" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Okay, I been thinking a lot on this, and more and more people start ask me for guides ect. is this something that would interest people on these forums? It’ a lot of work to make it if no one wanna see it? I’m thinking on commentary to the videos explaining builds and which counter moves we can do vs classes? So all in all, it would be How to PvP by me? I know I’m not the most skilled player, but I still got a general idea of most stuff going on in pvp (WvW and sPvP, dosn’t matter much, the theory is still the same)!

The question is, would people on this forums like this?

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


I would, but than again it involves zero effort from my part.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


I watched nearly most of your videos and I cannot agree that you are not the most skilled player. Anyway … we have a lot of very skilled engineers and many very good videos.

But watching a video I mostly miss the main idea how to beat your opponent.

I like to see videos like your :http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BGWimaL9s-I
At ~9min you fight against a thief. This is not the most awesome fight ever. But your tactic is nice.

I guess it is:

Go to range spam conditions, go for prybar.
ok he goes into steals… this is expected. You run out of range, remove your conditions and then you go for the kill.

Simple and nice.

But I want this simple and nice videos against mesmer, ranger and ele. Thiefs I can kill by myself (condition build is king against thiefs)

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


Not sure if you are familiar with the dueling video’s of a WoW hunter named Zumio.
His video’s were worth it because he started by explaining his opponents most important skills, and how he coul counter that or not.
Than he went step by step on one duel. The rest was duel footage where he won and lost some.

Zumio also has other video’s, but these duelling guides were edited and explained very nice.
It’s just an example of how simple explanations can be worth more than fancy effects and one awesome fight after the other…

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: MrForz.1953


Problem will be samples. Trying to do the same right now, at least WvW wise but as said in another thread this can prove to be exhausting to have the best situation suited to one’s potential.

Disgruntled Charr Engineer and Thief – Jade Quarry.

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


@Kimbald I just looked him up, would be something like that I would do yeah! Not that good at video editing as he is, but it would be like that yeah! I would try duel in WvW vs the duelist players I know, and If I can’t get some good palyers from proffisons guild m8’s will help me set it up in sPvP so showcase duels, combo’s to watch out and movement stuff!
It would mostly be my way and take on playing the Engineer using some of the builds I use myself, maybe even take a run down on traits and skills to give my openion og stuff

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Kimbald.2697


suggestion: make a short seperate video explaining each build you use, traits and all but no fighting as such. Just the build, a complete but short overview of what it is good for.
In the fighting video’s you simply say ‘today I use this or that build, link below’

Might simplify the to focus the video’s on the fighting mechanics itself, and less on the rundown of traits as a whole.

Wiggely, wobbely and other wombaty wabbity creatures…

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


That’s a great suggestion Kimbald, I will do it that way! I have never done anything like that before, so input from all of you, and ideas about what you would like, is more then welcome! The Engineers players the one to watch it anyway! So I have to create stuff you guys actually wanna watch hehe

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Creld.8702


I tend to be more on the spvp side of engineer playing, but anything to help people play as engineer is a plus in my book.

Don’t have too much to add to kimbald, other than /agree.

Asura Engineer- Aelara Fole

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ayestes.1273


Instructional videos are always awesome, especially from someone who we already know is talented.

Virydia – Hearld
Tirydia – Scrapper

" PvP movie guides", would you watch it?

in Engineer

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


I’ve watched a bunch of your videos and really liked them – I’m more into spvp than wvw but still you really do a good job of showing how to play an engineer. I would definitely watch instructional videos if you made them. However, I think you need to decide based on whether you would enjoy making them because really, that is what counts and what will lend towards the videos being really good. I’m sure there are tons of people who would watch them. Have you ever watched rainythiefs videos on youtube? He made a bunch of instructional pvp thief videos that are fantastic.