Power/Condition non-FT build for wvw?

Power/Condition non-FT build for wvw?

in Engineer

Posted by: Picoleek.7250


Are there any good wvw power/condition hybrid builds out there? I’m thinking rifle/grenades? I’m getting sick of the flamethrower and its instant-death against people with retaliation, but I wanna keep my rampager’s gear lol. I kinda realized I probably should’ve gone with Soldier’s gear but I’m too poor to afford that lol.

Power/Condition non-FT build for wvw?

in Engineer

Posted by: GoNeKrAzY.7308


If you have a ton of karma you can just farm all the orr temples till you get
an entire soldier stats set. Then just slot in whatever runes you want. you can even
get an entire set of soldiers trinkets in orr. Before i could afford buying armors i pretty
much just tested out with temple armors mind you the only sideefect is that you cannot salvage karma armor. so whatever runes you slot in there are irrecoverable.

[TEO] Sigurd Hsring
Gunnar’s Hold
Probably the Only Existing Neon Norn Engineer

Power/Condition non-FT build for wvw?

in Engineer

Posted by: Zindrix.1750


Are there any good wvw power/condition hybrid builds out there? I’m thinking rifle/grenades? I’m getting sick of the flamethrower and its instant-death against people with retaliation, but I wanna keep my rampager’s gear lol. I kinda realized I probably should’ve gone with Soldier’s gear but I’m too poor to afford that lol.

You can also do AC or Hotw for Soldier’s gear. Hotw P1 is easy and fast, and AC P3 is pretty easy, P1 is ok with a decent group(avoid P2).