Renewed Combat Medic Building
So what about using Heal Resonator and Energy Amplifier for the additional +250 healing and the additional regen heal on allies? I use that in my bunker build in PvP.
So I went back to do a test on “Bunker Down”. I like the skill for 1v1, but for zerging it is a very selfish skill. It only heals ONE person and that person 90% of the time is the user of the skill. It can mimic the old “Elixir Infused Bombs” but it does not heal 5 people to include the user. “Elixir Infused Bombs” was great for zerging and you could get away with 1v1 with alot of skill. I would gladly replace “Medical Dispersion Field” for “Elixir Infused Bombs” because it only makes sense. “Bunker Down” for 1v1 battles and “Elixir Infused Bombs” for zerging battles is what it comes down to. No wise player would dare use “Medical Dispersion Field” because it is so worthless that I would select “Bunker Down” to heal ONE ally and get better gains than what that is worth.
“Energy Amplifier” should be replaced with 10% or 12% of healing power converted to attack power. The reason I would replace this skill back to this is because while 250 Healing points is awesome, If I could squeeze more attack power into my healing build I don’t have to rely on using a Superior Sigil of Bloodlust to get over 2k attack power. I would give the edge to increase in attack power over 250 points of healing because for instance with healing turret 3594-3469=125HP extra you get for that skill. Not as large of a change as if you were to give just enough attack power to do medium DPS.
I caught something else about “Healing Resonator” while going through the skills more thoroughly. There is only one AOE heal button for the engineer, and that is the Healing Turret. The healing turret already applies regen to allies and I can do without the extra 3 seconds of regen that the skill provides. While the healing turret is active, it constantly applies the same amount of regen repeatedly over the area as it cycles through. If I am already getting regen, then it makes the skill kind of not needed. Perhaps this skill could be switched out for the power skill? It actually makes more sense than getting rid of the “Energy Amplifier”. People will also begin to appreciate keeping the Healing turret out longer before exploding it.
When I say heal button I mean button number 6 to clear up any confusion. I don’t include healing blast because that skill is not good at all.
(edited by paladinecho.3024)
I am just going to unleash this very unpopular opinion here: I do not want to see EIB back. It is a boring and passive healing. Instead of that Idd say they would buff soothing detonation a bit(bigger healing power scaling) and change medical dispersion field. Remove cooldown, limit it to heals you have created and make or heal yourself and allies for 5% + 1% every 150 healing power you have
I am just going to unleash this very unpopular opinion here: I do not want to see EIB back. It is a boring and passive healing. Instead of that Idd say they would buff soothing detonation a bit(bigger healing power scaling) and change medical dispersion field. Remove cooldown, limit it to heals you have created and make or heal yourself and allies for 5% + 1% every 150 healing power you have
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. But what about the masses that liked it, used it, and want it back?
(edited by dancingmonkey.4902)
This thread is specifically for people who are healers or would like to be healers again. If you have a difference of opinion about the Elixir Infused Bombs, explain it from a healer point of view. Why would “Soothing Detonation” be better? If it is not better now, why not? At the moment people are rightfully choosing “Bunker Down” for a reason. Bunker Down is a much better skill than “Soothing Detonation” which isn’t picked at all unless you are experimenting because of it’s poor effects.
If you didn’t try Elixir Infused Bombs with full Cleric’s gear, you missed out on some good stuff. Even if they buffed “Soothing Detonation”, I don’t think that would motivate people to want to go healer. If you go full heals you would understand why EIB was such a nice skill. It was the true combat healer where you healed and attacked all at once. “Soothing Detonation” if I want to be healer makes me feel like being an elementalist instead of engineer who used to be able to heal and attack at the same time, but now cannot do that anymore. Why is going full cleric’s gear is superior with “Soothing Detonation”? If you support it, I would like to know why it would be better than something that heals constantly with almost no cooldown.
(edited by paladinecho.3024)
I am just going to unleash this very unpopular opinion here: I do not want to see EIB back. It is a boring and passive healing. Instead of that Idd say they would buff soothing detonation a bit(bigger healing power scaling) and change medical dispersion field. Remove cooldown, limit it to heals you have created and make or heal yourself and allies for 5% + 1% every 150 healing power you have
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. But what about the masses that liked it, used it, and want it back?
I understand you very well and I fully respect it that people want it back, however I think that it is a double sided story. From one side it was a very effective way, even better since you could keep damage up. From the other side Anet is trying to bring in more active healing. Creating blasts in a field seems like more active play since you can burst the heal for example.
I am just trying to let people look on the other side and let them see that if we buff the current traits we could come out way more effective in team situations while offering damage.
Anyway! I respect your opinion and definetly understand your side of the story
Greetings, Fvux!
So i thought i should clear some stuff up. Our job as a medic is burst healing, there is no other way to put it. Yes we can spec into using Med Blaster to put out a reasonable amount of healing, 700ish at max per cast, but we shine best with our burst healing, take our Soothing detonation, on a water field its putting out 3000 healing with just 1450 healing power AND 32.5% outgoing healing (look up that stat if you dont know what it is or what it does,) that means heal turret will put out 7240 health to allies when used. sure thats great healing for a 1.5 sec rotation. but we get SORELY outdone by the 10 sec mark by Medic ele and Medic guardian who have PASSIVE healing effects which we lack. Ele if spec’d right can camp water attunement and put out 720 hp/s. you read that right almost a thousand hp a sec on ele, but their price for power? conditional healing. they have to be in water, which means wet noodle status on damage, same with guardian, if they spec for healing, thats ALL they do. we on the other hand can heal, condi cleanse, condi convert, dps and control at the same time. take a burning build with Rabid/Apothecary gear. enough crit to rock IP but enough healing to use Healing turret, or even Med kit. 1200 healing with 32.5% outgoing healing is great for heal turret, and if you take med kit you will have 47.5% outgoing healing on your med blaster if you take health insurance trait. if you manage to blast water fields in medkit they also benefit from the boost! at the same time, you can have +50% burn duration, and the ability to put down at least 10 stacks of burning! thats 3000 dmg a sec! no other healer can perform both healing and hurting but us, try to keep that in mind when playing medic engi.
Build for burning:
Goodluck, have fun!
If they buff the traits, it better be so worth it to the point that it heals more than EIB and also spams just as fast and damages enemies too. If they can’t do that, then they are not the right traits.
About the 32.5% healing. After calculating, I could see how it is “healing” however doing the math its still the same points as I have posted above. I question if anyone will be able to go full Cleric’s again and still be effective in combat. Condi blend I have looked at and it would work, however it would be nice if we had something other than condi that did actual damage. Its as if they push you and you like PVT gear, then it sucks for the PVT user. The same for the other person who wants solid PVT damage and goes full Cleric’s. Cleric’s was just as effective as PVT with Elixir Infused bombs except the fact you could also benefit allies with combat.
You can run full Zerker and kill people in combat. You can run Rabid and definitely kill people in combat with conditions. You can run PVT and still kill people in combat with Medium Dps. You USED to be able to run all cleric’s and kill people in combat, then they took away Elixir Infused Bombs and the Attack power converter and made it pointless to be Cleric’s. I really wanted to make a full set of ascended in cleric’s armor to go with Elixir Infused Bombs, but with the current way they have this I don’t want to make any ascended gear until further notice. It would be nice if they made the builds something “Cleric’s friendly”. It was PVT damage and constant heals and alot of fun.
I am just going to unleash this very unpopular opinion here: I do not want to see EIB back. It is a boring and passive healing. Instead of that Idd say they would buff soothing detonation a bit(bigger healing power scaling) and change medical dispersion field. Remove cooldown, limit it to heals you have created and make or heal yourself and allies for 5% + 1% every 150 healing power you have
You are certainly welcome to your opinion. But what about the masses that liked it, used it, and want it back?
I understand you very well
and I fully respect it that people want it back, however I think that it is a double sided story. From one side it was a very effective way, even better since you could keep damage up. From the other side Anet is trying to bring in more active healing. Creating blasts in a field seems like more active play since you can burst the heal for example.
I am just trying to let people look on the other side and let them see that if we buff the current traits we could come out way more effective in team situations while offering damage.
Anyway! I respect your opinion and definetly understand your side of the storyGreetings, Fvux!
If they are trying to bring in more active healing, then why do they expand on other professions ability to heal on attacks? Various signets and traits offer this on other professions. Even ele gets auto attacks that heal by default.
They did not make healing active at all. All they did was take away the engineers skill and left or expanded it for other professions.
First of all engineer healing did become more actice since you have to place a certain skill (blast) in a certain field instead of spamming one skill.
Next to that traits got revamped, not skills mostly. So leave out skills like healing signet since heal skills are designed to heal you significantly in any build.
Next to that ArenaNet does want more active healing, and namely healing roles that heal allies. Thats why they added much benevolence to classes: outgoing healing is increased. However to make a role like this fun, they have to give it some active play. Thats why.
Dont get me wrong, I totally aggree that healing currently is way too undertuned. But just try to give it a chance as it is and look for improvements to that instead of holding onto something that is gone for a few months already. As a wise person once said " When you are looking at the past (Elixir infused bombs), you are standing with your back to the future (soothing, bunker down, MDF). "
Oh ps, med kit could use some AoE love on its skills 2 to 5
Interesting argument, declaring all the other relative skills should be ignored because of reason. That isn’t much of an argument in my opinion. My point in mentioning those, is that it seems hypocritical to have it all along other professions. Trait, weapon skill, or utility, is irrelevant. It will never change the fact thay other professions retained the exact functionality, while we lost ours. So let’s not ignore similar fictionalized simply because it doesn’t support your point.
I honestly do not care much about other professions, its about engineer. I want distinction in functionallity what defines us from being engineer.
And we didnt lose backpack regen for example.
Every class is seeing changes in healing, but they cant just suddenly strip all the passive stuff. The only difference is that we were given up on a regular used trait, while others lost less used traits and got other active heal traits for it.
Anyway, this seems like an endless discussion it still just an opinion so
However it was an intersting discussion with you^^
(edited by The V.8759)
I still highly question the usefulness of “Medical Dispersion Field”. I still want “Elixir Infused Bombs” back in it’s place, however what were they thinking when they put this skill up? It is as if they left it incomplete and the other skills are just a model for what they might put up. For instance like how they put up that extra regen with “Healing Resonator”, and the healing turrets already provide regen. It just seems incomplete like it was thrown together and not fully looked over. I care about engineer too. I like the idea of getting my healing bombs back and people who haven’t used them with full cleric’s shouldn’t be trying to change my idea of getting them back. When you go full cleric’s gear and show me that the new changes work, then I may believe it, but right now both sides agree that “Medical Dispersion Field” is a horrible skill.
I still highly question the usefulness of “Medical Dispersion Field”. I still want “Elixir Infused Bombs” back in it’s place, however what were they thinking when they put this skill up? It is as if they left it incomplete and the other skills are just a model for what they might put up. For instance like how they put up that extra regen with “Healing Resonator”, and the healing turrets already provide regen. It just seems incomplete like it was thrown together and not fully looked over. I care about engineer too. I like the idea of getting my healing bombs back and people who haven’t used them with full cleric’s shouldn’t be trying to change my idea of getting them back. When you go full cleric’s gear and show me that the new changes work, then I may believe it, but right now both sides agree that “Medical Dispersion Field” is a horrible skill.
You are totally right in my opinion about MDF. However I think they implemented heal resonator to increase the use of a full healer build with things like med kit and elixir H that are a less reliable source of regen.
My opinion of MDF is that it can be fixed, since as of right now if it had no ICD 2 engis could potentially ping healing infinitely between themselves, which would of course break the game. Now, a couple of possible fixes include making it only effect when the Engineer with the trait is the only one who proc’s the ability, like if he activates healing turret 12% of that healing goes out to our allies, but if another engi throws their healing turret down, the first engi does not proc the extra 12% outgoing. The other fix, and seems thematically correct, would be a passive healing buff that heals for a solid % of our healing power, say 20% per sec to allies. at a solid 1500 healing power thats only a 300/s heal, but with the bonus of benevolence could reach about 450. This would also stack very well with the medkit as well. With Raids coming soon, medic roles will no doubt become commonplace, unless Raids are pushovers like dungeons ( I REALLY hope not.). Elixer infused bombs was a great trait in my opinion, i used to run it, but it does promote a kind of mindless heal-bot mentality on our part, i want healing to be much more active and strategic rather then pressing 11111111 all fight. With buffs to Soothing Detonation and MDF, i think we would be in a good spot. I would also like to add that the Elite specialization has yet to be revealed, and might have some kind of support-like trait for hammer, since Anet has had a trend of having Offensive, Defensive and Support lines in the elite specs so far. However my prediction is that we will get the break bar trait rather then any heals from our elite spec.
If Medical Dispersion Field is fixed, I hope that it adds at least bare minimum an extra 1k HP. Outside of that I still prefer Elixir Infused Bombs because its there instantly rather than having to wait for the heal skill to charge up. Also does MDF itself have a cooldown?
MDF has a 5 sec ICD for a 12% extra healing upon heal. the main problem is that its ANY healing that you get, not when you activate a healing skill, so a guardian running battle presence will most likely always be forcing you to proc it for like 20 extra hp on a 5 sec cooldown. While they were making the trait they probably overlooked the infinite healing feedback loop until 30 secs from launching the update and slapped a cooldown on it until they decided to fix it. Considering the feedback it gets, and the fact that they sorta botched medkit too, they will fix probably after HoT releases.
Ya know, what would it hurt to have both MDS and healing bombs? There are so many people asking about EIB again and some who want a stronger MDS, why not do both? In theory you could link them both into one skill kind of like how Bunker Down drops a mine and a first aid kit all at once.
As a matter of fact, I think we could put elixir infused bombs under Medical Dispersion field. It would not only add a little extra healing, but make it so we could enjoy the trait again. What do you guys think about it?
(edited by paladinecho.3024)
Sorry double post, but question. Does anyone here run a cleric’s Engineer? Using this for next calculation if I can find someone who runs cleric’s.