[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: ShahinSafavi.6821


Hello all,

So, I recently swapped my Berserker gear over to Sinister gear, and I’m really liking it. Haven’t had a chance to test it out in any sort of coordinated group play, but I’m able to generate burn numbers that are pretty ridiculous solo, without a set of five Nightmare Runes.

That said, I’m interested in gearing up for raids, and I’m looking into sets that’d offer me more utility. Namely, the hammer. I understand it’s more of a Power centric weapon, and the numbers that I can get on it with ’Zerker gear make me seriously consider switching my stats back (I know, blasphemous), but it seems to offer a lot of utility for higher end content as well. Shock Shield is a 2 second block that also applies a huge chunk of vuln, and Thunderclap is a stun that generates a lightning field, which can be used for Rocket Charge leap finishers for a little more daze, and synergized with other stun/launch options to clear break bars.

I’m wondering if I’m way off base here in considering this as an option for this sort of content, at least in regards to the build I’m currently considering.

[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Krag.6210


We don’t know what’s going to be required for raids yet except for the first boss.
So far, it seems the best way to go is sinister condi dps with the usual build OR, if you’re acting as the “tank”, same build with Tools swapped for Scrapper so you get that stacking toughness trait and keep the aggro even in full sinister assuming the rest of your squad isn’t stacking toughness.

Doesn’t mean the hammer and a more tanky stat spread won’t be required for the following bosses, it simply isn’t of much use from what we’ve seen so far.
Also yeah, condi and hammer won’t work well together I think.

For raids, I’d prepare 4 sets of ascended gear:
Zerker, Sinister for DPS
Knight, Dire for Tanking with either Hammer or P/P, P/S

(edited by Krag.6210)

[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Meh not a terrible idea since you still have decent power and prec.
Yes hammer has many utilities and can bring a much needed block, reflect, gapcloser, vuln/stun to the mix, even if blowtorch is a good chunk of the burning part in dps rotation.
I’d see it when you need a bit more defense or as said you act as the tank in encounters where thoughness matters.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Xyonon.3987


and abandon blowtorch? Q_Q nooooo :<

Seriously, p/p is for pure condi damage but i guess the hammer will be a better option if you would die without the reflect / block. On the other hand, both of those things aren’t your job to worry about.

Ziggs Ironeye – Engineer | Madame Le Blanc – Mesmer | Mentor (PvE) | EU
“Mentoring engineers / mesmers and showing you what you can do with your fantastic class!
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[PvE] Raids: Sinister Scrapper W/Hammer?

in Engineer

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


and abandon blowtorch? Q_Q nooooo :<

Seriously, p/p is for pure condi damage but i guess the hammer will be a better option if you would die without the reflect / block. On the other hand, both of those things aren’t your job to worry about.

i know BT is so sweat, it was just an option, and not a terrible one

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?