RIP engi (PvP)

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: hotcarl.8621


Is it just me, or does it seem like regular engi isn’t cutting it ever since HoT went live? I don’t see a lot of engis that aren’t using scrapper spec these days and, personally, I’ve had absolutely horrible results on my engineer as of late. The combination of CC and condis in team fights destroys me every time. I still seem to do well against guardians and dragonhunters (and occasionally revs), but that’s about it.

It also feels like I can never enjoy the 1v1 fights where I used to dominate, since everyone has so much mobility and team support now. At least in 1v1’s, or even 1v2’s, I can usually hold my own, but they are few and far between in most of the matches I play.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Well Elite Specs were built around Raid content so makes sense they built more for group support than the vanilla specs are since Vanilla was more solo oriented.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: alain.1659


What build are you using? I find engi as the best core profession in the game. I have other chars but I play engi (addicted) usually. Static discharge still works, condi engi worls except against necros. Turret is dead. Soldier or cele rifle manages if you play smart. It is not strong but not bad as a core warr,thief or ranger.

On the mobility part you are right. Everyone got himself a blink-ish skill or insane amount of blocks. There is no balance betwren core and elite. And I think there wont be.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Petoox.6570


I’m currently having lots of fun with this build in pvp, it uses no kits or well, 5 elixirs.

It might not be good against good players but I’ve had good success with it

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Cat Has Ducks.1982

Cat Has Ducks.1982

Soldier rifle still works. Altough rifle scrapper is a bit better.

Lord Chuck I – Guardian
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: emendez.3705


to be honest engineer just seems weak every one i faced went down too easy. But i feel hammer is very strong compared to other weapons. I am a scrapper but i do p/p and facing hammer is annoying. hammer has it all stun/block/reflect/movement skill to run away or put more pressure that blast 3x which gives lots of sustainability with water field.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Anthony.1579


I played engineer a little bit in spvp.

I find you should NEVER go damage. In a 1v1 damage can own newer players, but experience players will always counter your burst with cleanses and healing.

I used to be a big fan of soldier rifle to bunker or help allys, but now i always go scrapper hammer soldier.

In addition to surviving initial burst, i can return burst with hammer skills, and help my allys.

The only problem with engineer i find, is Conditions. Conditions destroy me and wreck me easily.

But power builds and pet builds are generally easy to handle.

I usually just bunker if my team is good, or 1v1 cap if my team is not so good. This is solo unranked q. In ranked q i imagine you cap bases and do a lot of team fights.

I don’t do much spvp anymore and i am not very good, so yea, but that’s just my opinion.

Oh yea i would do something like.


rune of force sigil of impact and sigil of force.

rune of hoelberk for the -20% condition duration stacks with scrapper armor trait

Amulet of soldier.

And just go play objectively. I win about 66% or about 2 out of 3 games i solo q in. Sometimes i get a premade, but what can you do right ?

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Marauder Rifle can work well for Stronghold, but just be ready to run as soon as you see a reaper.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: GUN EM DOWN.4078


im playing celestial rifle with bombs this build really excels in decaping. Rifle 4 into Rifle 2 and bomb 5 Will give you enough time to decap and in gw2 spvp thats all you need. You can run mortar kit and sustain for a pretty good amount of time you can even 1v1 most classes if you play well such as kite and use your combofields properly. So yeah im only playing this because im bored of scrapper but if you dont have HoT this build is pretty fun and effective.

Buff black chick | Esportsmanship | pref my eggs kicked | big black glock | peekaboo stance

the original dab daddy

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: RazFxx.6451


The only problem with engineer i find, is Conditions. Conditions destroy me and wreck me easily.

did you try purge gyro? if you didn’t because gyros suck and AI is bad – please go and try it. it is quick (instacast 2 conditions) yet persistent (2 conditions every 3 sec) condition removal that usually handles most conditions pretty well. and it is the first PASSIVE condi removal we got.
conditions with vanilla engi do wreck you because all of our condi clear is active (healing turret, tossing elixirs, elixir c which is bad), and either doesn’t cut it or makes you stand and cast and take more punishment. please try purge gyro if you’re taking scrapper. IMO it is very very worth it.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: emendez.3705


The only problem with engineer i find, is Conditions. Conditions destroy me and wreck me easily.

did you try purge gyro? if you didn’t because gyros suck and AI is bad – please go and try it. it is quick (instacast 2 conditions) yet persistent (2 conditions every 3 sec) condition removal that usually handles most conditions pretty well. and it is the first PASSIVE condi removal we got.
conditions with vanilla engi do wreck you because all of our condi clear is active (healing turret, tossing elixirs, elixir c which is bad), and either doesn’t cut it or makes you stand and cast and take more punishment. please try purge gyro if you’re taking scrapper. IMO it is very very worth it.

purge does work well-ish if yu are moving you wont get a cleanse of 2 conditions every 3 seconds since it actually has to stop and purge you. considering scrapper comes with hammer that has an amazing mobility skill i imagine it’s even worst i myself am p/p

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Rezzet.3614


Is it just me, or does it seem like regular engi isn’t cutting it ever since HoT went live? I don’t see a lot of engis that aren’t using scrapper spec these days and, personally, I’ve had absolutely horrible results on my engineer as of late. The combination of CC and condis in team fights destroys me every time. I still seem to do well against guardians and dragonhunters (and occasionally revs), but that’s about it.

It also feels like I can never enjoy the 1v1 fights where I used to dominate, since everyone has so much mobility and team support now. At least in 1v1’s, or even 1v2’s, I can usually hold my own, but they are few and far between in most of the matches I play.

lately i ve been forced to play clerics with elixir C, Purge gyro, elixir gun+ convert condi to boon trait and hgh and purity and generosity sigils, its absurd facing nothing but teams of 3+ undieing condi bursters all day

basically my damage comes from staying alive while keeping Retaliation up with EG 5+ hammer 3

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Phineas Poe.3018

Phineas Poe.3018

[EG] Ethereal Guardians

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Thiefz.3695


It’s more of a bunker/condition build. I use supply crate because I’m not so great with my mortar rotation but if you’re good with 3 kit then add in mortar.

Condition engi beats shiro/glint rev’s and DH’s. You can also be ok against chronomancers. Necros and Elementalists with their cleanses will be difficult.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: PierPiero.9142


try marauder scrapper with durability runes . It has really good survivability and hits like a truck .

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Frostmane.9734


I play a static discharge build and still do pretty well.

This has a lot of crowd control in Toolbet 2,3,5, Rifle 2 and 4, Battering Ram, and toolkit 5. Builds with a lot of stability will be tougher, but you can keep most unsuspecting people flopping around long enough to kill them.

I don’t find the damage related trait lines worth the investment. There is much better bang for the buck in Inventions, Alchemy, and Tools to keep you alive longer. Stealth is very useful to either escape a bad situation or surprise someone solo capping a control point.

Not the highest bust damage, but fairly steady sustain without being a condition spec.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

There are plenty of really solid plain Engineer builds, for me I play Scrapper because it’s new and interesting.

I’ve already played plain Engineer for 3 years.

RIP engi (PvP)

in Engineer

Posted by: Ragnarox.9601


Only 2 classes that I have problems with my scrapper :

DH – daze is pretty strong
Reaper condi – ugh cannot beat those, too many condi spam + dmg + 2 life pools

and fighting with revenant took me like 10 mins.