Post-Patch: Low Cost 24 Might Stack Combo

Post-Patch: Low Cost 24 Might Stack Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

Heya everyone! Due to the extensive wait for today’s patch, and the Slight sadness about the lack of the baseline range trait for the Bomb Kit, I figured I’d put up a fun little combo that will become available post patch.

What does it do?

Quite easy: It blasts 24 stacks of might in the duration of a single (Flamethrower) fire field or even 8 times in any other field type, and allows you to have all your utility choices intact. In fact, this rotation tries to mostly utilize toolbelts over spending utility cooldowns. You can also do this combo approximately every 40 seconds, depending on your Orbital Strike cooldown.

Keep in mind that this combo will put your Orbital Strike, your Big Ol’ Bomb and your Healing Turret on cooldown, so it’s a personal sacrifice for group might! It also requires the Siege Rounds trait!

How does it work?

This is what you will want your skill bar to look like for the blast combo. Don’t worry, you can swap out everything before heading into combat.

Weapon: Shield
Heal: Healing Turret
Utility 1: Thumper turret
Utility 2: Flamethrower
Utility 3: Elixir Gun
Elite: Mortar with a -traited- Orbital Strike

Get to the Combo already!

Okay, here it comes. The entire combo might need a practice run or two but should be not a whole lot more challenging than an elementalist rotation.

  • (8) Switch to your Flamethrower.
  • (6) Put down your healing turret
  • (F5) Aim orbital strike onto the healing turret
  • (4) Immediately put down your fire field below the healing turret.
  • (2,2) Run into the fire field and double-tap flame blast in any angle that works for you.
  • (F1, F2) Blow up your healing turret and do the Thumper Turret toolbelt skill at the same time.
  • (9, 4) Switch to your elixir gun and use acid blast! Keep in mind you can interrupt your fly back by hitting weapon swap!
  • (Swap, F?) Swap out any of your utilities for the Bomb Kit. Cast Big Ol’ Bomb. With a practice run or two, you will blast BoB a second or two before the fire field goes away. As a bomb kit user, I generally suggest slotting out the flamethrower!
  • (4, 4) Switch to your shield and double tap the shield blast finisher. Swapping a utility for bomb kit will automatically have brought you back to your shield without having to hit weapon swap.

And there you go! 24 Might stack, mostly utilizing your Toolbelt slots and allowing you to keep any and all utilities and weapons of your choice slotted in before combat starts.

Quick note: Should the bomb kit get an increased fire field radius via the old “Forceful Explosives” trait being rolled in baseline, using supply crate for 4 instant blasts would also be an option that could save you on having to use your heal skill as well as your big ol’ bomb, or would allow you to use one of these for full 25 might. This would come with a full supply crate cooldown though, which we know is massive.

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)

(edited by Sold Out.7625)

Post-Patch: Low Cost 24 Might Stack Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: EvilToaster.7406


something to note. Unless they changed it with this patch, the blast finishers for turret detonation happen on the location of the Engi, not the turret.

Post-Patch: Low Cost 24 Might Stack Combo

in Engineer

Posted by: Sold Out.7625

Sold Out.7625

something to note. Unless they changed it with this patch, the blast finishers for turret detonation happen on the location of the Engi, not the turret.

Yep, yep! The combo happens directly next to the healing turret either way though, so it should not be an issue!

Leader of the Free Winds – RP, community, and all kinds of fun.
Jara Ariasdottir (Soon all classes proper!)