Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Just returned to gw2 today, and wanted to get back into my engi, and was wondering if a combination of FT and Rifle is viable in wvw roaming? I played it in the past with some success, but its been a while and was just curious of other’s opinions. I’ve seen Wolfineer’s FT build of 0/4/0/6/4 – but am unsure on what may or may not be broken at the moment.. Any and all comments and thoughts are appreciated!

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


ft…. wait for the 9/9 patch, right now its the same as it ever was — juggernauts a trap and ft is a utility kit not a dps kit, and its usually out-utilitied by bombs and/or tk.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Mind sharing whats gunna happen to it on 9/9?

Edit : googled the notes and found em, I assume ur referring to
•Flamethrower: Increased damage of the flame jet by 33%. Flame Blast detonate changed to a blast finisher. Flame Blast now delivers strikes on each pulse. Air Blast – increased the cast time by 1/4 of a second so it has a more delay to it with more tell through the effects (more windup).

Frocusd 80 Engineer

(edited by Caffeine.6724)

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Also curious if a turret build is viable in wvw roaming/small mans.

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Stalima.5490


Also curious if a turret build is viable in wvw roaming/small mans.

you just gotta be careful where you put your turrets but yes, they are pretty strong when paired with a rifle (they give nice toolbelt utility etc)

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Blackjacks.9856


If you are doing pvp, Celestial trinket, Divinity Runes, juggernaut+HGH stuff with elixirs. You will be a speedy tank god among men, you basically have perma prot, regen, retaliation, massive might stacks, stability, and if you take Elixir U you have a ground targeted wall that reflects/negates projectiles and creates a light/smoke field.

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


If the goal is to be ready for running flamethrower after the next patch ( im still running it now, I just simply like the kit ) would u gear for more knights? celestial?

Currently running healing turret/FT/Bomb/EG — considering dropping bomb for elixir B – and can’t decide if I should drop EG for another elixir as well. Thoughts?

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfar.6508


Caffeine, I have recently updated that build. It is not broken in any way and is really effective, it provides with decent party support as well. In the upcoming patch it is going to get stronger which is going to be very interesting. - Everything Engineer!

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Caffeine, I have recently updated that build. It is not broken in any way and is really effective, it provides with decent party support as well. In the upcoming patch it is going to get stronger which is going to be very interesting.

Thanks bud for replying, I’ve been running the setup you suggest for FT/Rifle for the last 2 days since I’ve been back, enjoying it a lot as I adjust to relearning a lot of the game commands and movements and stuff, any suggestions you’d make for a returning engi to wvw??

Can’t wait for the FT changes

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Also curious if Leg Mods is really that good?

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Wolfar.6508


Caffeine, I have recently updated that build. It is not broken in any way and is really effective, it provides with decent party support as well. In the upcoming patch it is going to get stronger which is going to be very interesting.

Thanks bud for replying, I’ve been running the setup you suggest for FT/Rifle for the last 2 days since I’ve been back, enjoying it a lot as I adjust to relearning a lot of the game commands and movements and stuff, any suggestions you’d make for a returning engi to wvw??

Can’t wait for the FT changes

Not a lot to suggest, really. Have fun in WvW and don’t give up when you die a lot, it’s pretty standard if you are still new. The longer you play, the better you get.

Also curious if Leg Mods is really that good?

It’s mainly for Inertial Converter, recharging our toolbelt skills at 25% of our health which can be a lifesaver. The additional toolbelt recharge and ferocity is also very welcome. Leg Mods is a nice addition due to us lacking in condition removal, having reduced condition duration on some conditions is already a nice help. You can combine it with Hoelbrak for example to get it to 50% reduction. - Everything Engineer!

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


So been running Wolfineer’s build for Ft/Rifle now for about 4 days, having a lot of success, but seeing as im a perfectionist, I’ve come back to the boards for more advice!

I am currently running full knights armor, with zerker weapon, and all power/toughness/crit dmg rings + neck – Knights accessories.

The biggest question I have is, sigils for my weapon? what will give me the most bang for my buck? I used to run sigil of blood for chance for a heal on crit, is this still viable? I only liked it because every tick of FT auto could trigger such effect ( obviously if within the restrictions of the sigils inner cd )

Also, is Knight’s a good way to go? celestial jewelry might be decent, to give my heal a bit more boost? some added condi dmg can never hurt for bleed procs, and burn… Just looking for suggestions and others experience, as until I can xfer to a t1 server or something there arnt many other engis I ever see in WvW on my server.

Frocusd 80 Engineer

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


dont use cavalier. the ferocity crit damage nerf made it inferior to knights. if you need the toughness, go with knight instead. if you want a little more damage, put a couple pieces as zerk.

(cavalier used to be a really good choice for trinkets… used to be)

you wont ever see very many engis in wvw. everyone and their mother has one to fool around with perplexity runes, but the actual players that stick to them are fairly few because most people rather roam on teef or war.

as for sigils.. engis usually like onswaps — battle, energy are very strong. and of course generosity is just op if youre dying to condis, even the major is viable (or purity or both). leeching is pretty good. fire/air are always good. basically, ask yourself… do i have enough dodges? do i have enough condi cleanse? and then if those are yes, go for damage.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Returning to game, FT/Rifle viable?

in Engineer

Posted by: Caffeine.6724


Hrm, so should I be replacing my ascended rings etc that are toughness/power/crit dmg (ferocity) with something else??

Frocusd 80 Engineer