Pve! Help!

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: Flame Of The Titan.3649

Flame Of The Titan.3649

Okay so here is my dilema. I have serious alt-itis. I’m talking like the worst you’ve ever seen.

It took me 3 months to get to 80 playing non stop. I know every single starting zone back to front and have most likely made over 400g in just collecting tier 1 materials

I want a Medium armor class. Here’s my problem. While thieves are dealing huge damage, they seem like a niche class. I like PVE and some WvW. I know they do well in this area but I just don’t think I can level one.

Rangers are so repetative I’d rather stab my face with a teddy bear. They are just so…BORING. I know they do well in Pve – and wvw. But I’m stuck with the fact that they are so boring to lvel.

So I’m left with the Engineer. A class I hear everyone says is kitten. And yet, I hear people say it’s good. What the hell do I do?

I play Charr. love ‘em don’t play any other races. I have a level 22 Engineer it seems cool, but if It’s really as bad as everyone plays it out, then I think I’ll just give up. The Hidden pistol toolbelt skill is really really nice though. Even if it is bugged and the pistols fire upwards

So please help me understand. If I make this Engineer. will it get better or worse?

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: Volfurious.9231


As of now there are no place for Engineers in PvE, they are worthless in terms of every other profession can do your job a lot better (with whatever it is that you’re trying to do.) You can pull it off in WvW, will be hard until you find a build you like.

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: ahmajo.3159


The engineer is not terrible as everyone says so.

I have no problem soloing veteran risen giants in few minutes or participating grenth event. Killing karka takes 8-10 seconds or less. With magnetic shield 5 seconds or less.
Just don’t run a bunker build like I did when I first started. I had great survivability, but terrible damage.

Another tip, don’t just run power alone or crit alone. The damage becomes too linear, if you mix it up, you exponentially increase your dps. I run mix berserkers, soldiers, rampager, etc. in armor and accessories/earrings/amulets.

I’m using runes of the centaur instead of speedy kits. I use the trait the trait adrenal implant instead of invigorating speed. If not, speedy kits with invigorating speed is a must have. Perma swiftness and vigor.

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: Flame Of The Titan.3649

Flame Of The Titan.3649

So I’ve got 1 person saying yes and another saying no.

Sorta hard to come to a point here

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: PotatoOverdose.6583


So I’ve got 1 person saying yes and another saying no.

Sorta hard to come to a point here

Play the class you like the most. It’s a game after all. No point in playing if you aren’t having fun.

There are viable engineer builds. There are fewer and fewer with every patch, but they exist. The main problem with leveling an engineer now is that due to the grenade nerf, it will be notably harder to level. Might want to consider using bomb kit instead.

So yeah, play the class you enjoy the most.

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: Rfreak.6591


@Flame Of The Titan.3649

Being a lv22 isn’t that much time, you can pick it later without regretting it, I think you should take your time and focus on which you like the most, just the general moves and things they can do, NOT the results, being cool and keeping playing that only main character is much of an achievement, that feeling… you know? feeling proud of your “digital yourself” aka avatar, unless yer just role-playing the class.

anyway, which item did you pick at character creation? I think the most fitting on charrs are goggles, theyz uber-cool on charrs, the backpack is kinda bad-looking, hard to match with most armors, can’t dye+crippling issues with weps AND armors, the monocle isn’t an exclusive as it’s part of the Noble armor set.

If you are actually concerned about pve results more than just liking the class then I’d say you should really try something else, atm most traits are bugged, skills too, some need reworking, some are just worthless, w8 until it gets fixed THEN play it, that is my suggestion, just check the sticky list of bugs, it’s the biggest out of all classes, and we have yet to get a response from devs whether they are being fixed or not in the future… since day1…

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: tigirius.9014


uhm stopped at making 400g in tier 1 materials. uhm which economy were you using again? because it certainly wasn’t the TP.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

Pve! Help!

in Engineer

Posted by: Flame Of The Titan.3649

Flame Of The Titan.3649

uhm stopped at making 400g in tier 1 materials. uhm which economy were you using again? because it certainly wasn’t the TP.

Clearly you don’t remember the prices at launch.