and have all exotics and dont really care to dungeon romp all the time, im in WvW most of the time.
Let me tell you something. Look around in WVW and please tell me honestly how many engy you see sporting the flamethrower. HAHA im so tierd of rezzing these poor saps during a battle that i honestly feel sorry for them and message the few i did see to ask how they felt about that particular build.
Usally these engys are few and far in between but i can tell you here that they wasnt happy campers.
I mean cmon guys, you telling me ALL these people that are getting pissed off about the engy change or the state of that class are WRONG? Tweaking and toning down abilities after a games release is one thing but my god , just swinging the nerf bat all the kitten time befor you even FIX unworking broken traits and abilities is just stupid and bad design.
Excuse me if you think this is unconstructive critisism but you take it however you feel. Its my opinion and yes i have an engy 80 and YES the class needs HELP not nerfs.
There i said it.
(edited by scaramanga.3576)
oh rage can easily be legit, and often with good reason… but it is NOT useful feedback from a dev standpoint.
If you want to rage, please, rage away… but if you want to post something that actually gets read by a dev and acted on to get things changed, leave your rage at the door.
They changed alot of things based on feedback. That is evident in how they changed Halloween item drop rates. We could go through tons of changes and shoe you how many were changed based on feedback. Not sure that would help anyone who rage post about something as insignificant as the hipshot animation.
Besides that. Many fail to realize that they get opposing “Constructive criticism or suggestions”……..Whose “suggestions” do they take? Doesn’t matter, because the other side will rage about it.
How is Halloween fluff any more insignificant than hipshot animation?
I never said they didn’t act on feedback, I said they didn’t act on constructive feedback. How many changes have been implemented based on constructive feedback?
Thief BS/PW where the core issue still stands (haste) and they basically rendered a build useless? That’s kneejerk reaction to whining not well thought out response to constructive criticism.
The latest patch, 150 odd pages of criticism, some of it constructive most of it not, most the constructive threads got merged and chucked into the damage control thread. When a company blatantly silences any argument to their design direction it’s appalling to put it bluntly.
And they implement based on feedback I have never seen? I never saw a constructive pro-treadmill thread since this game’s release. That’s a kneejerk reaction to financial crisis not feedback.
I’m glad they improved Halloween drops rate though.
This is exactly why most devs are BANNED from posting on the forums for live games. Admitting I was wrong was not the issue, the issue was that management was so utterly terrified of players taking what I had said out of context that they require any and all posts to be run past senior management before being put online.
An unfortunate situation, on many levels. One: that the management feels devs cannot be trusted; two: that presumably some incident led to this outcome; three: that the organization must manufacture such an inauthentic facade to maintain customer relations.
If you want more dev comments, make us less scared to do so. The more you throw quotes back at us, the more management is going to lock us out of talking to you, and the fewer dev posts you will see.
Alternatively, you and your organization should devise an editorial process. I even have one for my own personal blog! In any case devs should know when to disengage and let CSRs handle the dialogue.
How is Halloween fluff any more insignificant than hipshot animation?
Your suggesting changing hipsots animation to appease the vocal minority is more significant them availability of limited time exotics ?
I never said they didn’t act on feedback, I said they didn’t act on constructive feedback.
Sure reads that way a few post ago when you said
Constructive criticism or suggestions has shown to have no effect on ANet’s design direction.
How many changes have been implemented based on constructive feedback?
You mean like kits getting auto attacks? Very Very many
The latest patch, 150 odd pages of criticism, some of it constructive most of it not, most the constructive threads got merged and chucked into the damage control thread. When a company blatantly silences any argument to their design direction it’s appalling to put it bluntly.
Perhaps you should actually try knowing the facts before you make incorrect claims…….They never did that for anything near why your suggesting they did. There were several posters reporting the spam of redundant threads threads threads threads because they got tired of post getting buried because everyone thought there post was so special that they should all make separate threads for each opinion. As frivolously making multiple threads is against the forums code of conduct, I am surprised you condone and support it.
And they implement based on feedback, I have never seen? I never saw a constructive pro-treadmill thread since this game’s release. That’s a kneejerk reaction to financial crisis not feedback.
Forgive me if I pause to laugh at this for a second because there are a ridiculous amounts of threads demanding higher tiers of gear for more end game material, and you have a horrible history of suggesting threads do not exist. that are common knowledge to most, just because you never read them. Several GW2 news podcast even state about 50% of the threads on this topic are for this to be in game. (I could care less either way personally)
What financial reaction do you refer to?
(edited by coglin.1496)
And as a Developer outside of Video games Here is my input:
1. Under Promise, Over Deliver
2. Communicate
3. Manage Expectations
These are the top three rules rammed into my head from the minute I graduated.
You’ll notice that none of them are technical. The most difficult part of any development job isn’t writing the code, it all revolves around communicating.
I worked as a consultant for a while, and if I had pulled the crap these guys pulled with the patch I would have been rolled off the project and a black mark would be on my record. I wouldn’t be fired, but it would impact my career negatively.
Here is where they failed:
1. They did not have adequate resources
2. They did not gather requirements from stakeholders.
3. Of if they did they went to the wrong stakeholders.
4. They claimed to make changes they did not make.
5. They did not catch #4 in testing
Plan -> Analyse -> Design -> Build -> Test -> Deploy
They failed on every step on the SLDC except deploy.
To compound that they utterly failed at communication.
They also failed process wise by not giving out patch notes before the patch went live.
Something I learned early as a consultant is that sugar coating failure prevents it from being corrected and guarantees it will happen again in the future.
After each project we did a brutal self-assessment, for ourselves, our peers and the project. Not the typical corporate bullkitten ones I also did for clients, but real honest analysis is what went right and what went wrong. After a while I realized the lessons we learned by being willing to call out specific failings and own up to our mistakes was why clients hired us in the first place.
Pretending that things went fine or avoiding the issues by clamoring about niceties doesn’t build better software, it builds failure.
(edited by Xae.7204)
As developer I totaly agree.
Tekkit’s Workshop
As a developer I disagree
You disagree that communication is key?
You disagree that honestly reviewing problems is good?
No, I disagree that points will be ignored if they are insulting. I also disagree that reminding them, via quotes, is considered a bad thing. I do this, as the other posters, from the perspective of a developer.
As a developer, I agree with Kirin and Xae. Communication needs to be improved from arenanet. And they need to reprioritize and reshuffle resources. If not, they need to get more resources. I am pretty sure they have the money to hire a few more devs and designers.
I also find it funny that Jon Peters regularly posts in other class forums (maybe not Mesmers, their’s seem just as empty as ours.) and never posts here.
Some of the excuses they have given have been pretty lame. Especially the Sync issue for that trait. Change the trait to be different make a easier condition on the 10% that doesn’t rely on latency.
Here is the single post by a Developer in this forum:
The only other “interaction” Arena net has had with Engineers in this forum has been to lock threads.
In almost 90 days they have only managed to speak three sentences to Engineers.
Here is the single post by a Developer in this forum:
They indeed fixed the bug but I still constantly catch myself spamming the 1 key when breaking doors or trebs!
IMO you shouldn’t even post on the forums solely to get the devs to respond.
The forum should be to spark convo with your fellow engineers and if a thread gets so much attention from our community; they are bound to see it and put the issue on their team’s radar.
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]
How are they “bound” to see it?
Developers are perfectly capable of ignoring feedback.
How are they “bound” to see it?
Developers are perfectly capable of ignoring feedback.
How are they not? They obviously read the forums.
Whether or not they reply is their choice.
When you browse the forums; are you more likely to click a thread with more replies?
That generally means there’s a conversation going on between players.
If there is a conversation happening; that means there is usually valid player views on both sides; not just someone running their mouth that isn’t getting their way.
Not Sure If Serious [BZNZ] ||| Cynical [CYN]
Heres a complaint, and Arenanets resposible for it haha.
This games turned to CRAP. Lousy customer support and interaction, your events are constantly riddled with bugs, and you swing that nerf bat WAY to wide and Often instead of fixing the broken crap that doesnt even work yet.
Planetside 2 releases tomorrow and is free to play as well, so this games going to the shelf to collect dust.
How are they “bound” to see it?
Developers are perfectly capable of ignoring feedback.
How are they not? They obviously read the forums.
Whether or not they reply is their choice.When you browse the forums; are you more likely to click a thread with more replies?
That generally means there’s a conversation going on between players.
If there is a conversation happening; that means there is usually valid player views on both sides; not just someone running their mouth that isn’t getting their way.
You are correct in that they can read with out posting.
However you can not prove that they ARE reading. Granted they almost certainly are reading but simply reading something doesn’t mean it will shape their thoughts or actions. Because of this you can not say for certain that any feedback we give them has an impact.
I think you should post this in the discussion thread and not on Engineer thread so that more people can read! Helpful post.
However you can not prove that they ARE reading. Granted they almost certainly are reading but simply reading something doesn’t mean it will shape their thoughts or actions. Because of this you can not say for certain that any feedback we give them has an impact.
How would posting shape their thoughts or actions more then reading player feedback would? Your statement is kind of backwards.
However you can not prove that they ARE reading. Granted they almost certainly are reading but simply reading something doesn’t mean it will shape their thoughts or actions. Because of this you can not say for certain that any feedback we give them has an impact.
How would posting shape their thoughts or actions more then reading player feedback would? Your statement is kind of backwards.
Points in my post:
1. You can not prove Devs Read anything here
2. They probably do though
3. Reading posts does not mean they act on them
4. Reading posts does not mean they even “take in” the information given
As this thread is not centered around discussion of the Engineer class, this thread will now be closed.
Thank you for your understanding.
look familiar? I’m surprised it hasn’t happened yet. While I agree with a lot of points the OP makes, I don’t agree that Anet is doing all they can to improve customer relations. Just look at other sucessful companies such as Riot games, who are VERY transparent with their player base and actively go out of their way to converse with players about their concerns. Why is that not a possibility here? As players, we want to understand that the developers are as passionate about their game as we are. Damage control is disheartening to see, as are threads constantly being shuffled under the carpet.
However you can not prove that they ARE reading. Granted they almost certainly are reading but simply reading something doesn’t mean it will shape their thoughts or actions. Because of this you can not say for certain that any feedback we give them has an impact.
How would posting shape their thoughts or actions more then reading player feedback would? Your statement is kind of backwards.
Points in my post:
1. You can not prove Devs Read anything here
2. They probably do though
3. Reading posts does not mean they act on them
4. Reading posts does not mean they even “take in” the information given
My point is that that have displayed a history of taking and acting on the information here.