Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


just a couple of post patch fights recorded yesterday. the first one is very long, I hope its enjoyable to watch as it drags on for a while; we end up getting about 15 kills in 7 minutes of non stop fighting while outnumbered. that ranger about 5 mins in was bugged and a stomp just wasn’t possible.
second one is a 2v6. both times a 3rd joins in towards the end of the fight.

my guardian buddy is The Tekno Viking, I’m not really able to answer questions about his build. All I can say is when we die, he is to blame. always.

we had a few more fights like those and even better when we were 4, but sadly I can’t really record them.
I’m enjoying this patch very much and guardian’s Strength in Numbers is awesome.

my build is the same as before, just with coated bullets instead of protective shield. I might go in a whole new direction soon, last patch opened up even more interesting possibilities.

previously, on my youtube channel (he says with a narrating voice) :

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

(edited by Maskaganda.2043)

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Aguarius.5031


very nice testing a new build with leg mods + runes of melandru + backpack regenerator & food -40% CD and looks like we dont need any CD removal any is so funny to have immunity on all movement skills..what you think about it?

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


there are alot of new possibilities around, I’m considering running a totally different build with rocket boots to remove some mobility conditions and eg/healing turret to remove other stuff when needed.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


As always Mask, a great and enjoyable vid! I’m sure none of those guys in the larger groups expected any problems with you and viking…poor guys haha.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


is that wvwvw? seems extremely boring…..
Or is this how bunkers face eachother? Is there no necro araund destroy them?

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: joshisanonymous.5270


How do you get up to 25 stacks of might all the time?

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Cempa.5619


Nice vid thx! Coated Bullets value was so clear in the first long fight.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


How do you get up to 25 stacks of might all the time?

I don’t :p
I get 10-25 most of the time. HGH + boon duration stuff + sigil of battle

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: joshisanonymous.5270


How do you get up to 25 stacks of might all the time?

I don’t :p
I get 10-25 most of the time. HGH + boon duration stuff + sigil of battle

I must be missing something because that only adds up to a max of 17 stacks for me even with 75% boon duration, Fast-Acting Elixirs, luckily getting might out of the thrown Elixir B, and even using Elixir S and thrown Elixir S.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Skitza.4069


there are alot of new possibilities around, I’m considering running a totally different build with rocket boots to remove some mobility conditions and eg/healing turret to remove other stuff when needed.

Rocket boots are the funnest addition to the engineer that I’ve seen…highly recommended. I’ve dropped elixir C from my skills recently and while I miss it at times I’m finding it is as bad as I though and all I have is the med kits drop removal.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Assassin.7890


Acidic Elixirs looks promising. Though in your build, there isnt much space for variation …

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


there’s plenty of room for variation. I wouldnt use acidic elixirs because I consider it a very flawed concept. the only time I think there might be some usefulness to it would be to remove stability from opponents transformations (tornado, plague, lich)

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: nakoda.4213


that was awesome. they just kept coming and dying. i love fights like that. i like watching things come together like when your combo landed on the thief in the second fight.

top tier play.

Boundaries are for the effortless.
Benn E Violence :: 0/20/30/20/0
You kittens don’t even know what the prefix “meta” means.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043



I also liked how that worked out with the thief, especially because it was a do or die thing with tekno downed.

we always worked very well in a duo but I’m really enjoying guardians strenght in numbers trait. +150 toughness just from being next to him.. and he is up to some 3200 armor or something, pretty insane considering the ammount of healing he can do as well.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Lanny.6987


Nice. (And the last solo vid too). This one was classic defeat-in-detail but I see why they got suckered in. “Bunker guardian. Take down the Engi first!”

Video of the “totally new build” or I’ll claim it never happened.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Maskaganda.2043


heh. it might take a while, I’m still undecided on a number of traits.
also, the usual build is still working great, not compelling me to change :p I was solo roaming for 3h this morning, had 1 death because I was foolish enough to try a revive on someone getting zerged.

Tchuu Tchuu I’m a Train – Gandara
engie roaming vids:

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Conan.8046


Honestly seemed more like an advert for guardian survival and boons…