PvP - Downed State
LOL! I always go toe to toe against even Mesmers without any trouble. The only time ive faced any hard counter against me was a Ranger who spamed spirts .
It is absolutely horrid.
The whole “pull the enemy towards you” thing is suicidal.
It should be something like “pull yourself towards towards target location” or something like that.
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Only play in WvWvW and only occasionally PvE. However, I believe the pull an enemy towards you deal can interrupt someone about to curb-stomp your face in, at least it appears to do so for me. So it might be useful if you PvP.
Yeah, but i believe everyones #2 downed ability is an interrupt. The engineers whole downed state could use some work. A teleport/rope gun would be nice.
It used to be worse during beta. It still could use some work. The number 2 skill doesnt make sense. I love pulling minions toward me when im down /slap to my forhead
The only way its useful if somehow a player is running away and u want to catch him….whats the chances of that.
GoF Commander
All “pull” effects in game are also interrupts. It’s to stop the stomp.
Theres a trait when u get down state , drops into the ground a random flamethrower or elixir gun .
I dont know if its bugged , but i would love to equip it and use the aoe pushback of the flamethrower or the <<jump-4>> or the elixir gun and teleport myself away from the crowd .
But that would create a new whinning towerds the company :P
When I get downed while trying to take a fort in WvWvW I like pulling people off the walls. Then they try to flag me and I explode knock back them.
the pull stops stomps and if the enemy waits for few seconds before second stomp you will have your bomb ready, so you can interrupt him twice, that doesn’t seem too bad.
My issue is that a lot of classes now have AoE interrupts.
Thunderclap, that thing from the guardians and mesmers and thieves having ways to stop lots of stompers.
Engineers have a single target interrupt.
Maybe make the booby trap come on cooldown immediately?
They should just make the #2 downed ability a smoke bomb. I’ve spent many times spamming #2 in WvW as soon as I go down and get stomped before the animation actually throws the rope. Though, I haven’t tried the Flamethrower/Elixer Gun trait yet. Maybe that’s the better option.
If they just swapped the cooldown of 2 and 3, it would be fine imho.
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Auto Defense Turrets during down state would be epic.
Overall, I believe the downed state of the engineer leaves something to be desired, even though we have two forms of CC that can be combo’d well. It still, IMO, could be better.
A defensive turret actually sounds pretty cool indeed.
From the very oldest page of topics to the front page, this is still something about which engineers have been asking for attention (or at least developer comment saying “stop crying we want it that way”).
From the very oldest page of topics to the front page, this is still something about which engineers have been asking for attention (or at least developer comment saying “stop crying we want it that way”).
There’s actually a recent thread regarding this subject, no need to bump a year-old one. :P
That was kind of my point… it’s one of the older complaints engineers have had and zero progress or comment has been made on it.
That was kind of my point… it’s one of the older complaints engineers have had and zero progress or comment has been made on it.
Ah, I see.
While I won’t say it’s okay that Engineer’s downed state is so completely horrible, I must note that there are dozens upon dozens upon hundreds of basic game balance and quality of life issues, not to mention outright bugs, that ArenaNet has not seen fit to address since before the game even launched. Bringing up the fact that nothing’s been done about it is largely futile; most any negative aspect of the game, programming-wise, can be chalked up to the apparent design tactic of “plug your ears and go lalalalala”.
Every online game seems to have its developer problems… GW2’s is apathy/flippancy towards maintaining the product, rather than just pushing out more (mostly temporary) content.
I agree with that sentiment, but I try not to fall into the trap of thinking “well, they couldn’t be bothered to fix it by now, why bother bringing it up”
Although it’s probably useless to call attention to something that’s not turrets, it’s all we can do. If we don’t make our problems known, then we share the onus and anet can say “we didn’t know that was even an issue”