Rate my Turret Build!

Rate my Turret Build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Deathsmasher.5207


I have made a turret build after Optics Tv’s build. It is basically the same build, but I messed around with the runes and sigils a bit. Let me know what you think!
Build Link: http://www.guildhead.com/skill-calc#mVMzz9Mz0oMmwMoMmwMGGx9MVszkcab8khg7kiO7070z7kiO707kNL70m7kNe7owZ70m8ofZ

OpticsTV Build: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hD1sn4g89A&list=PLE7355D674BA5F9CC&index=20

Thanks all criticisms welcome!

(edited by Deathsmasher.5207)

Rate my Turret Build!

in Engineer

Posted by: Fairtex.7810


The dps is gonna be good but your gonna be super squish. I know that if you are given the chance you can burn someone down quick but it will go the same for you, maybe even faster :/

Heres the issues i see. Your taking incendiary powder with a really low crit chance. Your defense for yourself is really low. I know your buffing up your turrets but they are still gonna die pretty quick if someone wants to, or if they are in aoe. And commonly known, turret builds have poor condition removal. Without some sort of defensive utility, its gonna be pretty much impossible to beat those classes in a fair 1v1. Also without taking any traits for your own defense, your gonna get bursted down fast. That +300 toughness from inventions isn’t gonna do anything for you. The rune choice is ok…but drop the one sanctuary and grab krait or orrian for more condition damage. The burn damage scales great. I would personally go full forge or full earth.

thats all just from the top of my head. If your interested i’d be very happy to discuss more with you

Fairtex Turret Engineer

Former Gunslinger, curret Engineer, Future Spellslinger

(edited by Fairtex.7810)