[PvE] Scouting improvements to P/S SD Build

[PvE] Scouting improvements to P/S SD Build

in Engineer

Posted by: dibstaru.1358


I’m still looking for a build I enjoy for my Engineer alt. It’s only 48 at the moment so I wonder if that is why most builds I try don’t seem that great.

I’m currently running a P/P condition build and I was all set to switch to a rifle/SD crit build but it seems kind of dull. P/S seemed like a fun combination, especially the shield combo finishers, and I did read about the Flamethrower/SD hybrid but I don’t want to go back to a flametank just yet.

I like the play style of the P/P build which is focused on stacking conditions and a lot of dodging, which I guess is quite thief-y. I want a balance of kits, toolbelt and my main weapons.

I google a bit and found a build that use P/S and SD:

It’s got some weird choices (no offence author) but I took that as the basis and came up with this:

Skill-wise I have gone for SD friendly options. Trait-wise I have tried to boost my pistol and toolbelt. And Stat-wise I have gone for a balance of Vit, Power and Cond Dmg. I don’t want to go huge burst (crit is very low and generally avoided) or focus solely on conditions.

With all that in mind… where can I make improvements?