Problematic Skills

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Ratkoon.8635


I have been playing engineer since prelaunch, almost exclusively. These are just some of the more annoying things I have come across while playing.

Rifle Jump: The animation is bugged and you hover in the air like a looney toon for half a second at the destination before landing/causing damage. Thief’s heartseeker doesn’t do this, the warrior jump doesn’t do this, why does ours?

Barrage: The AOE ring is far to large. It should be shrunk by around 25% as the cluster of grenades never uses the full ring. I tested this at various distances on the dummies in the mists and about 25% of the outer most area in the ring does no damage.

Elixir X: I have been using this ultimate for awhile now in sPvP to help keep people off my points. I have noticed that the tornado only happens maybe 25% of the time. I don’t know if this is intended but the tool tip suggests its a 50/50 chance.

Magnetic Pull: You cannot cancel this skill. If you accidently hit this skill in the heat of battle you are stuck until the casting time is over.

Facing Wrong Direction: I think this happens to other classes as well. When I am facing the wrong direction and shoot at a targeted enemy my skill with start it’s cool down, but nothing will happen. Confirmed, it is the full cooldown.

Do any other engineers have skills with problems they would like me to add to the post? I mean actual problems, not “balance” issues.

(edited by Ratkoon.8635)

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: StevoSupremo.4037


I very much agree with Rifle Jump- the pause makes it a pain in the kitten when you are fighting anyone who knows what they are doing because it’s like the game triggering a slow motion “now-is-when-you-dodge” moment for them. Either get rid of the pause or increase the radius or something.
The rest I kinda disagree with. Magnet just needs a shorter cooldown in general, Elixir X needs a complete overhaul (randomness on elixir tosses is annoying enough, a random elite is just useless), Barrage is fine how it is in my opinion, and the wrong direction thing isn’t full cooldowns in my experience, just short stuff that kinda works like a punishment for missing.
That’s my take.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Ratkoon.8635


I did some testing with the “Facing Wrong Direction” part and found it is still their full cool downs. My post wasn’t really supposed to be my opinion, more or less my observations to help balance the class. I edited it to reflect that fact.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Calavera.1086


If you press the button to deploy a turret and immediately dodge the turret won’t be deployed but it will trigger the cool down. It happened to me yesterday when I accidentally double tapped a movement key.

As for Elixir X, it is a 50/50 but it doesn’t mean it will trigger 5/10. If you toss a coin in the air it’s a 50/50 chance for each side but you can get heads or tails 10 times in a row.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Ratkoon.8635


Elixir X: I know that. However I have been used it probably 50 matches 3 or 4 times a match and have got brute 4/5 times. So much so I plan for the brute and am caught off guard by the tornado. None the less it should be changed. It’s an ultimate, it should be something I can depend on.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Ashes.6418


As for Elixir X, it is a 50/50 but it doesn’t mean it will trigger 5/10. If you toss a coin in the air it’s a 50/50 chance for each side but you can get heads or tails 10 times in a row.

I’ve tested this extensively myself. I used Elixir X one hundred times. The Tornado transformation is given roughly 1/3, or 33% of the time.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: coglin.1496


I have been playing engineer since prelaunch, almost exclusively. These are just some of the more annoying things I have come across while playing.

Rifle Jump: The animation is bugged and you hover in the air like a looney toon for half a second at the destination before landing/causing damage. Thief’s heartseeker doesn’t do this, the warrior jump doesn’t do this, why does ours?

This has had a great many threads on it, they have done some effort to smooth it in past updates but as you know, it still has issues

Barrage: The AOE ring is far to large. It should be shrunk by around 25% as the cluster of grenades never uses the full ring. I tested this at various distances on the dummies in the mists and about 25% of the outer most area in the ring does no damage.

By what metric do you measure the value of this to come to your conclusion? I couldn’t disagree with you more, It is a class mechanic that works in conjunction with utilities, and is the same size as traited staff on elementalist AoE’s.

By the way, there are threads with the names of some of the skills you mention here that that are on, and have been on the front page of the engineer forums for 3 days, probably could have saved making a new thread for your comments and posted this there.

Poor craftsman blame their tools. Poor players blame their Engineer.

(edited by coglin.1496)

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Calavera.1086


Well, I’ve just checked the skill description and it doesn’t say that it’s a 50/50 chance so it could be that the tornado is not as common as juggernaut.

“Drink Elixir X, becoming a rampaging brute or whirling tornado. Underwater become either a withering plague or a whirlpool.”

If it is a bug or intended feature only the devs can say.

Problematic Skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Tigger.8035


We need traits that choose which transformation you get…. I know for one the Giant is more useful for me on flamethrower because it sky rockets my HP to 40k and I tank kittening everything.

I hate the randomness of it…..