Pvp Condi flamethrower turret build

Pvp Condi flamethrower turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: addar.2867


at start, sorry for my english :

so here is my build http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fdAQJAqelUUpuq1axyKseNCdBB6CcgEI6hUkR/pAA-TJRGABA8AAyY/hmKDU8JAAA

after nerfs to turrets im trying to find ways to make them work…for me and my fantasy about engi he always was and will be around turrets,

saying that i hated full turreters , cause they were so lame to play with. so after many tries i make this build and think its work pretty well, if u have any idea how make it even better please tell me

my thinking process :

pistol/shield- condi pressure, defence from "power rangers " :P

im runing rabid amulets for tankieness and important critic chance to trigger my sigils choice:

-sigil of strengh- nice might is nice andin this build u will be very bossy arond might stackng
-sigil of torment- cover condi( run mesmers run and die !!:P)

balthazar runes – so great dps burst to this build i just love this burn after i use my healing turret ")

as u can see im playing with:

’-3 turrets: healing, net and thumper, in my build they are all about cc control my opponent.
-4th ability will be flamethrower i know its not the most powerfull kit but i just love it burn them down.

thanks to accelerant packed turrets flamethrower’s air blast and shield’s magnetic inversion i have access to 6 knockbacks in very short time( yay every points are mine !)

and here is a deal : after nerfs turrets are no more your “place them and forget” tools so u may try my way of playing them – EXPLODE. Do not be afraid to detonate them. In this build turrets are all about give u so much needed in pvp CC, boons ( thanks to experimental turrets u have access to swiftness, vigor and protections, mind u it works for all your teammates so u are support them well) and might( by stacking it by detonate them in napalm fire field 0 might for all- take it )… its also free your engi so u can roam more often and helps others.

net turrets- great syngergy with sitting duck trait so with thumper turrets u amke them cripple a lot not mention vurnability.

thumper turrets is one turrets wich is still very strong cc monster must have

healing turrets- always detoante it after u put it down and use secondary effect, be quick it wll not live long!!,especcialy now

flamethrower- its so awesome underestimate by many kit. Its great hybrid power/condi tool. Thanks to juggernaut trait it give u tankieness, a lot of might , great long live fire field, short cooldown knockback, blind condi, great power burst from falme blust and nice short range AOE…in this build u are sitting on 18- 25 stack of might so just imagine how much dmg u will deal if enemy are standing close to each other. BURN FOOLS BURN !!

i was not carrying that much about this turrets nerf until i discover how big punch was it to ours only one" good to go" elite skill – supply crate.Now we dont have any powerfull elite,, yeah stun is good healing too but its hit overall very much ours dmg output, its sad more over we hae not any alternative skill, hope they give us something more.

Pvp Condi flamethrower turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: addar.2867


this build is not "the best one " it has flaws:

u are very vurnability againts heavy condi dealer( dah like all engies ) personally i find necros pain in kitten
if your enemy is smart and good enough he can beat u from long range cause u sacriface range by not taking granade kit… but its not a big deal, u must hold point as long as u can so if that fool tryiing kill u for 2, 3 min its alright cause u got that point not them… maybe they will kill u in the end but u will back and take whats your with no problem. Also u have very little stability , so be carefull using your rumble skill, it last only 1 1/4 s…u are also lacking any stun breakers thats why i go self regulating defence trait.

Recently i find rise of Power longbow Rangers and Warriors thats why we have ours shields so they can kill themselfs

typical match scenario:

u going to the point where u think there will be teamfight (u trying sit on flamethrower to have stacks of might):

u use your elite to stun them and make chaos in battlefield-> use your turrets and thier secondary ability-> place fire field-> detonate them-> watch your might goes up-> switch to pistol/shield-> shield yourself from burst dmg->put covering condis->switch back to flamethrower-> burn them down

-at start of the match use your net turret to speed up your whole team, i was shocked how rare in solo ranked game people taking aoe switfness skills, dont be selfish make them be first to take point.
- try safe your knockbacks -train after enemy use thier stability, its so funny when they trying take point and u pushing them back inturrepting their skills
- when u not fighting be on your flamethrower to have might on u all the time, switch to pistol only to cover your burns or when u need shot them from range
-try fight only in "point area ", thanks to all knockbacks u will neutral and get point with no problem so even if in the end they will kill u , it was worth it.

after watching changes in upcoming heart of thrrones i find my build will be even stronger:

flamethrower will be stability monster so none will be able to knock u back from your point

all plenty blast finishers u have acess to wil give u so many benefits so u will be healthy engi with nice condi removal…i just cant wait what hummer will bring to the table

i hope my build helps someone discover new ways of playing their turret oriented engi, we not let nerfs bring as down

one more time: if u have any advice to make it better, im welcome to hear it

(edited by addar.2867)