Hello, this is a build I posted on guru almost 2 weeks ago and I decided it was time to share this on the official forums as well. Here is the link to that forum which includes discussion on variants among other things:
My Engineer build guide for anything and everything PvE
After over 700 hours on the engineer which included getting map completion, story completion, the Dungeon Master title, semi-regularly running 30-40+ fractals, and more recently working towards the legendary rifle(with some help from alts), my build has changed several times over the months. There are many ways to build an engineer and I am going to show you my current build which has given me the most success and variants on it should you desire.
The Build:
Changed format so that it works on the official forums
Part 1: Traits:
Yes as you can already tell this build utilizes grenades. The grenade kit is the best DPS option that engineers have and a build that can work in every area of PvE should be doing the most damage it possibly can. If you aren’t a fan of the nades (perhaps if you enjoy not having carpal tunnel syndrome or the constant button mashing just bores you) I understand and there are many alternatives that can be used very effectively in certain situations. This build in my opinion from personal experience works everywhere. The traits are the only thing you can’t change without leaving the dungeon or fractal and as such will be the first thing talked about. This particular setup holds the possibility for trait swap variants that I will talk about later in this section.
- II: Shrapnel – 15% to cause bleed on every single grenade thrown (3 per skill cast)
Mainly for bleed stacking and I don’t care for the other 5 especially after the incendiary powder nerf
- VIII: Short Fuse – Reduces recharge on bombs and grenades by 20%
Can be swapped for X-Enhance Performance for more might stacks if you feel inclined
- XI: Grenadier – Extra grenade thrown with each skill and 25% more range
Self explanatory for a build that uses grenades
- Sharpshooter Minor trait: 30% chance to cause a 3 second bleed on critical hit, same use as Shrapnel but the 50 precision and condition damage is also nice.
- I: Invigorating Speed – Whenever you gain swiftness you gain 5 seconds of vigor(5 sec cooldown)
The first half to permanent swiftness and vigor which is excellent for damage mitigation wearing glass cannon gear in higher level fractals
- IX: Backpack Regenerator – Regeneration while a kit is equipped (not the boon)
A constant 125 health gain while using a kit is very useful given the amount of time spent in a kit using this build. Can be swapped for X-Cleaning Formula 409 for added condition removal, but only if you take at least 2 elixirs including B for the quick toolbelt.
- Energy Conversion Matrix 25 Minor trait: 1% damage per unique boon on you
With boon spamming guardians and warriors, perma swiftness and vigor in combat, regen from the EG toolbelt skill or even altruism runes, ECM is one of our best traits. Whether in a pug or an organized guild group this trait shines.
- VI: Speedy Kits – Gain swiftness for 5 seconds whenever you equip a kit(5 second cooldown)
This how you maintain permanent swiftness and vigor at all times in or out of combat. As long as you remember to swap kits every ~5 seconds you gain both these buffs as well as other boons that I will talk about later.
Thanks to the June 26th patch, we have a reason to go farther in tools for scope. The added crit chance from scope with crit damage in the trait line has excellent synergy. Enduring damage is helpful if you aren’t dodging all the time and since scope forces you to fight further away this can work. Inertial converter also works very nicely in this build due to a last ditch heal/reflect and new stun break from EG. There is one specific situation that prevents me from using this setup all the time(high level grawl fractal), but anywhere else I would recommend this setup if you specialize for pure direct damage.
Engineer, Warrior, Necromancer, Mesmer, Guardian
[Kuna] Yak’s Bend
(edited by Lord Reks.8421)