

in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


So I quit the game around the time halo 4 came out and have been back for a couple weeks now. I see absolutely NO mention of burst builds that use lightning bolt anymore and I’m wondering if I’m doing something wrong. The build I use in this video is 10/30/0/0/30 and shows pretty much how I like to play in wvw.(I just gank in the jumping puzzle a lot – yeah I’m a total jerk).

I’m wondering if there is a better mobile build I can be using. Currently I am using 10/30/0/0/30(http://gw2skills.net/editor/?fcQQFAUl0p6ZX7SyF17IxoHkuzbG0D9638+pAbB;TcAKkMIJQyikDJJSjCA).

I’m also running a full berserker’s set with ogre runes. (HURRDURR I LIKE BIG NUMBERS). I’m running this because I like to kill one person as quickly as possible and run away.

What I’m looking for are suggestions on the build.
I’m willing to sacrifice a small amount of power if I stand to gain a lot of survivability.

TL:DR – Critique my build for high-mobility solo jumping puzzle pvp ^^


in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


I had probaly made this trait build:

for what you want to do! Gonna be a pain to hit with the bombs without forcefull explosion! also you should pick up Superior Sigil og Fire, and stop using Superior runes of the Ogre, and just take Ruby Orbs (give a better overall stat gain = more damage)

Beside that, Rifle Turret’s and it’s Suprise Shot got buffed last patch, so it’s quite good in a SD build now as well!


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


hmm…can’t follow your link but rifle turret is what I used to use – double lightning bolt from turret explode + surprise shot is pretty awesome…
and yeah bombs would be tough to hit with but they do SO much damage…
I started using them in fractals and my bombs crit for 3300 and hit for 1400 and has a 1/2 second cast time
for comparison my rifle crits for 2200 and hits for 1200 and has a 3/4 second cast time…It just makes me feel I’m playing wrong.

Also if i just payed 9 gold for ogre runes and I need ruby orbs I’m going to cry lol


in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


Hehe you can never follow links on the forums, it allways bugs, you need to copy the link and put it into your browser!

Well I do agree Bombs rock, but that’s why I would swap Incendiary Powder out with Forcefull Explosion, will really make it a lot easier for you to hit with them :P On the other hand I think Stastic Discharge have targeting issues when using Big Old’ Bomb? Haven’t tested it for some time, but It used to at least

Also you can start crying, Ruby Orbs is better !

edit: Ogre gives you:
165 Power, 3% Crit damage and 4% damage
Ruby Orb gives you:
120 Power, 12% Crit Damage and 84 Precision!

(edited by Amadeus.5687)


in Engineer

Posted by: Skewjo.9243


that 45 power seems nice…and the 4% damage is constant for 9 % that is only crit damage… also – rock dog! He’s hitting for around 580 atm…

also does forceful explosion affect your bomb "auto"attack? it doesn’t seem like it does..

(edited by Skewjo.9243)


in Engineer

Posted by: Amadeus.5687


From a pure damage scale the Warrior forums calculated some time ago that you overall will deal more damage with the Ruby Orb (also with your gear setup and amount of Fury you should be perma critting xD)

Yeah it affect the Auto Attack as well! It’s just harder to see it, because the animation don’t appear “Bigger”