Quit my Engineer
hmmmm. I’m able to kill 3-4 mobs faster than other classes that I’ve seen playing. I don’t know what your doing wrong. Engineer is the most fun I have had with any of the classes.
I’m just going to quote your signature to best sum up what just happened in my head when reading this post: “Huh?”
This profession has currently many, MANY bugs, while other professions, who seem to be “overpowered” (Warrior, Thief), are quite fine. As they started to sticky bug threads 3 days ago and said it would take them a few days to fix them and a week to test the solutions, you should consider to wait for a week or so. They also stated that they try to deliver the fixes as soon as possible. After they fixed a huge chunk of the bugs, I expect them to balance/buff certain aspects of the engineer, so we have more options and the grenade kit is no longer mandatory to deal damage.
One thing we need to keep in mind is that playing an Engineer like a typical ranged class doesn’t work. It’s so versatile that you need to let go of old habits and keep experimenting. Grabbing two pistols and expecting mega dps won’t necessarily work.
As long as I am not against a large group of autoattacking ranged mobs, or a gold with stun/root immunity I’m able to solo just about any sized group of npcs with ease on my 80 engineer. Engineers are not an in-your-face dps class. You need to play with this in mind.
Are crying and whining, or are you asking for help so you can improve your engineer gameplay?
Is there anywhere in particular you’re having trouble with? What was the most effective spec you were using and how did you feel it was lacking?
You don’t have to go full support, even without support skills engineer has tons of survivability. So you can focus as much as possible on damage.
I have trouble with engineer around large mobs too, but that doesn’t mean I’m giving up.
I’ve been using a rifle with elixir gun, rifle turret and rocket turret and I’ve never had problems with groups. The only groups that give me some trouble are packs of ranged npcs that wont clump together. Even then I just drop the turrets and focus one at a time and easy peasy lemon squeezy they are gone
Syndicate Of The Steel Wind (SSW)
Jade Quarry
It’s a mixed bag IMO, and that’s just talking about PVE, I haven’t done any PVP with him yet. If it’s against melee mobs we are utter gods, although it’s a bit slow it’s very safe to kite multiple mobs, but then again my warrior or guardian can take 3 or 4 mobs easily and kill them much quicker. I’d say against melee mobs we are about right if not just a tad bit OP, but only because of safety not because of speed of killing.
Contrast that with a ranged mob, what a pita, especially if you have more than one, or a ranged and a melee. But you have to be creative, use your blinds, speed, circle strafe, etc, but in that category I’d say we are definitely underpowered, and I’ve tried all methods, grenades, bombs, rifle, pistol, flamethrower.
Now if we don’t have room to kite, like in a cavern or such then it can get hairy, but we have oh sh stuff as well like supply crate, our blinds, etc. Contrast with a warrior or a guard who can get stuck in a corner with multiple mobs and survive without an issue. Even my ranger is much easier to play, a bit of a glass cannon but at least I have a pet to deflect damage and I have the dps to kill things quickly.
The engineer is for a certain type of player, one who likes strategy over pure brawn. I enjoy playing him a bit more a times because believe it or not I get sick of the warrior/guardian feel of just jumping into a swarm of mobs and spamming only one ability. I think the OP has a little bit of a point, but you also have to look at the utility we bring and consider whether that weighs well against the difficulty of playing the class.
Vialator – people don’t use turrets because the general consensus is “don’t use turrets.” I use a turret build in sPvP to defend points and have won tournaments using it.
sPvP is obviously different than PvE, but just because they’re not phenomenal for dynamic events does not mean they are not viable. Popular is not the same as powerful.
I’m sorry to see you go, the Engineer really is a great class for nearly any role, you just have to have the patience and dedication to think outside the box and explore new options.
Representing Legit Guild [LG] for life on Fort Aspenwood. Send me a tell in-game!
Yeah there’s class balance issues, and i think ANet is more concerned with bug/exploit fixes first than gradually balancing out the classes later.
Come back in 2 weeks/a month and chances are that the engineer will have improved a whole bunch.
Not every build is OP dmg, engi is more suitable for control and support in my opinion but I had no problems pulling groups of mobs with a veteran that were 3-4 levels higher than me and finishing them quickly. Engi is about tactics and movement. As I say there is not an NPC that my grenade and bomb kit could not handle
http://wpwhendead.tumblr.com - a GW2 webcomic about a Charr and a Skritt
If you have problems with AoEing packs of Mobs, you should try Bomb kit or Grenade Kit! Haven’t met anyone with better Steady AoE damage then my Grenade kit Engi!
WvW Roaming movies!
I have no problems killing 3+ things at a time like most of the posters here, engineer is probably the most AOE heavy profession.
What I have problems with and takes FOREVER… is single target dps. Engineer is lacking in the single target burst damage quite a bit compared to other professions.
The hard thing for me is destroying destructible objects. Some heart quests have a lot of them and it takes my engineer a long time to destroy each one. I’ve come to find it better to ignore them and just kill monsters as I have an easier time killing a centaur over breaking a rack.
I’m glad to hear that other people have trouble with destructible objects. I always feel like an idiot, spending 15 seconds trying to break a rack, and any other class comes by and takes one out in 3 hits. I’ve taken to avoiding them and just killing mobs too.
A couple things I found good for breaking things like carts. Bombs, Grenades, or Flame Thrower. Using the pistol or rifle seems to take forever.
best way to kill single targets and 3-4 mobs for me. explosive shot→poison dart volley→static shot, then switch to flame thrower use flame blast, then switch to exlixir gun and use fumigate. should have em pritty low by then and your conditions should be able to take them out on their own. if not you can use pritty much anything at this point and itll takem out
You are doing something wrong, I only worry when it gets up to 6.
I can kill 7 trolls while kiting a champion alone you’re doing something wrong
Engineers are descent, but you do have to play 4x harder than any warrior or thief in game.
Engineers can kite very well with rifle and grenades. An FT/dual pistols user has two different kinds of damage mitigation and also has a slow. In addition to that.
If you trait certain ways, you can gain swiftness or apply cripples to further kiting even more.
Engineers can CC very well, and though they take a while to kill mobs, they are usually on top of the survival pyramid for PvE.
PvP they can pretty much take plenty of damage while dishing out moderate amounts. Trait into alchemy or (for even more survivability via bonuses to healing and toughness) inventions to withstand the brunt of attacks. Alchemy especially if you are more afraid of conditions than direct damage.
Loudmouth, lousy PvPer, and mediocre PvEer.
I don’t own, I just play
OP, not exactly sure if we’re playing the same game here. With my engi with mostly beserker’s gear, one or two pieces of knight’s gear, and dolyak runes, I find myself being able to take a group of 5-6 mobs on with a rifle as 0/30/0/10/30 spec (I can’t go without the vigor, and I make sure to take infused precision for it), with utility skills dependent on my current activity (farming, dungeons, WvW).
I haven’t dabbled much into sPvP, just the WvWvW zergs, and I find myself doing alright, though that’s not to say the opposition I was facing was bad, or I’m just zerging with a group and steamrolling anything, so I can’t really post regarding PvP. I’ve heard people be extremely good to extremely bad with engineers, and that’s mostly due to the high skill cap of the class.
What hinders this class majorly is the bugs that it suffers. The bug list, as we all know, is huge, and hopefully it starts to shrink as they do their weekly(?) updates. Then they can start looking into the class regarding the totem pole of balance. One thing I do feel is that damage is lacking a bit, as well as kits not scaling to weapon damage or benefiting from sigils which they have said they want to fix, so until they do, engineer isn’t really complete yet. Once that’s done, I wouldn’t be surprised if we saw some touches to kits/weapons regarding damage (probably not the nade/bomb kit, as those are our best kits by far for damage).
Personally, I’m not much of a fan of most signets. They’re very useful for a warrior or a thief, but on the ranger I’d take the Signet of the Wilds and nothing else.
The “mobile turrets” that rangers have are an interesting class mechanic, but can the ranger deploy 5+ pets at once?
Don’t compare the longbow to the rifle. It’s more like axes-pistols, shortbow-rifle, longbow-grenade kit. Grenade kits are as powerful as the longbow, take more skill to use, but deal more damage in an AoE and have the same range (1200-1500w/trait).
Engineers have the best range in the game, or would if the mortar-range-trait got fixed, so I wouldn’t worry about them in that regard.
And yes, you should keep going, I will as well.
I made it to level 39 where I found out that the get might on swap rune on my brand new level 39 yellow rifle didn’t work for kits and distinctly heard a wa wa waaaaa sound somewhere off in the distance. Flamethrower, grenades, bombs, and mayhem are fun but they’re currently wrapped up in cumbersome mechanics and bugs. I won’t delete him though and hope to be back to him at a later, less buggy date. There’s just nothing like blowing up bad guys and burninating their remains. I do think he should have a cigar as his head piece though…
Bomb Kit and Grenade Kit… you should be having no troubles killing 3+ mobs at the same time.
Tirydia – Scrapper
You can easily kill loads of mobs at once with grenades. You can use riffle to knock ranged mobs together, and then nuke with grenades. Grenades are also pretty awesome in WvW. Did I mention grenades rock? <3 xD Grenades can give you perma-haste with traits. Event farming in Orr – only with grenades! When all else fails – use grenades! Devs, please buff grenades!
What the 2 posts above me said. I can kill 4 enemies easily. Actually it’s even easier without grenades. Try using a pistol and running away from monsters. You know, so they don’t hit you. So you don’t take damage and don’t die. See how that works? I don’t understand how someone can have trouble with this.
(edited by Wahaha.7938)
Invest into getting some green or yellow rampagers gear and use grenade kit. rips through aoe situations while doing lots of crits