Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Rifle blind + aegis shield
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
something like 4/4/0/0/6
or 2/6/0/0/6
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Add in acidic coating for extra annoyance :P
Add in acidic coating for extra annoyance :P
I was just about to point this out. Could make a really annoying dueltroll build by combining the three. Maybe pick up some Sigils or Runes of particular types just to get really bad – maybe Sigils for lifesteal/healing, and…Dolyak Runes? I’m not sure if those’d be the best choices.
Just curious..Would Adrenal Implant be more useful than Armor Mods?! Block per second?
just tested and adjusted to get a really annoying build look at this
the most annoying build for engineer with also Zerker dmg
Blind on melee every 10sec
Vigor everytime u gain Swiftness( speedy kits gives u vigor too ! )
blind with Rifle every 10 sseconds
Aegis every 15seconds
50% endurance gain on kit swap
10 endurance gain on tooltip use
2 launch skills
1 imbo skill
black healing + regen = 6k+
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
with this build still doing a nice 5k-8k crits
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
id liek to point out you can go full kits and go for Flamthrower blind + knockback + toolkit block + pull
for even more Annoyance
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Hey Zardul, I run a slight modification for my recent static discharge build
This combination works so well for me as well, I run slightly different traits and skills to you though. I use rocket boots, throw mine and toolkit. As throw mine provides great damage and a 14 second knockback, and rocketboots give you HEAPS of mobility which I find keep me alive very well. However, I didn’t trait into alchemy and instead went with increased mine explosion size, and didn’t grab speedy kits taking gadget cooldown instead
(edited by Twigifire.8379)
This is the type of discussion that I enjoy the most. A community of like minded individuals who are enjoying the opportunity to theory craft for no other reason than it is fun and entertaining to do so. However, despite my attempts to dismiss the effectiveness of this combination I have produced my own variant that I have found to be profoundly enticing and incredibly successful.
PVP Variant
I have found that Static Discharge is a nice addition for more damage oriented play (obviously), but if you would like to be even more trollish you can sub SD for Speedy Kits and Power Wrench to apply perma cripple and guarantee your stealths. Some of you might be thinking why Flame Turret? In both PVP and WvW I have found the blind field to be exceptional in maintaining perma blind effects on my opponents, melee especially when used in conjunction with Bomb Kit. I don’t solely rely on my prey to stand in the fields, which is why i use Throw Wrench to guarantee application of blind from afar when Gofer is on CD. The same can be said for applying/maintaining burning, as you ckittene Throw Napalm to the same effect; even going as far as providing yourself with reliable fire shields using Jump Shot. Just thought I would throw in my two cents since everyone was having such a fun time discussing this.
This is the type of discussion that I enjoy the most. A community of like minded individuals who are enjoying the opportunity to theory craft for no other reason than it is fun and entertaining to do so. However, despite my attempts to dismiss the effectiveness of this combination I have produced my own variant that I have found to be profoundly enticing and incredibly successful.
PVP Variant have found that Static Discharge is a nice addition for more damage oriented play (obviously), but if you would like to be even more trollish you can sub SD for Speedy Kits and Power Wrench to apply perma cripple and guarantee your stealths. Some of you might be thinking why Flame Turret? In both PVP and WvW I have found the blind field to be exceptional in maintaining perma blind effects on my opponents, melee especially when used in conjunction with Bomb Kit. I don’t solely rely on my prey to stand in the fields, which is why i use Throw Wrench to guarantee application of blind from afar when Gofer is on CD. The same can be said for applying/maintaining burning, as you ckittene Throw Napalm to the same effect; even going as far as providing yourself with reliable fire shields using Jump Shot. Just thought I would throw in my two cents since everyone was having such a fun time discussing this.
Actually a pretty very neat idea with the perma vigor again I’m just wondering if you had perma-vigor, would armour mods be better replaced with adrenaline implant? Since it’s not a boon but a buff, it means endurance regen with vigor will be even faster.
So say, 100% regern from vigor = 200% overall
Adrenaline Implant Increases by 50% of 200%, therefore 300% and a 200% overall increase to endurance regen?
Actually a pretty very neat idea with the perma vigor again
I’m just wondering if you had perma-vigor, would armour mods be better replaced with adrenaline implant? Since it’s not a boon but a buff, it means endurance regen with vigor will be even faster.
So say, 100% regern from vigor = 200% overall
Adrenaline Implant Increases by 50% of 200%, therefore 300% and a 200% overall increase to endurance regen?
Does not work like that. Taken directly from the wiki:
“Endurance regenerates over time, at a base rate of 5% per second and a max rate of 10% per second – effects which grant additional endurance regeneration do not stack beyond double the normal rate – for instance, any additional endurance regeneration while under effects of boon vigor (which already grants maximum increase in regeneration rate) has no effect.”
This is the reason you keep seeing everyone using perma vigor + aegis over 50% regen. The trait is too weak to justify the traits for it. Realistically, we only need 4 points for perma vigor in battle due to Infused Precision and Invigorating Speed; 6 points to gain 50% vs 2 traits with 5s cd is futile.
Actually a pretty very neat idea with the perma vigor again
I’m just wondering if you had perma-vigor, would armour mods be better replaced with adrenaline implant? Since it’s not a boon but a buff, it means endurance regen with vigor will be even faster.
So say, 100% regern from vigor = 200% overall
Adrenaline Implant Increases by 50% of 200%, therefore 300% and a 200% overall increase to endurance regen?Does not work like that. Taken directly from the wiki:
“Endurance regenerates over time, at a base rate of 5% per second and a max rate of 10% per second – effects which grant additional endurance regeneration do not stack beyond double the normal rate – for instance, any additional endurance regeneration while under effects of boon vigor (which already grants maximum increase in regeneration rate) has no effect.”This is the reason you keep seeing everyone using perma vigor + aegis over 50% regen. The trait is too weak to justify the traits for it. Realistically, we only need 4 points for perma vigor in battle due to Infused Precision and Invigorating Speed; 6 points to gain 50% vs 2 traits with 5s cd is futile.
Ah ok, didn’t realise there was a roof on endurance regen
Hey Zardul, I run a slight modification for my recent static discharge build
This combination works so well for me as well, I run slightly different traits and skills to you though. I use rocket boots, throw mine and toolkit. As throw mine provides great damage and a 14 second knockback, and rocketboots give you HEAPS of mobility which I find keep me alive very well. However, I didn’t trait into alchemy and instead went with increased mine explosion size, and didn’t grab speedy kits taking gadget cooldown instead
Interesting thing about toss mine…
If you slot gadgeteer, this gives you aegis every time you use your toss mine utility. Since your cooldown for your toss mine is 14.5 seconds, this effectively works exactly like the armor mods trait, except that you also get extra vigor from using rocket boots.
The caveat, of course, is that you need to be actively using your mine to proc the aegis, but it does give you more control over when it pops. Thus you could use it to counter the enemies opener, or use it when you predict a particular attack is coming (unlike armor mods that can easily proc off and block auto-attacks).
But if you find yourself tossing your mine frequently, you might consider using gadgeteer instead of armor mods. Of course, you could always slot both armor mods and gadgeteer if you drop static discharge if you want a particularly defensive configuration.
Hey Zardul, I run a slight modification for my recent static discharge build
This combination works so well for me as well, I run slightly different traits and skills to you though. I use rocket boots, throw mine and toolkit. As throw mine provides great damage and a 14 second knockback, and rocketboots give you HEAPS of mobility which I find keep me alive very well. However, I didn’t trait into alchemy and instead went with increased mine explosion size, and didn’t grab speedy kits taking gadget cooldown instead
Interesting thing about toss mine…
If you slot gadgeteer, this gives you aegis every time you use your toss mine utility. Since your cooldown for your toss mine is 14.5 seconds, this effectively works exactly like the armor mods trait, except that you also get extra vigor from using rocket boots.
The caveat, of course, is that you need to be actively using your mine to proc the aegis, but it does give you more control over when it pops. Thus you could use it to counter the enemies opener, or use it when you predict a particular attack is coming (unlike armor mods that can easily proc off and block auto-attacks).
But if you find yourself tossing your mine frequently, you might consider using gadgeteer instead of armor mods. Of course, you could always slot both armor mods and gadgeteer if you drop static discharge if you want a particularly defensive configuration.
Except that Armor Mods is a Grandmaster, just like Gadgeteer.
Hey Zardul, I run a slight modification for my recent static discharge build
This combination works so well for me as well, I run slightly different traits and skills to you though. I use rocket boots, throw mine and toolkit. As throw mine provides great damage and a 14 second knockback, and rocketboots give you HEAPS of mobility which I find keep me alive very well. However, I didn’t trait into alchemy and instead went with increased mine explosion size, and didn’t grab speedy kits taking gadget cooldown instead
Interesting thing about toss mine…
If you slot gadgeteer, this gives you aegis every time you use your toss mine utility. Since your cooldown for your toss mine is 14.5 seconds, this effectively works exactly like the armor mods trait, except that you also get extra vigor from using rocket boots.
The caveat, of course, is that you need to be actively using your mine to proc the aegis, but it does give you more control over when it pops. Thus you could use it to counter the enemies opener, or use it when you predict a particular attack is coming (unlike armor mods that can easily proc off and block auto-attacks).
But if you find yourself tossing your mine frequently, you might consider using gadgeteer instead of armor mods. Of course, you could always slot both armor mods and gadgeteer if you drop static discharge if you want a particularly defensive configuration.
Except that Armor Mods is a Grandmaster, just like Gadgeteer.
Indeed, for some reason I ended up thinking it was a master trait for some reason. Although my original point still applies, just not the last one.
I have not tested it, but the gadgeteer trait could offer more benefit if you get aegis on both the planting of the mine and the self destruction of it. Similarly to how static discharge works with mine field on the tool belt.
I have not tested it, but the gadgeteer trait could offer more benefit if you get aegis on both the planting of the mine and the self destruction of it. Similarly to how static discharge works with mine field on the tool belt.
Just tested this a moment ago. Unless there’s a hidden ICD, it only activates on Throw Mine.
Since it is a newer trait, the probably made sure to not allow the detonate skill didnt trigger it. Thanks for testing it and letting everyone know though.
Since it is a newer trait, the probably made sure to not allow the detonate skill didnt trigger it. Thanks for testing it and letting everyone know though.
My intuition says they actually never considered the detonation half of the skill, but the way they designed it simply happened to only trigger on the toss and not the detonation.
Oddly enough, this behaviour is not consistent. For turrets, the tool belt skills as well as the turret detonations both trigger something like SD, so it is a bit odd that the minefield wouldn’t proc SD on both deploy and detonation.
Since it is a newer trait, the probably made sure to not allow the detonate skill didnt trigger it. Thanks for testing it and letting everyone know though.
My intuition says they actually never considered the detonation half of the skill, but the way they designed it simply happened to only trigger on the toss and not the detonation.
Oddly enough, this behaviour is not consistent. For turrets, the tool belt skills as well as the turret detonations both trigger something like SD, so it is a bit odd that the minefield wouldn’t proc SD on both deploy and detonation.
It’s actually not that inconsistent. Both act exactly as they say they do.
Text of Static Discharge (according to the wiki):
“Discharge a bolt of lightning whenever you use a tool belt skill.”
Turret Detonation is triggered by using Toolbelt skills – the location of the Detonate Turret skill is, after all, on F1, F2, F3 or F4, and Detonate Turret overrides the Turret Toolbelt skills otherwise available.
Text of Gadgeteer (according to the wiki):
“Gadgets grant additional boons upon use.”
Throw Mine’s Detonate isn’t classified as a Gadget, as opposed to Throw Mine itself. It’s just a sequential effect that can’t be accessed without Throw Mine.
Design-wise, they probably didn’t think about the detonation, but that’s probably because it’s not something that would trigger the trait to begin with, as it’s not Gadget-flagged, just like Speedy Gadgets doesn’t affect Elixirs or Turrets.
Actually I was talking about the mine field and the detonate mine field, which are both tool belt skills. However, both actually do proc SD. Thus I again said something that was completely incorrect, so it should be ignored.
I’m 0/2 in this thread, I think I’ll just quit now before it gets worse XD
i urge everyone to test these Builds.
the offtime defence from riffle and aegis and Endurance is so low that its pretty much complete uptime with blocking and evading attacks.
thank you to everyone who have tweaked and gave ideas of better ways for this build to be more fun.
Alt: lvl 80 Mesmer
Eh, I find I’m not using it enough to really get the aegis up enough. And also using it every 14 1/2 seconds with 1/2 second throw still is still the same as armor mods. I believe that armour mods still works better simply because you don’t have to worry about it and you can save your rocket boots + throw mine for times you need it most for the knockback. But great idea nonetheless! You’re more like 10/1 in my books