Quick Take-Down Build?

Quick Take-Down Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Teletric.1980



So I really wanna end my fights as quickly as possible. Is there a build that helps me do that?

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Quick Take-Down Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Dirame.8521



I make guides to builds you may not have heard of;

Quick Take-Down Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Teletric.1980


This is a signature. You have read this because
you thought there would be something “clever”
or “funny” in this signature. You thought wrong.

Quick Take-Down Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Samson.1345


Quick Take-Down Build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Husanak.3769



Pure glass… you didn’t say you wanted to live if things went sideways.

Knock em back gain quickness…. do a weapon swap to proc the sigil of intelligence… and Jump shot / Blunderbuss in there face all auto crit. Use the Surprise shot with the SD… swap to tool kit and Pry bar in the face. Then chuck the rifle turret at them… and blow it up instantly for the dmg / knockback + SD.

I guess if there not dead yet… gear shield and run through them… then drop the tool belt mines if they follow you blow them up when they are close enough to a few of them… and hope you pull 3-4 boons off them.