Hello my fellows,
I would like to present you my bunker/support build. Critics and improvements are welcome.
This build provides decent amount of healing for you and your teammates. Additionally you can buff them regeneration, protection, retaliation and might. This all is achieved by generating as much blast-combo finishers as possible. What I also like on this build is the high amount of knockbacks, giving you decapping capabilities.
I am aware of the fact that this build is no comparison to a guard/ele-bunker but it could do the job if you have no buker/supporter in the team at all.
During a fight I stay most of the time on the point, throw fields and blast them. In critical situations these are mostly mortar #4,5, heal turret or elixier gun #5 for condicleanse, AOE-heals and retaliation. During this I also try to push the opponents from the point with thumper turret, S#4, and flamethrower#3. These skills also help to prevent stomps. Very often I use the flamethrower AA to get crits which trigger bunker down.
Some explanations for weapon/utility/trait choices:
P/S gives you a blasfinisher on S#4 and also some sustain. Additionally you can annoy the enemy with poison blind and buff your teammates with protection (Over shield).
Healturret is an obvious choice: waterfields, condiclean, aoe heal and blastfinisher. Everything we need.
Flamethrower has a blastfinisher on a very short cd, provides a firefield for blasts and other usefull stuff.
The elixier gutn also has a blast but also a lightfield (for buffing retaliation) and stunbreaker. Weakness on autoattack is also nice against lich/rampage.
The thumper turret is the ultimate blast generator. 3 blasts and a stunbreaker. Saved several times my kitten .
Without the mortar-kit I noticed that I don´t have enough fields for blasting and an additional waterfield(#5) is very usefull in this build. But the supply crate is an equivalent alternative.
The primary traitline is of course “inventions”. Overshield grants protection to your mates. I prefer it because AMR doesn´t reduce the recharge time of cleansing burst and this is more a curse then a blessing. Soothing Detonation together with Bunker Down is the bread and butter of this build.
“Alchemy” gives us more protection, little bit condi-defense and more heal.
I took “Explosives” only to get longer lasting Mortar fields and the extra blastfinisher from Orbital strike. Thermobaric Detonation is also an option but the 10 sec CD sucks.
I take Magi amulet for crits which trigger bunker down. I’am still trying different runes but got stuck with runes of melandru to keep condi pressure low.
The biggest drawback of this build is our lack of condi cleanses and I haven´t found a good solution to this. Also the lack of blocks is noticeable, so you just have to outheal the burst. Your teammates need also to be near to you due to the small radius of Soothing Detonation so communication is necessary for optimal effect.