Q: FT Engineer Gear

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: CKres.4589


I currently have Soldier Gear on my FT Engi but I was thinking if Knights would be better. would the lost of vitality make my engi suffer in dungeons? It seems that as long as you can evade and repel/block high impact damage spells from mob you can survive dungeons, but im not really sure.

EDIT: bomb/grenade kit good with knight gear?

(edited by CKres.4589)

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: Lunar Corporation.5720

Lunar Corporation.5720

It really depends on your traits. If you are 30 into explosives, sure soldier gear is awesome, in which case bomb/grenade are both great. Knights is impressive because you are at max toughness (in pve) or max vitality (in spvp). I do recommend it.

My experience? I run straight rabid gear which has some toughness (less than knights) and I have no probs in any dungeon including arah… my HP is 20000~ I think cuz of wvw bonuses, I am usually at 19k~ For me? most of the time I am in the face of bosses w/ toolkit in hand and pumping quickness, and still walk away scott free. You may be getting more damage if you are a pure power build by choosing knights.

Differences for you to consider: Because the FT #1 hits a lot, you have a lot of opportunity for crits. If you have atleast 25 down the precision tree, then you are bleeding and doing +damage to bleeding foes while in the kit (damage to burning foes has also been buffed w/ flamethrower from the last update too). So gaining precision from knights gear, I think, would be huge and even make up for power lost from your soldier gear, while keeping high toughness (in PVE)/vit (In PVP)

Just call me Lunar

(edited by Lunar Corporation.5720)

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: penatbater.4710


Knight gear isn’t too shabby with grenade. What I use is full knight’s gear, then cavalier trinkets for more crit dmg :p As for HP, I don’t think that’s so much a big issue. For me I prefer more tough than vit, and since grenades usually have HGH builds, I already get an extra +300 vit from traits so no need for more vit :p

Don’t disturb me, I have a cat in me at the moment.

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

I currently have Soldier Gear on my FT Engi but I was thinking if Knights would be better. would the lost of vitality make my engi suffer in dungeons? It seems that as long as you can evade and repel/block high impact damage spells from mob you can survive dungeons, but im not really sure.

EDIT: bomb/grenade kit good with knight gear?

With my FT build I wear Zerker in most every dungeon except for certain paths in Sorrow’s Embrace and Arah. With Knight’s you should be fine.

What jewelry do you wear?

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: CKres.4589


I want to focus more on FT. although I know grenades would be better damage wise but not really my priority.

With my FT build I wear Zerker in most every dungeon except for certain paths in Sorrow’s Embrace and Arah. With Knight’s you should be fine.

What jewelry do you wear?

im currently using rare Soldier Trinkets.

is it ok to mix and match gears? maybe switch my trinkets with zerker/knight?

im not really good in gearing up since this is my first 80 that I really played a lot.

(edited by CKres.4589)

Q: FT Engineer Gear

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

I want to focus more on FT. although I know grenades would be better damage wise but not really my priority.

Good, because it shouldn’t be.

I mean, perhaps tomorrow’s patch may change things, but I’ve always seen the Flamethrower as the middle-ground playstyle between full offense and full defense. The FT is a nice hybrid of AoE damage and control, which is why I use it most on my Engineer, at least on the PvE side of things.

is it ok to mix and match gears? maybe switch my trinkets with zerker/knight?

When using my Flamethrower I carry two sets around with me at any given time: Zerker armor/Zerker jewelry + Soldier armor/Knight jewelry. Depending on the difficulty of content I’ll wear full Zerker, full Soldier, or a mix of the two. All of my armor is outfitted with Altruism runes, so they can be swapped in and out as needed.

If you only want to invest in one set of armor, I think 5/6 Knight + Soldier chest piece is a good balance. It’s what I use on Hammer/Staff Guardian who spends most of his time at the front in PvE/WvW. I’m sure it would translate well for the FT Engineer.

And try out Beryl jewelry with Emerald Orbs.

[EG] Ethereal Guardians