Recommend me a Rifle skin :D
This one’s my personal favorite (attached).
Fairly ornate, but none of the glowy particle crap that ultimately amounts to a neon sign that reads "FOCUS FIRE ON ME" in WvW.
Think I got it in queensdale when I was leveling... just dropped off a random mob... or maybe story quest reward? /shrug
Haven’t seen a model I’ve liked better since, so I’ve just been transmuting it up since pretty much day 1.
There’s a fairly large sniper rifle skin available. I don’t know its name or where to get it, but i’m almost sure it’s expensive.
Flame rifles are sort of like that. They’re sleeker and lighter than the huge charr legionnaire rifles.
The sniper rifle skin is the legendary precursor btw.
The pic linked by Haltus Kain looks like one that I picked up on my leveling journey as well. It was called Caregiver’s Rifle, but I think the skin may also match a “insert effect” Krytan Rifle as well, like a Resilient Krytan Rifle.
There’s only one real option to consider.
came here to post this, my friend has it, it’s called Charzooka (same as the charr elite skill).
The pic linked by Haltus Kain looks like one that I picked up on my leveling journey as well. It was called Caregiver’s Rifle, but I think the skin may also match a “insert effect” Krytan Rifle as well, like a Resilient Krytan Rifle.
Yeah, it’s the Krytan rifle skin.
The predator, the legendary rifle is a long, very elaborate rifle.
google it.
Haltus Kain: that one is really nice, I’m going to look for it!
anyway, as for me, I like the looks of the simple Seraph Rifle the most… even legendaries don’t look better as far as I’m concerned, so at least that’s one less thing to worry about!
I really wish I can use the harpoon gun skin for it…T-T
I personally use the Bandit’s Rifle (origin name Makeshift Rifle). It has a tinkered look to it.
But really i can only give you one good tip. Go to heart of the mists, when you enter immediatly turn right and go to the PvP lockers. Scroll down to Rifles and use the preview function to see what look you really like. Then just look up what its called ingame (google works fine).
Here is a large selection. Choose your own destiny =P
For the more exotic type, check your TP. For example, Hyperbeam Alpha looks very flashy and cool.
Haltus Kain: that one is really nice, I’m going to look for it!
anyway, as for me, I like the looks of the simple Seraph Rifle the most… even legendaries don’t look better as far as I’m concerned, so at least that’s one less thing to worry about!
I also like the look of this rifle, sleek and elegant. Ran with it for the longest time.
:O sticky this thread!!!!!
Also,the charrzooka…wow…i want it..but atm it cost 24 gold at the trading post,so bye bye chaarzooka
Engineer : Charliengine
Engineer : Brother Thompson
Haltus Kail is linking the Krytan Rifle.
Just like the Krytan Pistols, it looks awesome.
Here is a large selection. Choose your own destiny =P
Where do you get the Summit Rifle?
By “Skin” do you guys just mean an item that you are going to use a Transmutation Stone on? Or is it just that, a skin?
Here is a large selection. Choose your own destiny =P
Where do you get the Summit Rifle?
It’s a dredge weapon, I’m pretty sure you can actually craft those things.
I really like this one and i think it fits what your looking for…
Can be found in the lions arch karma weapon vendor at level 40 I believe.
EDIT: The one Haltus posted is pretty amazing though…
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