Rampager Engie, does it work?

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Bull Zooker.1672

Bull Zooker.1672

Good evening,

I have been thinking about trying a rampager engineer after my success with rampager necromancer and was wondering whether anyone has any suggestions as to what traits / kits I could run with it?

I would like to use either bombs or nades (or both) with the elixir gun,

probably balthazaar runes too as the burning duration and burn on heal is quite strong, unless anyone has any other suggestions…

this is mostly for PvE and WvW, though I would like to try this in PvP too, I mainly PvP on necro,


Grandad Fester / Unruly Pigeon – Necromancer by trade

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mnemesis.8257


I have been thinking about trying a rampager engineer after my success with rampager necromancer and was wondering whether anyone has any suggestions as to what traits / kits I could run with it?

Grenades would be optimal with them, since the proc rate from shrapnel and incendiary would go hand in hand with the stats. Bombs and EG less so, as they are more utilitarian than active condition appliers. They are certainly capable of it, but not built for it like grenades are.

probably balthazaar runes too as the burning duration and burn on heal is quite strong, unless anyone has any other suggestions…

I am very fond of Runes of Strength at the moment. If you run Sigil of Battle and Sigil of Strength you will produce ridiculous physical and condition damage, especially if you have grenades to trigger SoS.

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Uhtameit.2413


Rampager is very bad for sPvP.

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: CheapGamer.3691


I am very fond of Runes of Strength at the moment. If you run Sigil of Battle and Sigil of Strength you will produce ridiculous physical and condition damage, especially if you have grenades to trigger SoS.

Instead of Sigil of Force?

Engineer Cheapgamer [TRON] Magumma

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Ronin.5038


If you really wanted to run condition damage in pve, rampager would be the right choice.
Strength runes (or aristocracy if you want extra condi damage) combined with sigil of battle and strength works well for building self might. Throw some blast finishers in there and you’ll have an easy 20+ stacks of permanent might which is around 700 condition and power damage.
Bombs and grenades would be the best choice. Bombs gives you permanent burn with some confusion and grenades gives you bleed and permanent poison. 3rd utility is up to you but elixir gun is a solid pick, if only for the 12/15 second blast finisher and super elixir.
Trait wise, 6/6/0/0/2 is what I’d go with. Shrapnel, anything, grenadier. Anything, precise sights, modified ammo/napalm. Last 10 points can go anywhere, but I prefer speedy kits for the quality of life improvement.
Remember, this is speaking for pve only.

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

I run a rampager/carrion hybrid in WvW and sometimes in fractals. Rampager trinkets and weapon, carrion armor. I use full Aristocracy runes, and a 6/2/4/2/0 might stacking grenadier build with P/P, Healing Turret, Grenade Kit, Tool Kit, Rocket Boots.

It works alright. I’m not that stellar in PVP, but this build can lay on a surprising amount of hurt. With all of the might it grants, both the conditions and the direct attacks have a surprising amount of lethality.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Rampager Engie, does it work?

in Engineer

Posted by: Mnemesis.8257


Instead of Sigil of Force?

The 15-20+ stacks of might you generate between swapping and hits will far outweigh a 5% modifier to physical damage, neglecting any benefit to conditions. Considering he would like to run Rampager’s, might stacking is definitely the better route as Runes of Strength has a built in 7% modifier when under might; a win/win in my book. However, this is all about personal preference in the long run and requires everyone to find what works best for them.