Returning player looking for PVE Builds

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


Hello there! I haven’t played in nearly a year and I am looking for the best engi PVE builds out there right now. Post them here if you all would be so kind!

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519



Thread over.

Well, in all seriousness, every current “meta” pve engie build is going to be some variation of the 66002 grenadier set-up, with Zerk or maaaaaaybe Assassin gear. Healing is always turret, Elite is always crate, and your last two utilies can vary a bit based on the specific dungeon, boss or party, but you’d almost always have at least two kits. That’s what’s “best.”

(edited by Arioso.8519)

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891

Thaddeus.4891 is a good start

You want to use grenade as your main kit. After that you have 2 others kit choose to give you burst damage skill and utilities skills between those :

- Bomb : Best for utilities (might and stealth), but also decent burst damage skill
- Elixir Gun : Best burst damage skill (but can be hard to master) and good defensive skills (heal and condi removal)
- Flamethrower : Good burst damage skill with some utilities
- Tool kit : Lowest burst damage skill, but good defensive skills

Usually people either go Elixir Gun/Bomb or Elixir Gun/Flamethrower. Bomb/Flamethrower is also a decent choice is you can’t use Acid bomb properly. And finally, people take tool kit sometime when they solo.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Actualy best thing what you can do is avoid that so called meta build. Reasons why dont have TL:DR version:-)
I personaly use this for dungs for last 6 months or so:

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


Actualy best thing what you can do is avoid that so called meta build. Reasons why dont have TL:DR version:-)
I personaly use this for dungs for last 6 months or so:

aaaaaand it’s a 3 kit 66002 power grenadier build.
That IS dungeon the meta build. Tweaked slightly but a very near match.

(edited by Arioso.8519)

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Actualy best thing what you can do is avoid that so called meta build. Reasons why dont have TL:DR version:-)
I personaly use this for dungs for last 6 months or so:

aaaaaand it’s a 3 kit 66002 power grenadier build.
That IS the meta build. Tweaked a bit, but yeah.

Meta build uses FT. That is bad. Also different traits, rotations and huge lack of utility without smoke a glue bombs:-). And also thx to that build you can meet ppl with 15k+ AP what ask you “engi can stealth?”

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: galandor.1059


I don’t really want meta persay, when I left I was playing an Engi FT might stacking build and it was hella fun. I am looking for something along those lines honestly.

Engineer:Warrior:Necromancer – Rank 39

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: none.9681


Meta build uses FT. That is bad. Also different traits, rotations and huge lack of utility without smoke a glue bombs:-). And also thx to that build you can meet ppl with 15k+ AP what ask you “engi can stealth?”

Well, if you look at the meta build, you’ll notice that one of the first alternatives there is ‘Bomb Kit to blind dangerous trash mobs and blast stealth for when you are without a thief with Smoke Bomb.’ Can’t blame meta build for players not reading.

(edited by none.9681)

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Arioso.8519


Meta build uses FT. That is bad. Also different traits, rotations and huge lack of utility without smoke a glue bombs:-). And also thx to that build you can meet ppl with 15k+ AP what ask you “engi can stealth?”

Changing kits while out of combat is a thing, you know. It’s not PvP we’re talking about here. The metabuild page even COVERS the stealth bomb combo and offers skill variations, so you can’t blame that for the non-stealthing engies.

Now, I actually agree with you that following the “meta” strictly is really limiting. It actually stifles some of the Engineer’s strengths, the main strength being versatility. A good engie will be swapping skills and sometimes even traits around to suit the party composition and current dungeon/encounter. For example, Elixir R certainly isn’t ‘meta’ but does wonders in the Mai Trin fight; most elixirs are highly situational, but are very handy in the right encounters.

But having a few different traits and kits doesn’t make it a totally different build. I myself run pistol/shield and even have the nerve to take condition damage as a stat, but I still have to admit I’m still running a 66002 power grenadier set up with full-on vuln stacking, which is still bending to the basic idea of the meta-build.

So yeah, if you want a build considered “good” for dungeons, it’s really hard to avoid anything that doesn’t at least use the meta power-grenadier as it’s basic ‘skeleton’ and then tweaked to personal taste.

The main reason grenades keep reappearing as the go-to is that they’re insanely good at stacking vulnerability, but only with a full 6 in explosives. They’re actually kinda useless otherwise, since the damage is way less without grenadier, though this will change after the skill revamp. So using them restricts your build possibilities quite a lot, honestly. If you skip out on grenades entirely, a static discharge build may be your next best DPS alternative, especially if tool kit is your thing.

A flamethrower centric build like was just mentioned isn’t considered “good” by people who care about meta stuff, but you can make it work with firearms and alchemy lines and you’ll want to take full advantage of might stacking. It’s redundant with an elementalist in the party, but makes a good substitute for a might stacking ele otherwise. You might be able to pull off a hybrid flamethrower/static discharge build of you want something ‘different’ that still has some effectiveness.

All that aside, once the specialization update drops, it should do a great deal to mix up potential engineer builds. Our skill and trait changes are pretty major.

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Meta build uses FT. That is bad. Also different traits, rotations and huge lack of utility without smoke a glue bombs:-). And also thx to that build you can meet ppl with 15k+ AP what ask you “engi can stealth?”

Changing kits while out of combat is a thing, you know. It’s not PvP we’re talking about here. The metabuild page even COVERS the stealth bomb combo and offers skill variations, so you can’t blame that for the non-stealthing engies.

Now, I actually agree with you that following the “meta” strictly is really limiting. It actually stifles some of the Engineer’s strengths, the main strength being versatility. A good engie will be swapping skills and sometimes even traits around to suit the party composition and current dungeon/encounter. For example, Elixir R certainly isn’t ‘meta’ but does wonders in the Mai Trin fight; most elixirs are highly situational, but are very handy in the right encounters.

But having a few different traits and kits doesn’t make it a totally different build. I myself run pistol/shield and even have the nerve to take condition damage as a stat, but I still have to admit I’m still running a 66002 power grenadier set up with full-on vuln stacking, which is still bending to the basic idea of the meta-build.

So yeah, if you want a build considered “good” for dungeons, it’s really hard to avoid anything that doesn’t at least use the meta power-grenadier as it’s basic ‘skeleton’ and then tweaked to personal taste.

The main reason grenades keep reappearing as the go-to is that they’re insanely good at stacking vulnerability, but only with a full 6 in explosives. They’re actually kinda useless otherwise, since the damage is way less without grenadier, though this will change after the skill revamp. So using them restricts your build possibilities quite a lot, honestly. If you skip out on grenades entirely, a static discharge build may be your next best DPS alternative, especially if tool kit is your thing.

A flamethrower centric build like was just mentioned isn’t considered “good” by people who care about meta stuff, but you can make it work with firearms and alchemy lines and you’ll want to take full advantage of might stacking. It’s redundant with an elementalist in the party, but makes a good substitute for a might stacking ele otherwise. You might be able to pull off a hybrid flamethrower/static discharge build of you want something ‘different’ that still has some effectiveness.

All that aside, once the specialization update drops, it should do a great deal to mix up potential engineer builds. Our skill and trait changes are pretty major.

Thats true but in dungs are many spots where bombs in combat make that real difference and not just as stealth:-) For example I use strategy (I hope I am not alone who found that) how to kite Butcher in hotw p1 around pillar using bombs to hit him thru all the time and keep agro on me while rest of party can safely damage him. If you keep him off sight all the time he never use his ground chill or spin attack:-) Engi with bombs traited for radius is only way in game how to do that.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: robertul.3679


I know I’m basically farming for infractions at this point but can’t you use google?

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: TheLastNobody.8319


I use a 2/6/0/0/6 build with bomb kit, elixir gun, thumper turret, supply crate (only useful elite) with rifle and healing turret. IDK if it’s considered meta or not but it stacks a lot of might (15-18), a lot of stealth, has good condition cleanse, mobility, and damage. Gives you a lot of options to deal with any situation that may arise as well, and helps you to learn field timing.

A knight in shining armor is a man who never had his metal truly tested.

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Casia.4281


Some Engineer is ’splode. Some Engineer is shooty wit sparks.

Returning player looking for PVE Builds

in Engineer

Posted by: Acotje.5689


“Meta build uses FT. That is bad.”

Hello darkness, my old friend.