[PvP] Fixed bomb radius ... Is this enough?
amr is not fixed. i did a teq 20 mins ago and procced amr and used healing turret and saw that i still had 5 secs of recharge on the overcharge.
Yeah, this is strange. I just tested it again now and it’s not working for me. I swear it was working for me this morning. Strange. I’ll have the post on the other page removed.
Sorry I dun goofed, I guess.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
Sorry, I just saw your post now. I didn’t mean to ignore it.
I was testing an almost identical build pre patch in many 1v1s against some pretty good DD eles, mesmers, and cele necros! Lost most of these 1v1s when I specifically designed the build to be a 1v1/1v2 backpoint holder! I found that bomb Engis just can’t compete with the 1v1 juggernauts of condi Mesmer and cele Necro/Ele! I highly doubt a 60 radius increase will change that fact!
However I had much success with the build just solo queueing in ranked/unranked! Clearly playing casual arenas isn’t an accurate measurement of a build’s efficiency since I got absolutely wrecked when doing 1v1s with good players while winning many 1v1s and even 1v2s and on one occasion a 1v3 while solo queueing! Anet’s terrible matchmaking at work!
It also bothered me that I couldn’t use the explosive line when my most offensive kit was an explosive kit, especially since Short Fuse is so good! Imagine a meditation Guardian without the valor tree! If Anet wants Bomb Kit to be viable, serious explosives tree and/or Bomb Kit overhauls need to be made! Some ideas I had were increasing Fire Bomb pulse and Concussion Bomb power damage! Since the explosives line is 100% power oriented and Bomb Kit is pretty awful in a power build, having Bomb Kit deal more power damage would be nice! I also suggested many times adding condition traits to the explosives line! Since the Engineer is pigeonholed into the explosives line if they want to be competitive, having the explosives tree be completely power oriented hurts build diversity as evidenced by the complete disappearance of competitive condi builds!
Wahoo! Bye frands!
You’re getting outpaced by other celestial builds because your might stack sustain is inferior to theirs. After playing a bit of the signet necro build I came to conclude that fighting elementalists is really just an arms race of might stacks. If I get them below 50% HP and I start firing off my death shroud building 25 might, I pretty much always win. But if I mistime my corruptions and they freely build up theirs, I pretty much always lose. I don’t consider myself a good necromancer, and only have ~80 matches played on it, mostly with this signet build, so I have no problem admitting to losing to elementalists on mine even though necro greatly has the upper hand for obvious reasons.
So when I went back to celestial on the engineer, with the Bomb Kit radius buff, I made sure that my might stacking would match the pace (if not exceed it) of that of both elementalists and necromancers. Against necromancers I definitely pace out my chugging due to their corruption ability, but against elementalists I generally go HAM chugging stuff off cooldown with no real risk involved, and usually come out on top.
While you argue that 60 addition range won’t really change much, I have to disagree, as the 60 additional range changes the fact that your Fire Bomb blankets an entire point on most maps save those weird square points in Khylo and the mid-point of Foefire.
That means necromancers are pretty much forced to range you to avoid the brunt of your damage from Jump Shot, Acid Bomb, Concussion Bomb, and Fire Bomb, forcing them to take a DPS loss dropping into staff. I actually find necromancers not very threatening at all with this build despite their corruption ability simply because it forces them to be much more aggressive with their death shroud to get me below the 50% threshold to proc their might stack bonanza.
So while the Hoelbrak rune isn’t bad, I think you’ll get a lot more mileage out of HGH if you drop the Tool Kit and take Rune of Strength instead with Elixir B. Between Hidden Flask, Healing Mist, Super Elixir, Acid Bomb, Elixir B, and Toss Elixir B I can easily maintain 25 stacks of might. I tend to just chug B and fire off Acid Bomb and Super Elixir off cooldown to be honest, and that alone is effective enough.
I thought dropping the Tool Kit would result in a squishier experience, but I found that Elixir B greatly elevates my might stacks allowing me to be a lot more aggressive, and 14 seconds of retaliation does a lot more damage than many might think. And honestly Gear Shield is kind of underwhelming as you’re just going to get taunted out of it any time a ranger is around. And since other classes are probably getting taunt with their elite specializations, I think it’s something we should probably get used to dealing with now rather than later.
This got a lot longer than I wanted, but I just wanted to offer a few cents as to why I think your build didn’t work in 1v1s. With AMR still bugged I’m going to go back and give Elixir H a try. Not entirely sure it’ll work out well, but it’d be nice to take advantage of a full heal at 25% consistently.
(edited by Phineas Poe.3018)
amr is not fixed. i did a teq 20 mins ago and procced amr and used healing turret and saw that i still had 5 secs of recharge on the overcharge.
Yeah, this is strange. I just tested it again now and it’s not working for me. I swear it was working for me this morning. Strange. I’ll have the post on the other page removed.
Sorry I dun goofed, I guess.
i want it fixed too
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
This is great news!
Glue Bomb, Big ol’ Bomb, and Magnet Bomb (the Kit Refinement proc) are all missing the +60 radius from Forceful Explosives still.
for bomb kit i think it is enough. what they really have to do is something to make pistol viable. Pistol 1 is too weak and you need at least eg to switch to when the other skills are in cd
Glue Bomb, Big ol’ Bomb, and Magnet Bomb (the Kit Refinement proc) are all missing the +60 radius from Forceful Explosives still.
They never offered that. In the original discussion, they stated all bombs would be 240 baseline. Thus people had a reason for discussing it when it was at 180.
Elixir Infused Bombs is one of the things that traits added in gameplay that got replaced.
Elixir Infused Bombkit got removed and sort of replaced by the Medkit. Just as Grenadier Grenadekit got removed and sort of replaced by Mortarkit.
They still need to re-add the bomb heal trait.
They still need to re-add the bomb heal trait.
They are not going to, make peace.
The EIB discussion is interesting since the point of this build, unless I am mistaken, is offensive minded with a defensive back end to counter the Ele and Necro meta of holding holding the point via AOE fields/wells. Now that the range has been increased, the fields are larger and thus perhaps this build is a good counter to the current meta. Since it is a damage focused build, bunker down is a better substitute in this build because it promotes being offensive (ie attacking) as opposed to EIB which is passive (ie, I don’t need to attack to trigger it). The heal is also better because I get a larger heal (reward) for being offensive. I can’t say if EIB would be better because EIB would require I be in bombs which in this build, I could be in EG or Rifle but I still get the benefit.
So perhaps EIB isn’t the best discussion since EIB is a better trait for a bunker and this build is not a bunker but a hybrid for going against a specific meta. Also, since this is PvP and not any other game mode, it’s only good for that mode and no other. Just my .02
EIB which is passive (ie, I don’t need to attack to trigger it).
That is false. You have to do a physical button press, to deposit a bomb, in order for a heal to be applied. It is an additive effect. That is where the distinction is. Backpack regenerator is passive when in a kit, because no button press or action is needed to receive the healing benefits.
The EIB discussion is interesting since the point of this build, unless I am mistaken, is offensive minded with a defensive back end to counter the Ele and Necro meta of holding holding the point via AOE fields/wells. Now that the range has been increased, the fields are larger and thus perhaps this build is a good counter to the current meta. Since it is a damage focused build, bunker down is a better substitute in this build because it promotes being offensive (ie attacking) as opposed to EIB which is passive (ie, I don’t need to attack to trigger it). The heal is also better because I get a larger heal (reward) for being offensive. I can’t say if EIB would be better because EIB would require I be in bombs which in this build, I could be in EG or Rifle but I still get the benefit.
So perhaps EIB isn’t the best discussion since EIB is a better trait for a bunker and this build is not a bunker but a hybrid for going against a specific meta. Also, since this is PvP and not any other game mode, it’s only good for that mode and no other. Just my .02
I appreciate what you’re trying to say and do here, but we’re not winning this one.
I used healing bombs and won quite a few 1v1 battles. The trick was to use turrets with it not only for blast finishers, but for a little extra dps help. Add that to that 10% healing power to attack power and you had medium dps that when you were skilled enough, was more than enough to kill whoever you were fighting. And yes, it was full Cleric’s gear. Also they had that heal skill recharge as a PASSIVE and not active which made it an even more superior build.
(edited by paladinecho.3024)
EIB which is passive (ie, I don’t need to attack to trigger it).
That is false. You have to do a physical button press, to deposit a bomb, in order for a heal to be applied. It is an additive effect. That is where the distinction is. Backpack regenerator is passive when in a kit, because no button press or action is needed to receive the healing benefits.
Opposite of aggressive play is passive play. You are talking about a passive trait/proc. I benefit from being aggressive to proc Bunker down or I benefit from sitting in one kit and getting healing regardless of being aggressive. Two different play styles.
EIB which is passive (ie, I don’t need to attack to trigger it).
That is false. You have to do a physical button press, to deposit a bomb, in order for a heal to be applied. It is an additive effect. That is where the distinction is. Backpack regenerator is passive when in a kit, because no button press or action is needed to receive the healing benefits.
Opposite of aggressive play is passive play. You are talking about a passive trait/proc. I benefit from being aggressive to proc Bunker down or I benefit from sitting in one kit and getting healing regardless of being aggressive. Two different play styles.
Your trying to describe playstyles, which is irrelavent to what I quoted and addressed specifically. You quot literally, and specifically stated that a player “does not need to attack” . That is the inaccuracy of your statement that I was adressing. I was not attempting to debate the symantics of what varies players define as a aggressive or passive play style.
As it seems this conversation is no longer about the topic at hand, the build and bombs as they currently are, and instead is about correcting phrasing rather than the intent of the comments, I will refrain from commenting further.
I used healing bombs and won quite a few 1v1 battles. The trick was to use turrets with it not only for blast finishers, but for a little extra dps help. Add that to that 10% healing power to attack power and you had medium dps that when you were skilled enough, was more than enough to kill whoever you were fighting. And yes, it was full Cleric’s gear. Also they had that heal skill recharge as a PASSIVE and not active which made it an even more superior build.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions