Post your SD build

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


Been running a SD build, curious to see the differences in others builds vs. my own.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: ThirtyOne.3976


Aiming for a 0/30/0/10/30 for general use, with Air runes, vulnerability and rifle traits, and vigor traits where the SD/Speedy kits aren’t for in combat evasion and mobility. I’ll post it another time.

Save my heart tomorrow.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


I use 10/20/0/10/30. 10 in explosives for incendiary powder and 10 in alchemy for the invigorating speed. I like being as mobile as possible when I play glass sd, that extra vigor on swap is amazing.

[VP] Yeskey: I Theory Craft Builds and Get Into Fights!

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


10 30 0 0 30 here, copy/paste

Use incendiary powder for extra dps, Sitting duck for my combo, when I hit netshot+analyze 15 stacks of vun for my burst + 5% extra for being in fury due to my sigils, the dps is quite silly.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


I’ve also been using the healing turret a lot more often since I usually roam with my guild mates, the new aoe heal and 5s water field is great for supporting any team.

[VP] Yeskey: I Theory Craft Builds and Get Into Fights!

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: Druidic.3146


Depends on where you’re running it, as you can make changes as necessary depending on if you’re going for sPvP, WvW, or PvE content. For high-tier tPvP, I run 10/20/0/10/30 to try and pump damage while still packing enough bulk to not get gibbed by thieves.

I have mixed feelings on the changes to Incendiary Powder, but it’s still a very strong trait for Engineers and should be picked up in almost every build. Rifle Mod and Hair Trigger are kind of no-brainers, as our skillset on rifle is very solid in terms of utility and damage. Invigorating Speed + Speedy Kits is just too darn good to give up. Then I personally run Power Wrench, as the extra cripple on Throw Wrench is nice, and the cool-down reduction of Gear Shield is crazy useful against bursty specs.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: ikiturso.4026


Goggles is fun but the CD’s are ridiculous. Ur dead meat when burst done.

Personally the 3rd slot is the problem (toolkit and rilfe kit are must in SD) rocket turret gives nice dmg from toolbelt, but also long CD. So what did i pick: ELixir gun. Yes elixir gun gives me also group support abilities such as healin mist (also does the lightning but u must be close buggs very often ) and ofcourse good combo field aoe reta, condi removal, heal and skill 2 gives poison and cripple. Also cooldowns aint that pain in the kitten EB doesnt give max dps output for sure but it makes SD engi “versatile” supporting group.

Also i have swtiched to toughness power crti% gear. I can still land 1,5-1,6k autos and around 1k SD’s. Okay results in WvW and like it more than rampager SD engi who gets nailed so fast in zergy zergs. But not telling anymore Anet might be listening.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: kangaroosteak.6201


Goggles is fun but the CD’s are ridiculous. Ur dead meat when burst done.

Personally the 3rd slot is the problem (toolkit and rilfe kit are must in SD) rocket turret gives nice dmg from toolbelt, but also long CD.

You should try using the rifle turret instead of the rocket turret, the tool belt skill surprise shot is only 7 seconds long when you trait 30 points into tools, letting you keep pressure on whoever you’re fighting, plus the turret has a low cd for any reason you want to throw it down.

[VP] Yeskey: I Theory Craft Builds and Get Into Fights!

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: waikiki.4129


This is the build I have been using. Working with valk+ zeker armor/weapons and using celestial trinkets. Maybe not the highers burst but also adds some nice condition ticks and more cc and survivability. Speedy kits isnt really needed for this build imo. I really like the medkit and swiftness on crit.


any tips or advice is appreciated

(edited by waikiki.4129)

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: elyan.5189


Goggles is fun but the CD’s are ridiculous. Ur dead meat when burst is done

But it is also a short-ish stun break (only rocket boots is shorter), which is crucial if you do not wanna be insta-gibbed. And it is great for “opening” a combo. +10 stacks vul is no joke.

To overcome the issue of not being 100% reliant on SD burst, ie only deadly when cool downs are up, I built in sustained pressure from power nades when SD tool belt bursts are not ready.

30 10 0 10 20
Grenadier, Incendiary ammo, explosive powder, Rifled barrels, Invigorating speed, Static Discharge, speedy kits.

Rifle, medkit, Grenade kit, tool kit, goggles

Lumping nades at your target makes them blow their CDs on dodges, evasion skills, heals and if they do not pack enough condi cleansers, they are gonna stay chilled, which allows you to net shot easier. Once snared, go Analyse, barrage and throw wrench. Switch back to nades to continue pressure if for some reason they are still standing or to finish off downed enemy and their buddies who try to Rez.

Works great in Zerg v Zerg, and quite decent in skirmishes or 1v1. Plenty of utility in toolkit skills (pull, block, prybar, and caltrops) and you get to pack a stun break. Fury+anti-blindness is meh but at least the CD isn’t that bad compared to Elixir S or U, on par with R.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: Destroyer.1306


Been going 30/15/0/0/25 lately. Mainly PvEing.

Stinky Garbage, Engineer. Meatbag, Guardian. Dum Dums, Elementalist.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: Cooltar.2608


This is what I’ve been running with my Engineer Lambchops.
I went 20 into Elixirs so I have decent condition cleansing with Elixir S and H, but it does decrease the damage quite a bit using Elixir S instead of Googles. I like the survability against condi classes.

There’s another similar build I use that focuses a bit more on survability.
0/20/10/20/20 with the valk jewel in place of the zerker.

Post your SD build

in Engineer

Posted by: Wenrolio.8063


I am going with this build in wvw. It racks up the loot bags and applies nice pressure.

I went this way because I am not a good grenade thrower at all.

Asuran -Engineer, Elementalist, Necromancer, Mesmer, and underlevel Ranger