Please help my Engineer!

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965



First off, I want to make it clear that amongst the flaws the class has, I love my Engineer. I have several alts but I keep going back to him. I think the main reason I find myself going back to my engineer toon because I like the idea of the kits and the turrets and such. I’m constantly fine tuning my skills and traits based on my play style (I don’t like using many cookie cutter builds.) However, I do use them as guides for ideas on what I could change.

That being said, I’m asking for assistance in terms of pvp and wvw. I find myself in many many MANY situations where I get 1, 2 even 3 shotted by classes. It gets extremely frustrating and in wvw I feel completely worthless sometimes. I do get the occasional kill and sometimes manage to do some good, but I just don’t feel like I contribute much. The DPS just doesn’t seem on par with the majority of opponents I face in WvW.

There has GOT to be something I’m doing wrong. Possibly some gear changes or skill changes or something. Maybe a different way to tackle things or it could be working with buffs and such. At this point I’m open to anything really. I’m tired of being hit once or twice and constantly having to use my self heal. There has to be a better way.

I hope that Engineers just aren’t so completely gimped or nerfed that there is nothing I can do.

Warriors kill me pretty much instantly (being hit for 2k -4k per hit with their skills, I usually die in like 2 maybe 3 or 4 hits).

Thief class literally is pointless for me since they kill me (instantly if backstab, or within a few seconds because of the damage they can do with some of their skills. The constant vanishing and stealth doesn’t help either)

Mesmer (dps literally kills me by attrition, mostly I have issues with clones and such).

Ranger (I don’t have much issues with these though they can be annoying sometimes )

Necromancer (various on encounter, though the condition potion from the med kit works wonders for the conditions necromancers do on me. They can be a pain but not always.)

Guardian dps me down within a few hits. The DPS they can do is crazy and they can take quite a beating. Sometimes I don’t even bother and just fight other battles.

Elementalist kill me quickly as well. Their damage is insane as well and their molten skill kills me within 2 or 3 seconds. Honestly, I don’t last very long against these as well. Few hits and I’m dead. It’s worse if they are fire attuned.

I’m not looking for L2P (Learn 2 Play) responses. I’m looking for honest advice and possibly some guides or people to point me in the right direction. Maybe share some of their builds. Really anything at this point! I’m not giving up on this class but seriously it’s getting frustrating!

Still wondering on what attributes I should focus on. (Right now I’m doing Power/Precision/Vitality/Toughness)

FOLKS Copy and Paste the links! Don’t Click! For some reason the forum software ANET uses is breaking links across the forums.

Here is my build:

Here is an alternate link:;TEADKA

Thanks for the help!!!!!

(edited by Xruptor.3965)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Flaunz.5273



First of all, looking at the utilities I was sure you were using a static discharge build! I don’t see you using that trait though, speedy kits instead – or is that something you swap when entering a fight?
Most of your utilities have low CD toolbelt skills which with Static Discharge could really improve your DPS!

Looking at your defensive utilities/traits/gear:
Apart from the thoughness/vit gear you seem to be going almost full DPS.
Your only condition removal comes from med kit 4 which from personal experience is too little. You might wanna consider using a sigil or purity, getting the trait that removes conditions on elixir use (20 alchemy), using elixir H (don’t have too much experience with that myself) or using the elixir gun for 5 – As you can see u have quite a few options there.
I can highly recommend you the alchemy trait line for awesome defense options, such as Elixir S when at 25% health (an awesome utility too since both the elixir itself as also the toolbelt help you in getting away or safely stomping enemies)

Toolbelt 4 provides a couple of seconds of block which can also help a lot when things get nasty for you! In case you are not using that on a regular basis already, you should – Those seconds might be just what you need to let some other skill go off cooldown so u can re-enter battle and turn the tide!

Rifle has some defensive options as 2 and 4 but sadly both only work against single targets and won’t help you alot when encountering more than one enemy. The 4 skill will even be contraproductive since you will also be laying on the ground – time for your enemies’ fellas to finish you.

Personally I prefer pistol/shield over rifle, mainly for it’s defensive options. Pistol 3 blinds and confuses targets and Shield 1 & 2 are both awesome for keeping people off you, saving allies by interrupting enemies’ stomps and so on! So you might wanna try those out (perhaps get some rares first before investing in exotics)

I’ll try to think of more stuff to add but I guess by the time I post this you already have several other comments covering all I said so far xD

Since you were also asking for some build ideas:
Here is the one I use for wvw atm.;TgAqgM5IyxqjLIpOjMmiA

I didn’t add armor since I use a weird combination of berserker accessories, and power/prec/cond/vit/tough more or less equally distributed on the rest of the gear
(some invaders, some vatlaaws)

I feel far from squishy with this build, while still having the ability to dish out some decent dmg using both condition dmg and direct dmg from the pistol and grenades!

New Years [ICON] Engineer
Ring of Fire

(edited by Flaunz.5273)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


First off, thank you so much for you kind and constructive response. That’s exactly what I was looking for. Sometimes another perspective is all that is needed. Along with a push in the right direction.

Your actually not the first person to mention the Static Discharge thing. Ironically the skill I picked out happen to be similar to a few builds for the Static Discharge. I like the rocket boots for the tool ability when I magnet someone to me. The knock-back from them is a great way to escape sometimes. I personally find the toolkit to be a must. The magnetic pull, the pry-bar to the face, and the shield is a godsend. Which is why I use it. Also I use the turret as assistance during pve so I keep it around. It is useful for the knock-back if I explode it I’m not running a Static Discharge build though.

That being said let me respond to some of your comments.

I use the swiftness toolkit trait because it’s a must for me. I find character movement to be slow and at times it’s great for a get away.

I’m honestly not entirely sure about Static Discharge and how useful it is really. I mean I’ve seen it when I’ve tested it but it doesn’t seem to do much damage. Maybe it’s just something I’m not seeing. THOUGH I did accidentally pull a group of monsters with it LOL!!! I used the heal kit and it sent a spark flying (was funny).

Hmm you say I’m going full DPS in terms of defensive utilities/traits. I don’t think I completely follow you here. Unless you mean the trait lines which I only picked the DPS ones. You are right my only condition removal is the kit. I didn’t really think about using the alchemy one, didn’t think it was effective. I also never thought about Sigil of Purity. I may have to give those two a look. Do you think I should focus on Toughness? Or maybe shift myself a bit in to another trait line? I DON’T MIND LOSING DPS. Really I’m not in it to be a glass cannon or a super duper dpser. I just want to be able to DPS effectively and hold my ground (be able to defend myself). I tried the elixir gun but it didn’t seem that effective as well. I may have to give it another look. It could be it has combo’s or combination that work well which I haven’t realized or used.

In reference to the Alchemy line, I’ll be honest I wasn’t too familiar with it. Figured I’d go another route. Though after looking into it closely it may be something I would want to invest in. Seems it gives a boost in survivability.

I LOVE the rifle. Great abilities and the utility is sound. Hate the cool-downs on it though and your right it’s really only for single target.

BTW: I did at one time use a condition build or at least focused on condition. Double Pistol and such. It worked well for awhile but I saw that it wasn’t fairing as well as my previous builds with the rifle. I wouldn’t be surprised that I was doing something wrong. Honestly, I wouldn’t mind returning to a condition build but would need a little more insight in it and a bit of reading for me to get back to it It was actually a lot of fun while I used it. I used the shield once or twice but never could get really in to it.

Do you think I should focus on Vitality or Toughness more? Right now my priority is Power as quite a number of Engineers have told me to focus on that. It’s the DPS stat but if sacrificing it for the other attributes improves my game-play, than I’m for it Just let me know what you think.

Finally I want to thank you again for sharing your time and insight into the class. I truly love this class and have since before the game release. It can be rough sometimes but I think with some practice and enough effort it worth it in the end. You can’t shine without some polish!

If anyone else has anything else to add or share to further improve my engineer, I’d really love to hear it. (please be mature and constructive)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


No one else has any suggestions, opinions or advice? That’s kinda of saddening. I was expecting a bit more feedback.

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: KICKER.3874


the link you put for your build is not working so I can`t see what you have now.

here`s what I do, and I can honestly say I never lost a battle 1 on 1 in WvW, I often meet scouts or people trying to hide behind enemy lines and none of them have killed me, at best they managed to get away without getting killed by me.

the build I use is chain lightning full berserker gear, dunno if it`s like others floating around I didn`t copy those, but I`m sure u can figure out how to do it
one discharge does about as much dmg as a normal hit/crit so keep that in mind

when I meet someone he eats the following:
- activate goggles, immune to blind and gets me at 85% crit
-10 stacks of vulnerability + lightning from tool belt goggles skill
- rifle turret tool belt (again about same dmg as normal hit/crit) + lightning (rifle turret because it has 10 sec cd on tool belt)
- tool belt hidden ram + lightning that also slows them

now, all these are about 5 rifle shots worth of dmg with 10 vulnerab on them that also leaves them slowed, all this in half a second

if all these crit, and they usually do, they are usually lower than 50% if tanky or well geared (if glass cannon or bad gear they can be lower that 25%);

in 2 more secs I get 2 more file shots and almost every time with these many hits my Quickness Sigil procs and rifle becomes machine gun for 5 secs, so anything dies if I get that proc
If not, well you have net shot, knockback from hidden ram etc. and you haven`t even used your elite skill stun yet, and the combo will be back up in just over 20 secs but they usually run at this point and get chased down by swiftness on crit trait and the cripple when lower than 25% trait

the most important part is that most of them panic when they drop hp so fast, even if they would have a chance if they kept fighting; the biggest trouble I had is with full stealth thieves who use like 3 stealths per fight but if you read their actions a bit you beat them easily, I really love predicting where they run in stealth and drop my elite turret drop stun on them without seeing them

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

General rule of thumb in wvw: be level 80 in game, and have ur exotic wep, get it? If you have those two requirements filled, you got the right idea. Don’t be too dps, don’t be too tanky. but you are dying so fast?

U gotta know your battle. all the glass builds will perish if you crit them and apply a few condi here and there, while applying blind, blocking and dodging. if you don’t get damage off, u will be a 1v1 failure. If you don’t apply some control you will also be a failure. Unless u are chancing a berserker build, which is played with chips in one hand. Having some survivability while throwing out damage is important. when it comes to zerg, you aren’t on point. You are supporting with dd. Throw down conditions, as many as possible.

My suggestion for you. Protection is an awesome buff, we have a number of ways of gaining it. I ran 25/20/15/10/0 for a while in the mists, traited for protection buffs with Rune of the forge. getting protection could be ur complete solution if u are dying so fast. Show ur Genius.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


WOW such great positive responses from the Engineer community. Thank guys/gals! I’m already applying some of these suggestions to practice. Hopefully it should make my survivability go up Well the elixirs from alchemy trait line are already making a different :X

Thanks for the response! The link I provided works but apparently GuildWars forums is breaking all the links. Just copy and paste it instead of clicking it and it should work. I apologize for that!

It seems that you are going more for a burst build with some survivability. I’ve seen similar ideas and builds not nothing that is exactly like yours. I think one of them is ZAPPLANT.

I never really thought of using the goggles as part of an attack. I’ve only ever used them to get rid of stun and get the blindness immunity. Even then I switched to rocket boots since it removes stuns anyways but the toolkit skill is great! I might have to give the goggles another try Especially since your saying the toolkit skill works wonders.

When you say that its 5 rifle shots are you just spamming all the toolkit skills? I’m assuming you compensate with people moving by using slows. Hmm so a jump and swat tactic seems to be what your suggesting. Even though you bring folks down fast when they retaliate is your ability to withstand a beating feel tough or do you feel like a glass cannon? That’s my problem right now. I can do the damage at times but I feel like I’m swiss cheese…

Yeah I think everyone has issues with thieves I’ll give some of your ideas a shot especially going back to the goggles (I always thought they were useless! LOL).

@Lunar Corporation.5720
I’m not 80 yet but I’m really darn close. I think I should be noticing SOME difference so close to 80. I’m still working on the gear and nope I don’t have the exotic weapon. (Does it really make that much of an impact? I’m curious…)
I’m trying not to be to much DPS really :X But I get stuck in situations where everyone it out dpsing by a large amount (I understand that I can’t be a super awesome DPS king, but I should be relatively around the same level as the other classes). I won’t lie though… it is CLOSE to some of the other professions but not quite. I blame that on gear. It could be that it’s the gear that is causing me to do so poorly in that department. Either way, your right I can sacrifice some of the DPS for surivability. Which is why I’m asking here in the thread. I’ve already had some fantastic responses from some great folks. I’m seriously taking all the advice and putting it into practice already. I’ve modified my traits and added some alchemy to compensate. A few have mentioned gear so I’m working on that now.

Lately I’ve been analyzing the battles I’ve been in especially when I’ve died. I’ve noticed a large chunk of that is conditions. Funny I thought I had that avenue covered, but seriously speaking… the med-kit condition removal isn’t cutting it. You may be right and that’s why I’ve been dying so often. A combination of direct damage and conditions. Though I did notice much of the impact of my death was the initial blows of damage (ESPECIALLY from warriors).

Oooooh protection buff sounds like a great idea! I’ll have to look at the traits and skills that trigger it. I thought we only had one or two skills that did it. scratches chin something to think about!

Thank you so much for your advice and contribution! I truly appreciate it!

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: KICKER.3874


they can`t move or dodge the initial burst, all those skills are either instant or semi-homing, the only thing they can do is reflect but for some reason nobody ever did that to me, I guess they don`t expect me to open with a burst

if you`re not even 80 yet I don`t know how it will work for you

I have every single item including trinkets exotic berserker so my crits are probably much bigger than what you can get

ya, 10 stacks of vulnerability is pretty good that`s the one skill I never changed in any pvp, and it also activates chain lightning at 1200 range so you`re not even losing an attack by applying vulnerability instead of a rocket or something.

(edited by KICKER.3874)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

If you are staying in a kit, and not using your wep, right now as the Engineer is set up, your damage in a kit is independent of your weapon. So doesn’t really matter what kind of weapon you have if say, you stay in the flame thrower or elixir gun kit 24/7. But once weapon damage is applied to our kits, I should say that it will make a difference. Not sure when that day will come, but getting an exotic just has all around benefits there.

As for WvW, if u are not yet 80, being atleast 1 GM is pretty useful in any case, arguably.

When I say apply protection, I mean protection you get from traits. I never bothered gambling with my elixirs for protection. Just the traits that trigger it, and the rune of forge is awesome for it (and burns). Youll be surprised how much survivability you have there without having to do much.

If you are dying from conditions, you have elixir R, super elixir from elixir gun, I always go for healing turret to get rid of conditions too, goes a lot faster than switching to medkit.

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: KICKER.3874


yes the weapon damage is not used for kits damage, but the other stats the weapon gives are, so you will do more damage with kits with a better weapon;

you might not think 20-30 power and 10-20 of other points are a big deal but they are, pvp is won or lost by subtle differences, the best player/build is never A LOT better than the worst, just slightly better, but he always wins, I think that`s how the game is designed

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


Like others I cannot see the link to your build, it seems very different from what I use tho;
try taking a look at my vid/build, even if you prefer using something else, I’m sure you can get a few ideas and tips out of it:

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


I’m not sure why but there are several links across the forums that are broken, but in fact work. It seems that Guildwars 2 Forums is breaking links because it’s not properly formatting them when it uses it’s built in redirect.

I do apologize for the link confusion.

FOLKS Copy and Paste the links! Don’t Click! For some reason the forum software ANET uses is breaking links across the forums.

Here is my build:

Here is an alternate link:;TEADKA

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: vanash.2671


I would recommend you gear towards power/toughness if you enjoy rifle. Pick up as much power/tough/vit gear from karma vendors/ badges as poss. Fill the blanks with knights gear. I personally prefer to slot Emerald orbs in my gear rather than the runes, just seems to offer a better balance of stats. There are arguments for and against this ofc, it’s my personal pref.

Same for jewellry although I have slotted a couple of berserkers pieces to up the precision count.

I also use the guild cloak which offers a good stat balance for wvw. I have around 1700+ toughness atm, and while it’s by no means making me invincible, it sure helps.

As others have mentioned some decent defensive cd’s are always handy, elixir S saves lives, as does toolkit #4. Don’t forget grenade 3 for blinds (very easy to double tap to drop close to you if you are being melee’d.

With the changes to grenades I’m considering going back to P/S and focusing on power/cond dmg. Although not quite convinced yet

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965



Thanks for the response! Yep I’ve already started modifying my traits with some of the advice I’ve gotten. I’m also working on toughness/vit on my gear. I’ve started to notice a difference actually Sure my dps suffered a bit but it was worth it. It seems I’m slowly but surely improving my survivability and honestly at this point… it’s really not that bad. I’m sure with some more tweaking I should alright in the dps/surivability department. BTW I’ve always used the toolkit. It’s a must for me because of the shield and the magnetic pull, also prybar in the face does wonders! In terms of Elixir S I recently put points into Alchemy and boy that helped! Has saved my life a few times already.

I will be blunt and say some folks keep using abbreviations and names that I’m just not familiar with.

For example:

What do you mean by knights gear?
What is berserkers pieces? (folks keep bringing this up)
What is P/S? I believe this must be Pistol/Shield?

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965



WOW An elixir build is crazy awesome fun! Why didn’t I think of this before! My survivability is through the roof and I do decent to great damage with conditions.

Now I remember why I feel in love with the Engineer class in the first place. With all the modifications to my traits with the advice here, and the upgrade to my gear as well as modified playstyles, I’m once again loving my Engineer.

I would like to thank everyone whom has helped me so far! You guys/gals are great!

P.S: Elixirs are awesome!

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


Update: Still having fun with my Engineer. I stopped paying attention to all the naysayers. If you like a profession enough, you find ways around the shortcomings.

Once again thanks for all the positive and constructive responses

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: nofo.8469


@OP Engineer is a very fun class and I am glad you are enjoying it.

But as for playstyle, you seem to be trying to out DPS your opponents and that is the wrong mentality to have for an engineer, you should be trying to outlast your opponent by controlling him with things like zone denial (bombs) and knockbacks.

Once you have control of the fight it should be a victory, getting control is the hard part.

Only other advice I can think of is always take a stunbreaker with you in PvP. You will need it to survive warrior burst if you can’t dodge it or any bass venom thieves that remain.

As for contributing to fights, in small scale fights try to protect your ranged people, your skills don’t synergise very well with what you have, but they do synergise very well with what other people have. IE having a ton of knockbacks on a primarily short range character isn’t particularly useful to you, it would be more useful to say a ranger in your group.

As for zerg fighting, it doesn’t matter, healing fields and grenades are what I used to do when forced to do it. If they stack drop a supply drop on them for lols.

(edited by nofo.8469)

Please help my Engineer!

in Engineer

Posted by: Xruptor.3965


@nofo.8469: Hey thanks for taking the time to respond Yep I’m having tons of fun on my Engineer now. Btw after all the advice I got here and some tips from friends, my survivability is through the roof now. Granted I’m not doing super dps BUT at least I can hold my grand now. I pretty much kill folks by attrition. I’m running with an Elixir build and boy is it crazy fun. Alchemy trait line is a must! I don’t die instantly anymore and I feel like I’m contributing now with my defensive skills as well as providing boons to my teammates when I throw the elixirs (plus my non-elixir skills as well). I have the elixir gun kit as well and switch to it to provide some support. All in all I’m very happy with the current state of my Engineer. Thanks to all the great advice I’ve gotten here.

I have greater control of the fights now and I feel like I’ve got a good handle on my skills.

All I can say is practice, practice, practice…. Sure the Engineer has it’s up/down but honestly I think all the professions have their problems. Engineer skill level requires a bit more involvement and I think that’s why people get so frustrated.