Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: AbduktedTemplar.9453


I’ve read over and over again about this skill not working because the bullets don’t fire straight or always land on target. This is just your lack of imagination. Sometimes the way to use a skill is not explicit or obvious. Sometimes it requires a little trial and error. While I will admit that our class needs some work, this skill is not one of them. It’s been clear since I first started playing an engineer that to really make this class shine you need to MOVE. Strafe around your intended target and you’ll make every shot. Strafing or a little left and right jig will make sure they all hit. Its a hard hitting ability whose damage would probably be nerfed if every shot went perfectly straight and always hit your target. If you want to stand still and dps you’ve got the wrong game or the wrong class. If anything is wrong with this skill it’s that it occasionally just does not fire.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


Jumping through hoops to get a broken ability to work is merely a temporary solution. Like many of our other broken abilities this one needs to work exactly the way the warriors rifle volley ability works – they all hit target and don’t just randomly miss for no apparent reason.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: ZoGoNDragoN.4873


I don’t see any reason why Poison Dart Volley should miss occasionaly.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: AbduktedTemplar.9453


Volley is on a 2 handed weapon and does not add 2s of poison with each hit. It’s not jumping through hoops either. The skill encourages you to learn how to strafe.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Keelin.5781


No, actually it IS jumping through hoops.
Why do i need to wiggle about just to have this ability hit.
You merely suggest a workaround for it and assume that it’s by design.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: XelNigma.6315


hmm, several of the engineer abilities miss or are mysteriously obstructed if your moving around when you cast them. Do those abilities encourage you to stand still?

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Dude its a bug. Im chasing down a target in range, he is not dodging and 2 out of 5 darts hit…. just miss for no reason.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Vigilence.4902


hmm, several of the engineer abilities miss or are mysteriously obstructed if your moving around when you cast them. Do those abilities encourage you to stand still?

I absolutely hate it when the flamethrower misses when I dodge attacks or when your within 10 yards of an enemy and your poison darts still manage to miss several times.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Zyph.8401


Ever think it fans out to you know, hit more than one target? Fire it at a group with the pistol shot piercing trait and witness the magic.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Terrahero.9358


Even with coated bullets its still a poor ability. Unlike Explosive Shot it doesnt seem to get the widened range in which something counts as a hit.
Hitting multiple targets with Hip Shots is harder then with Explosive Shot + Coated Bullets.

PDV isnt a great ability, its not even a hard hitting ability. Blunderbuss hurts for much more with a nifty stack of Bleeds on top. And its easier to land a solid Blunderbuss.

When even just mid-range already causes a 20-40% drop in damage on an ability that should work at 900 range. Thats just sad, especially since its the only ability that seems to hit for more then a wet towel when using a Pistol.

But once again you need to either use a loophole or hug your opponent to get any decent damage out of it. And then its still NOTHING like other professions dish out. Even with the full Poison on it it cannot even stand in the shadow of an ability like 100blades, its not allowed due to lack of awesome.

Which makes no sense balance wise either. If you balance around having all shots hit, then the damage is underpowered when you get 1-4 misses. If you design it around say 2 misses, the damage is overpowered when you get all hits. How do you balance an ability with such a wide scale from good to bad?

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


Broken? LMAO, your making false claims here bud. It is a volley in a conal AoE intended to hit multiple enemies in the area. It is working exactly as intended

You should see a doctor about your premature exclamation issues because the mis-iformation your speading about the class is unhealthy.

What did all that aggression and unecessarry baiting add to the conversation?

You could have easily said :its working as intended, but you chose to troll.

And I wouldn’t dismiss any criticism of the skill, it does have issues hitting some structures.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Mostly because I cannot stand to see posters making false claims and spreading misinformation of this sort.

Every where I turn here lately folks are claiming that something is “broken” just because it doesn’t work ideally for them. I do not appreciate it and will call them on it. If they do not wish to be called on it, then they should stop making false claims.

Thus discussion has been brought up in the betas and it was explained to be as I mentioned, a frontal cone AoE. With coated bullets, it is very handy to hit multiple enemies, with a heal negations and a solid damage tic.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


Mostly because I cannot stand to see posters making false claims and spreading misinformation of this sort.

Every where I turn here lately folks are claiming that something is “broken” just because it doesn’t work ideally for them. I do not appreciate it and will call them on it. If they do not wish to be called on it, then they should stop making false claims.

Thus discussion has been brought up in the betas and it was explained to be as I mentioned, a frontal cone AoE. With coated bullets, it is very handy to hit multiple enemies, with a heal negations and a solid damage tic.

You are wrong. It is bugged. Poison Volley is BROKEN. If you look sometimes it will shoot exactly like the warriors volley…. sometimes it will miss and go all over the place. So unless Anet made it be an “AOE” sometimes and a single target attack sometimes…. you are clearly wrong.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


Mostly because I cannot stand to see posters making false claims and spreading misinformation of this sort.

Every where I turn here lately folks are claiming that something is “broken” just because it doesn’t work ideally for them. I do not appreciate it and will call them on it. If they do not wish to be called on it, then they should stop making false claims.

Thus discussion has been brought up in the betas and it was explained to be as I mentioned, a frontal cone AoE. With coated bullets, it is very handy to hit multiple enemies, with a heal negations and a solid damage tic.

You are wrong. It is bugged. Poison Volley is BROKEN. If you look sometimes it will shoot exactly like the warriors volley…. sometimes it will miss and go all over the place. So unless Anet made it be an “AOE” sometimes and a single target attack sometimes…. you are clearly wrong.

Interesting, so your claiming the discussion on this we had in the BWE forums with an official response is wrong, yet you are correct?

Why do the devs even bother posting on the forums when you clearly know more about there game then they do.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Lyuben.2613


Mostly because I cannot stand to see posters making false claims and spreading misinformation of this sort.

Every where I turn here lately folks are claiming that something is “broken” just because it doesn’t work ideally for them. I do not appreciate it and will call them on it. If they do not wish to be called on it, then they should stop making false claims.

Thus discussion has been brought up in the betas and it was explained to be as I mentioned, a frontal cone AoE. With coated bullets, it is very handy to hit multiple enemies, with a heal negations and a solid damage tic.

You are wrong. It is bugged. Poison Volley is BROKEN. If you look sometimes it will shoot exactly like the warriors volley…. sometimes it will miss and go all over the place. So unless Anet made it be an “AOE” sometimes and a single target attack sometimes…. you are clearly wrong.

Interesting, so your claiming the discussion on this we had in the BWE forums with an official response is wrong, yet you are correct?

Why do the devs even bother posting on the forums when you clearly know more about there game then they do.

Intent=/=not broken.

If it does indeed go straight in some cases, and AoE in others then its broken. If it goes straight, and devs say its meant to be AoE, its broken. If it goes AoE and devs say its meant to be AoE then its fine.

Them intending on it being one way, does not mean anything.

Vibor Bauman- Level 80 Engineer- Gandara

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Kevin.7204


Always thought it was supposed to be shot all over the place. A great inconvenience but not a big deal considering pistol’s pitiful range.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Pewpew.9302


If it is suppose to be a AOE its the dumbest AOE i have ever seen. The volley is only good if all the darts hit…. what is the point if youdo 500 damage over 5 seconds.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


What is the point? Umm, the debuff to enemy heals and the condition tic from the poison condition damage.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

Poison Dart Volley is not broken....mostly

in Engineer

Posted by: Sir Blazin.9365

Sir Blazin.9365

I like the “conal” effect when using Coated Bullets (pistol shots pierce). I admit its damage is not much greater than autoattacking, but it hits faster, allowing for quicker application of “on crit” abilities. Also, I find that I miss only 0-2 shots if I run towards my target while firing.

A lot of issues are making the engineer more difficult and clumsy to play than it should be, but pistol #2 is not one of those issues.

Kaineng Beast [NoQQ]