[PvP]Scrapper of the light

[PvP]Scrapper of the light

in Engineer

Posted by: Kernell.3197


Hi all,

I want to share with you my build for soloQ

The main purpose of this build is the rune of radiance who grant to you the light aura and more aura duration. With this aura we can stack vulnerability and retaliation.

Eg provide a light field and aller the sustain you need. Hammer provide whirl and jump finnisher.

I take shredder gyro for whirl finnisher :
- clean alte with light field
- heal with water field

Shredder and bulwark gyro provide also sustain but you can change bulwark for anything else.

1) shredder gyro
2) light field(5 – eg) with blast finnisher(4 – eg)
3) jump finnisher (3 – hammer)
4) freestyle ^^

Any feedback ?

[PvP]Scrapper of the light

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


I have not tried it but i like the idea to find a use to shredder gyro … for me, before this build, it was something misterious