Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkimedes.8730


Engineer was my favorite class to play in PvP before HoT. It was a very dynamic class, both mentally and physically. None of this feeling is translating to the scrapper update and I really don’t get it. I’m trying to use the meta build and I’m just a huge liability to whatever team I’m on.

First, I don’t get why I’m supposed to be using hammer over rifle. Rifle can secure a decap by itself. It’s utility is great, and it has a few nice bursts. Hammer feels completely useless. Like, it has a short duration stun and a short duration block, but neither have been gamechanging. The hammer 3 ability is just a tool that melee weapons need to be useful. Half the time it launches me backwards anyway. The hammer auto has more sustain damage than rifle, but toolkit auto is just as good for melee damage as hammer. I would love to know why this weapon is preferred.

Secondly, I don’t get how function gyro works. As far as I can tell, it doesn’t. Sometimes, the “gyro smash” text pops up, but pressing it doesn’t seem to do anything. I’ve tried against the training dummies in the mists. It works against them sometimes, but it takes a very long time to do the stomp. It’s also really hard to tell where it is or if it’s doing anything. I’m pretty sure it usually just dies to cleave damage, but I have no way of knowing. I have no idea if it can revive people at all, I don’t think I’ve ever had the option.

I think the “gyro smash” dialogue is popping up when I try to stomp someone I’m standing right next to. I think I have to press it before I can actually stomp someone. I think this is what’s delayed me stomping multiple times, until I end up taking too much damage and can’t attempt a stomp anymore. I feel like this ability has saved almost everyone I’ve tried to stomp since I’ve tried playing scrapper. This ability is very baffling and I don’t understand how it works, or even how it’s supposed to work.

Thirdly, I don’t know how I’m supposed to contribute damage. Elixir gun certainly isn’t going to do it. None of your elites can kill someone on their own (maybe rampage). Hammer is ok for damage, but it’s not like sustained power damage is going to kill anyone in this meta. I honestly feel like I’m running around tickling everyone.

The one thing I do get is that it’s pretty hard to kill me, but I don’t know what else I’m bringing. I can’t bunker a point against two people, I can’t decap, I can’t finish, I can’t res, I can’t deal damage. I’m consistently the worst on my teams in score, and in contribution. I really don’t get it at all. Help please.

(edited by Arkimedes.8730)

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Firezzzz.1836


I don’t have much time but here are some things that might help you out.

-scrapper is used often as a 1v1 class and really is best used as that.
-Function gyro works as a target skill. So you need to target a downed ally or enemy and press f for the function gyro to work. Mostly i use the function gyro as an alternative to stability stomping or to just walk away and let the function gyro take care of it.

I use a build with might stacking trough elixers and can burst most ppl very quickly. There is probably a build available somewhere online.

Drohakin ~ Blacktide

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: NickLaBorde.2730


Read my post on forums and it explains what I do. Scrapper pvp viable for PvE is title

Would take to long to list my characters

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Play the scrapper marauder hammer that the Euros are using in the pro league. It’s amazing.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Selya.5039


I’m far from being an expert engineer player, but here’s what I have gleaned so far from playing the scrapper marauder hammer build that’s currently ubiquitous in the ESL:

1) Why Hammer over Rifle?
- Much easier might stacking, since the autoattack stacks might. This is not insignificant, as it helps the Scrapper maintain at least 15 stacks of might easily, drastically improving damage.

- Hammer 2 is a great damage skill that also reflects projectiles. It is comparable to jump shot.

- Hammer 3 is the key to why the hammer is used. With the scrapper build you should have access to 2-3 water fields. Doing proper leap combos in water fields (and other fields like ice or poison when you’re at full hp) gives you insane sustain, especially in 1v1s. Having access to two blast finishers helps greatly as well in this department.

-Hammer 4 is a block that is nice to have because you won’t have tool kit. I use it just like gear shield.

-Hammer 5: See point 3 below.

2) Function Gyro
- I basically never rely on it because it gets cleaved down in a second. It only shines in very small fights imo, where it can be used to force the opponent to use their down state CC to interrupt the stomp from the gyro, or to stomp while you are focusing on the other enemy player. Gyros as a whole probably need a drastic rework – they are quite subpar in all 3 game modes.

3) Doing damage
-Marauder Scrapper is heavily reliant on getting relatively huge stacks of might to do considerable damage. Thankfully, stacking might is simple due to HGH, Hammer Autoattack, and Sigil of Battle if you’re running it. I can maintain around 15 stacks of might easily in most fights, getting up to 20-25 rather frequently as well. You would be surprised at how much damage you can do when you have a ton of might stacks.

- A nice damage combo I’ve found is:
1) Use acid bomb on Elixir gun in such a way that the opponent is standing on it, at least for a couple of seconds.
2) Use hammer 5 to place down the lightning field.
3) Use slick shoes in the way it is usually used to get chain knockdowns.
4) Go ham on the disabled opponent with hammer 2 and hammer autoattacks.

When executed successfully, the opponent would be disabled in both a ticking acid bomb and lightning field that do considerable damage. Together with the damage from hammer, this can drop unwary opponents surprisingly quickly.

4) Role
I would like some clarification as well. AFAIK, the scrapper best fills the role of side-point contesting. Essentially you try to contest the side points in 1v1s; against good players you might not WIN the 1v1s, but if played properly I can’t think of any build which I can’t stalemate in a duel if I don’t screw up.

Scrapper Hammer is powerful in team fights as well, especially because of slick shoes. However, getting bursted down is still an issue. The way I currently approach teamfights is to stay off the point as much as possible and try to position myself in such a way that I can still do damage without getting focused. Still working on the correct approach though; some help from the pros would be much appreciated.

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Arkimedes.8730


-Function gyro works as a target skill. So you need to target a downed ally or enemy and press f for the function gyro to work.

This is incredibly helpful, thank you.

Read my post on forums and it explains what I do. Scrapper pvp viable for PvE is title

I’ll have a look at it, thanks.

Play the scrapper marauder hammer that the Euros are using in the pro league. It’s amazing.

Oh for sure. Celestial made no sense to me on a build without any conditions.

This is hugely informative and exactly what I needed to hear, thank you.

The hammer blast chain is on a really low CD, so it makes total sense with all the water fields. I mostly play solo, though, so without my own fire fields there’s no real way to blast might. I’m now wondering if I should swap elixir gun for bomb kit or flamethrower.

I’m going to put your advice to use and try some more matches. Thanks everyone.

Please help me learn scrapper [pvp]

in Engineer

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I mostly play solo, though, so without my own fire fields there’s no real way to blast might. I’m now wondering if I should swap elixir gun for bomb kit or flamethrower.

No need.
Thanks to HGH, Elixir gun #4, #5 and F# skill (Healing Mist) all grant 2 stacks of might besides reducing the CD of all of them, and I personally like Healing Mist and EG #5 a lot, it grants so much sustain and helps to hold a point for the whole team since it is an unique source of healing, making it stack with regen and being a light field end giving retaliation to your team.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)